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why didn't steve downs get custody

April 02, 2023

I dont understand how the family court managed to isolate 2 severely traumatized and grievously injured children from their entire family. Someone said to me that any of us, if scrutinized under a microscope, would come out looking pretty bad. Diane may very well be guilty, but YIKES this investigation and trial seemed so butchered and tilted in the prosecutions favour. Wasnt it speculative on their part? Some 287 errors and falsehoods were documented by Liysa and verified by official sources. I agree on many points with your comment. If I feel that due process was violated, I will go there anyway. May be the guy who says he did it. My website is in the process of being migrated so it has no photos. I dont know the woman. Diane was instructed to reenact her response to the attacker who murdered her daughter. 3. Back to DD, I think she suffered some kind of mental breakdown, her account of the facts was never reliable, all the case appears murky, which points to an incompetent handling of the situation by the police and justice system. The kids were shorted-changed. It should be illegal to use real names and facts from a criminal case while influencing the publicto falselybelieve that the whole content of the filmis true. Thank you Lise. Without her daughters testimony and the lies about the gun, they could not have found her guilty in a fair trial. (Appendix 3). If the adult can show capacity and willingness to provide care, love and nurturing to the children, then there is no legal reason to prevent them from becoming Foster Carers. On May 19, 1983, Diane and her kids visited a friend to look at her new horse, and then went for a drive; not at all unusual for this family not living according to middle class rules. And some are even contradictory: shes mentally ill, but also not mentally ill; the site owner wants to focus on pure facts, yet ignore other facts; things happened in court, but those are irrelevant to what else what also happened in court, etc. If you shoot at least 6 inches from a victim, you see what is around you in the car. She'd also shot herself in the forearm. This is a scenario pretty hard to believe, but as they say, reality can sometimes be stranger than fiction. Let me tell you, it wasnt just the investigators and the prosecution that didnt believe herwe, Oregonians, (who ACTUALLY live here and watched what was happening) believe she is guilty. The whole blog claims the trial was flawed. The photo of Hugi I used is the one you find when you do a search online for Fred Hugi who prosecuted Diane Downs. Diane was found guilty and sentenced to life and she has been in prison ever since. The gun presented at trial being the wrong one is a fact. You say she made more of a fuss about her arm than about the injuries her children sustained. // Prison-happy U.S. must reconsider use of mercy; Carol S. Steiker, professor at Harvard Law School, Sep. 10, 2008 , // US Prison Population Soars to 2.3Mln People at Annual Cost of $7Bln The US prison population has soared to 2.3 million people costing the government more than $7 billion per year. It's February 28, 2023, and Luke Schenn was just traded to the . A fact strongly denied by Diane and by the nurses reports. Diane Downs was convicted because she didn't appear "sorry enough" during her TV appearances. I am not one sided. Foote refused 30 to 50 reports by detectives of sightings or leads about the shooter but admitted reports from people in Arizona willing to badmouth Diane. It is in the blog. But there is forensic evidence pointing to Diane Downs. Rule even talked about writing a book about her but it never materialized. A fair trial is a right in this country, not a judicial suggestion. Halo 4. 1. More often than not, Christie was interviewed by State Agents (Paula Krogdahl, Paul Alton, Steve Downs and Dick Tracy) within half an hour of having her Dilantin increased. Yes, Im sure this stranger wanted to kill her kids but only wound her, who, coincidentally, had a towel handy neatly folded on her wound. But you are right to say that it is my site. I would like to see her released because I do not believe in life without parole for any inmate with no priors who had a good conduct while incarcerated. Years later, seven witnesses signed affidavits telling of a man named Jim Haynes continuing confessionthat he wasthe shooter, and his appearance boresimilarities to the sketch. She unwillingly followed the cops in spite of being in pain and not wanting to leave the premises. No other shooter involved in her case. That she had no blood or gun powder anywhere when she allegedly shot at close range? This reminds me of what a jail counselor named Rachel Roth said at the trial of Debra Milke Its my opinion that this young woman has been judged in a way that signifies something to do with how we view women in our society. Nuts maybe, but not threatening. Either way, it appears to be a conflict of interest. It deserved as much attention as a Unicorn, a song or all the other hearsay floating around because at least, they came from real people signing official documents. that you told Diane to tell steve that she was Knicks I would like to raise the numerous issues with this blog. Five doctors have observed and documented this phenomenon. Problem with that is Diane has said during an interview with detectives that the sketch looks nothing like what she described. Her children deserved the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And he was found not guilty because his defense team played the race card in an area of LA where they did not trust the police and discussed EDTA and DNA ad nauseam to confuse the jurors. They lied about the ballistics. I think DD is guilty, but I also think her trial was far from due process, and that is the important issue. Diane was just 18 years old but determined to get married. For example, the abhorrent decision regarding Keli Lane: Nobody near to help. It is not because a defendant is found guilty or disliked that it is acceptable to bend the rules. He then left !his second wife, Charlene, to cohabitate with (and propose marriage to) Diane. There are no facts? For the upcoming Halo TV show, original Master Chief voice actor Steve Downes was recast, despite Cortana voice actor Jen Taylor reprising her role from the iconic video game franchise. She was in solitary confinement for years and even escaped from prison once but was recaptured. The circumstances surrounding the crimes against these innocent children demand to be used as evidence.. My comment to you Lise is about your reply to a previous comment where you say Diane should have been released by now regardless of her statements. She never mentioned that before, and she doesnt mention the FBI agents name. But without proof, Diane couldnt implicate Steve Downs any more than she could shoot him as he violated a restraining order threatening to beat her AGAIN. Thats the point. She always seems to have not a very close contact with reality. , The lovely Farrah Fawcett who played in the movie, Anne Rule might have inflamed the case with her book, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), The Diane Downs Case Was no Small Sacrifice. It was pitch black outside. Brewer changed his mind. The circumstances surrounding the case were not enough to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The GSR? But Diane couldnt do that. (I know that wasnt brought up this time but it usually is.) Even put in different hospitals. Also, the title of the website clearly demonstrates an inherit bias. Steve made some piss poor choices when he had visitation with the kids after the shooting; he permitted them to go off alone with Dianne, when she was not supposed to have had any contact at all with the children. It is not a hatefest and I do not wish death or life without parole on anyone. In Rules book, Diane is portrayed as a horrible selfish mother but her family and friends saw another version; she lovedher childrendearly and worked hard to be a good provider. During closing arguments, Fred Hugi said that the murder weapon used by Diane was a Ruger, and the state had the model number and the bill of sale. These are no facts its partial truths and conjecture. On May 30, 1983, the McKenzie-Willamette Hospital Chaplain told Dianes father to hire an attorney because the State was going to take his grandchildren away. But there were discrepancies; the tool marks did not matchand the detective lied on the stand about it. I do not believe that this type of abuse would occur today. Even more now with hindsight because of the gun and the fact that her daughter kind of recanted by demonstrating that if pushed, she will say what is expected of her. And Im really not on the fence the little girl was coachedI believe the ex husband , his freinds, and her lovers were invalid either way. But Diane was not the one dragging Knick out of Charlenes bed every morning intent on making or breaking his relationship with another woman. Would you know at what speed you are going if you were shot and driving with wounded children in the car? One should also wonder why their biological father who was so eager to bash his ex on the stand was not given custody, and did not stay in contact with his two remaining children. It took months to get Christie to say that her mother was the culprit and that is when they arrested Diane. They played the tape in the courtroom, and the fact that Diane did not break down but tapped her foot to the music, was supposed to be another proof of her guilt. I lived in Eugene, Oregon for years. Most were married because Diane had no desire to remarry. The detectives and the state failed to act properly and it should not be an accepted practice. I hope she is granted parole. She has done her time in prison and I hope that she gets the chance to get out and spend time with her mother and siblings. You paint a picture that is actually inaccurate and misleading. It surely was not due process. Hugi got the evidence needed to convict after numerous meetings with Christie. This is to avoid the conflict of interest that we read about above. The court can just do an APR, Assignment of Parental Rights. It has nothing to do with the facts of the case. I will change it. During cross-examination, she said that she witnessed the murders while sitting up and that Cheryl was sitting up on the front seat when she got shot. Then feel free to correct the facts and to provide evidence to support them. It appeared rigged and the fact that Ann Rule sat in the courtroom ready to produce a Masterpiece of Guilt could only help the prosecution. Too bad she did not interview Diane or her family. Or that they are not even curious about it. It does not contradict what I said, but what they said. Id like to challenge some of the bloggers claims. The way this investigation and the trial were conducted only left me with doubts. If he was getting too close to the witness emotionally he should have stepped away from the case. To Lori Whats wrong with the system is whats wrong with us. And she should be allowed parole! Nearly every point you make here was addressed and disproved or not even allowed into evidence. Im not arguing the facts of the trial, and Im not about to. Yet in their mind, she was already guilty. Having recently done research on the Liysa Northons case which was the subject of a book written by Ann Rule titled Heart Full of Lies,I came across some very interesting information about the Diane Downs case because Rule attended the trial and also wrote a book about the case called Small Sacrifices. In this article, we can clearly see that Becky struggled and tried to justify her woes (maybe rightly so) by blaming it on her DNA. People can have a certain vibe and act out of the norms, but it does not make them necessarily guilty. What they did to her daughter is unconscionable. I saw footage of Diane herself laughing during the re-enactment of the crime. And Hugi seemed pretty sure he would get what he was asking for. The fact that she was driving five miles per hour to the hospital says it all as a mother myself, I dont care how hurt or mentally damaged I was, I would drive that car 100 MPH to get my children to safety. This article is about due process and the legal right to a fair trial for everyone. Lets not take that lightly. Its tiresome. The timing of her arrival at the hospital should have been discussed and explained in more details. I might not have put enough information to your liking, but I stuck to what came out at trial and not the fantasy factory coming from the state, the media and Rule. It seems that everyone commenting just knows shes guilty, like you say. One of the more bizarre scenes in this farce of an investigation was about to unfold. Do you remember it would have been around say November 19th of 82 that you would have left Charlene at one time? LMFAO!!!! I would say so. I feel sorry for Diane too. I always welcome new information, evidence and opinions if they have a strong base and are not mean spirited, but I dont get the relevance of this comment to the case itself. Lack of blood spatter is not evidence of innocence Especially when a shooter is leaning in and shooting into a box (car) while standing outside. I think she was the only one there that night with her children. Anne Rule made a big deal of a brass unicorn engraved with the childrens names that Diane had purchased. Diane changed her story about the stranger on the road. The judge who took away her children presided over her criminal trial. Surprisingly, he accepted the new child and learned to love him dearly. They made her out to be a monster, but in Beckys case, it becomes redeemable. Mind you, it is before the trial. She was not given one inch of presumption of innocence. Ms. Downs makes every effort to avoid emotional stimuli in order to reduce the demands made on her. How.. they attacked him. Maher also didn't specify that two of three authors weren't even from Johns Hopkins University: Jonas Herby, MS, whom the working paper described as a special advisor at Center for Political . But in the case of DD, there were a lot of elements missing. The underlying basis of this article. I have simply bothered researching the evidence and in some instances, the lack of it. Any thoughts on how the detectives basically made up their mind right away in spite of numerous tips coming in? There were a few calls and on one occasion, The most frequent remarks I hear about the case when confronted by the state misconduct and the lack of evidence are gut feelings , So the hell with no gun, no GSR, no blood and no witnesses except a sick child who denied knowing who shot them until she could not anymore and happened to be adopted by the prosecutor; making it look like she could never change her mind and reveal that she has no memory of the shooting and maybe have the case reversed. Seems like she was her worst enemy. The best policy for Diane Downs would have been to remain silent, but she fought back and smiled at the wrong time and according to them, enjoyed the attention. Her lover and former husband testified against her but it did not represent evidence but character assassination. Hey Jace, I was not going to post your insulting comments but I decided to let the last sentence fly so that I could answer it. The states own witness, Dr. George Suckow and Dr. Polly Jamison denounced Prosecutor Hugis practice as improper and unethical (Appendix 101 and 104). If Diane was bipolar, the non-stop chatter would have been inherent to the situation: bipolar wasnt a diagnosable condition at the time of her first trial. During Dianes examination at trial, Fred Hugi said in front of the jury, in the form of a question, that she had been diagnosed as a deviant sociopath.. In the spring of 1986, Christie confided to school mates that shed been coerced to lie in court, to implicate her mother (Appendix 1-2). I agree. Of course. Q. This video of Jagger absolutely looks like the photo that you find on search engines for Fred Hugi. In case you did not read the blog: During Dianes examination at trial, Fred Hugi said in front of the jury, in the form of a question, that she had been diagnosed as a deviant sociopath. No. If it was not such a high profile case, Diane Downs would have been paroled a long time ago: speculative, Ill stop there. Diane said that Cheryl was laying down on the front floorboard with the passenger seat pushed back. Also Im curious as to how you feel her repeated escape attempts should affect her deserving to be on parole. Mainly because she is being kept caged due to her name recognition at this point, not her offense. A long long time ago. The very suspicious aspect of this ballistic saga is that Hugi said they had the bill of sale and serial number for the first Ruger and it was definitely the murder weapon. If thats what you want then dont pretend its anything but. It probably was not salacious enough for her readers that she polled online to establish if there was enough interest in the story to fill her pockets with a definite blockbuster. And thats fair enough. I write about cases where due process is in question and important aspects were ignored or twisted. Too bad it triggered you, maybe try to stay away from sites that might not go along with the mob mentality and usual media narrative. I simply state facts that did not or would not come out at the time or blatant misconduct from a legal system that is supposed to be based on innocent until proven guilty. According to Oregon law, this would have to be supported by a psychiatrists report or a Wardens letter and Diane provided both. ?.the fact you are ignoring something SO OBVIOUS is a red flag. And he grew up there. Click to listen to podcast explaining the gun test, Dianes mental condition and the lack of forensic evidence. 17:40, 1 MAR 2023. She could not have been shot twice in the back while sitting up and have the bullet pierce her body to end up under the floorboard of the passenger side. She felt fulfilled when she was pregnant because she believedit was the road to unconditional love. You are not the only one who thinks she is guilty and I know that getting their man at all cost is a popular mantra, but I disagree. And how the letters became so bizarre, paranoid and psychotic that she told Diane to stop writing her. What?? Saying that I seem to be doing what I accuse Ann Rule of doing is kind of ironic because the point of this blog is to try to stay away from innuendo and fantasies like unicorns and songs that might have been playing or not during a tragic murder. She has come a long way. Diane downs. Her trial was speculative and based on so many fallacies. She wrote to the governor several times after being dismissed coldly by Hugi and the system. It was the story of two troubled young souls trying to survive without a safety net. Facts of the case of DD, there were a lot of elements missing this of! February 28, 2023, and Luke Schenn was just traded to attacker. Represent evidence but character assassination Cheryl was laying down on the front floorboard the... Determined to get married and disproved or not even curious about it,. 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