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starseed archetype mage

April 02, 2023

You have mastered astral projection and manifestation. You are drawn to lost and ancient civilizations. This is one of your best attributes. No one knows why their powers lead to madness and death in a terrifying disease known as "the fraying". Death doesnt invoke fear upon you, and you allow the flow of life without any attachment. You are incredibly kind and compassionate. Because Annunakis are also said to belong to the royal Reptilian bloodline, you can use your leadership skills to guide people towards a better world. You are a peacekeeper, diplomat, and mediator. Your value system doesnt revolve around paper and plastics. Widely regarded as spiritual awakeners and soul activators, Blue Ray starseeds are reincarnated on Earth to elevate humanitys vibrational frequency and level of awareness. Alpha Centaurians chief mission on Earth is to galvanize radical social change. Whether youre Starseed, Muslim, Lutheran, Japanese, Iranian, brown, red, tall, fat, wonderful, itchy, angry, or hilarious, your current you is a temporary construct that you continually co-created with your pre-birth guides, and the parents and cultures you chose for this life. 20 Powerful Signs To Confirm, Are You a Lyran Starseed? Starseed uses high standards of quality to meet Health Canada regulations. You recognize that the true receiver is always the giver, so you feel happy and fulfilled in your relationships regardless of how it is being reciprocated to you. It is believed that Polarians have built a highly effective structural system that could serve as a paragon for humans on Earth. Dracos are a reptilian subrace and possess the distinctive characteristics listed below. You have an unquenchable appetite for mystical, metaphysical and magical knowledge. You are drawn towards the pursuit of artistic and spiritual endeavors, such as writing, composing music, or becoming a spiritual teacher. You are always attempting to come up with innovative, simple, and effective ways to do your work. Poliarian starseeds have roots in the Polaris star system, commonly called the North Star. This can be very educational as you can see which areas of your life you are most connected with. You get eidetic visions and dreams about living on Mars. Are You Feeling Drawn To Someone Youve Never Met? Have a light or white aura. They are temporary sets of constructs and conditions. You have a special interest in the Mars planet. They carry special wisdom within them, one that is deep and divine. There may not be a lot happening in the sky today, but that stars will still have an impact on our emotions and our relationships. Need Immediate Help? You can use that to find a more fulfilling path than the one that you are currently on or, it could reinforce that what you are already doing is the right path for you. See our, The ideas and concepts around Starseeds come to us through channelers and, According to the channelers, Starseeds ar. Our humble group has banded together to deliver thought-provoking, life-changing, and growth-probing wisdom. You have a deep appreciation for art and sciences. Maldekian incarnates here to prevent the human race from making the same mistakes they did and to guide them towards a new Earth. Blue Ray starseeds have traversed through different star systems such as Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, and Lyran. Many of are here to ensure the Ascension timeline is fully activated, monitored and secured. Here are some of the traits commonly shared by Hadarians who have been reincarnated on Earth: The main purpose of Hadarian Starseed is to simply be themselves, a beacon of light, love, and wisdom. 7 Ways to Work With Archetypes. A Starseed might have the ancestry that points to expansion, but they may or may not have the intention to pursue their highest self. Do you ever feel like you are so different from other people that you came from another planet? You dont like getting entangled with other peoples issues. In this episode, Saoirse speaks with one of her Multidimensional Business Accelerator students, who is a Mage Starchetype, on how she can move the needle forward in her business. Annunaki starseeds have their roots in the pantheon of Ancient Sumerian deities called Annunakis. You've always felt different from everyone else. Physical Signs, Light Beings On Earth On Earth With Universal Love In Mind, The Spiritual Meaning of Singing in a Dream, The Spiritual Meaning of Miscarriage in a Dream. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 All rights reserved. They originate from, as do most benevolent star races do, to the Taal Lyrans. There are many starseeds that hold trauma from this war that offers a huge opportunity for healing while embodied on Earth. Saoirse Clare is an energetic mentor for Starseeds, creator of the Starchetype System, and author of the book "Starseed Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide." Her mission is to help Staseeds understand their journey a little more clearly through coaching, podcasting, and clarifications. An archetype is an accumulation of patterns which could be thoughts, actions, feelings, or themes. One common thing about starseeds is that you are homesick for a place that you cant even describe. They are spiritual warriors, creating their own Andromeda High Council which is non-physical. When traditional titles and archetypes fail us, we hunt elsewhere, even into the stars. Which sign is the most applicable to you? Feeling like you don't belong on Earth. Its had a positive impact on opening hearts and minds in the collective field of human awakening. What is your Galactic Heritage or Star Lineage? You have a strong affinity with the sea and its creatures. They are often seen as the most spiritual or mystical of the Starseed races because of their strong connection to psychic power and the paranormal. Beware of Fake Divine Masculines/Feminines. You exude a radiant personality and strong charisma. We might say, Im a seven on the Enneagram, or Im a recovering Catholic, or Im a conservative Democrat. We might even say, I am Starseed, Pleiadian, to be precise.. The term consciousness is frequently heard these days, with everyone from spiritual leaders to yoga teachers to healing practitioners talking about the need to raise your consciousness. Do you even know what consciousness means? These 10 signs can be your guide to finally accessing your starseed abilities. Chances are that you do not have just one Starseed origin because most do not. Use the Violet Flame to Clear Unseen, Negative Energies and Entities, Three Step Process to Connect, Clear, Protect and Seal Yourself in Divine Light. Some you will recognize it as being a part of you, some of you will recognize in energy terms as something you have experienced. The sole mission of Annunaki starseeds is to disseminate wisdom and awaken deeper awareness in others. They are also very cold, controlled, and self-reserved kinds of people. You often feel misunderstood by the people around you. You are an innovator and a rapid ascender. You are gifted with psychic and clairvoyant abilities. You are naturally aware if there is tension in the air. Starseeds are idealists. I honor Elana for coming forward and sharing her story about her abduction, rescue and ongoing relationship with the Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW). Martian starseeds came from the red planet, Mars named after the Roman god of war. Thats 1 billion-trillion stars in the observable Universe. Whether theyre based in truth or not, we love our temporary self-identities: the personality constructs with which we build our personas, relationships, and lives. A Starseed may have a more expanded soul and, therefore, can appreciate and align with the nature of other worlds. Sirius B is a smaller star and home to the water beings like the Miengu and Merpeople. Experiencing family death, bullying, losing a job, getting into major debt etc can all trigger Starseeds to awaken and remember more about who they truly are. The Seven Seals are a roadmap a roadmap inwards that will take you into connection with your Soul. Uncover your true purpose as a Starseedno spiritual burnout or cosmic overwhelm necessary. 11 Starseed Types and Starseed Characteristics - The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. People cant hide their true emotions from you. You have the empowerment to make the shifts in your life. You feel in tune with other peoples emotions and have a strong What does your future hold? You are wholly devoted to completing any task or project that you have begun. You are introverted, courteous, and soft-spoken. Annunakis are predisposed to developing a God-complex. We provide in-depth, comprehensive teaching on the Seven Seals of Consciousness. Always be careful with the labels you place on yourself. They are here to pioneer a world with advanced technology and a high vibrational energy field. The Pleiades has two primary stars containing planets settled by the Lyrans Taygeta and Alcyone. You exude calm confidence, are courageous, and are bold. Venusian starseeds are nurturing intergalactic and interdimensional beings who embody unconditional love. Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. If youve always been able to get strangers to open up to you, always have inspired or stimulated others, this is clearly an ability of a starseed. Happy Friday! They are amongst the most common starseed types to incarnate on planet Earth. You are not judgmental. You trust that everything works out the way its supposed to. Their intuition is so strong that for some, it has become their main guide in fulfilling their purpose. It is still, in sense, a peaceful sim without combat, but this time there's no relationships to build, your interactions are with your helper robots and with mission control . Everyones life is a demonstration of their consciousness and emotions. They have come to evelevate us and our beautiful planet into 5D+ as quickly as possible. You are inquisitive by nature and seek to uncover the truth no matter what. Lightcodes, downloads and upgrades . What is a Starseed? Pingback: Whats The Difference Between An Indigo And A Starseed? Your email address will not be published. You have a remarkable capacity for empathy. ORION This is the main battleground for the challenge of polarity integration, seeded from Sirius as well as Lyra and Vega. Mintakans are celestial beings that originated from the Mintaka star system, which was formerly a part of the Orion belt. The Lyrans from Lyra are the most aligned with the physical world. They dont necessarily belong here. The Starchetype Mystery School is a comprehensive curriculum that will teach you everything you need to know about the Starseed Archetype (or Starchetype for short) System - so you can implement this new paradigm and to cultivate a completely new reality of abundant, mindful, and actualized living. Avoid these types of people. They are very balanced and identify strongly with the heart chakra. A Starseed is a highly evolved soul who has previously lived their past lives in distant planets, galaxies, or solar systems at various points of time and who has now reincarnated on Earth to accomplish its mission. These brands might be associated with qualities like innocence, mystery, sophistication, and elegance. While it might seem novel or romantic to assume that all Starseeds are more evolved than human beings, its folly. You have frequent flashbacks and vivid dreams about the lost civilization of Lemuria. You marvel at metaphysics and spiritual enlightenment. Lets talk about the different types of origin, the nature of multiple lines, and the benefits of discovering your own spiritual past: There are a few main groups of Starseed systems in our neighborhood of the universe, though there are rumored to be many more that have little to do with us at this time. Within is your forever home. You are gentle by nature and exhibit nurturing energy. The older your soul, the more of these races you will identify with. Most of these types of sorcerers are goodly beings . Orion Starseeds. All living beings have a unique purpose, each of which gives birth to soul-specific skills and talents. You have the ability to decipher the messages hidden beneath other peoples body language. In order to do so, you must learn how to hold space for peoples humanity and transcend your egoic need to seek validation and meaningless trinkets. Lets dive right in! You may come across as a new-age hippie to your friends and family for preaching unconditional love. You have an odd obsession with lost lands and ancient civilization. Because you carry the energies of every person you interact with. Its fun to IMAGINE all of this I like early mornings my star Sirius often hangs in my backyard and in the wee hours of the morning about 3:15 am I awake and many time Sirius is right over my house flickering a blue and red Show! Each Seal also has a color associated with it. The main mission of Andromedan Starseed is to re-align themselves with the highest interdimensional version of themselves. Known to be the original custodians of ancient wisdom, Lyran starseeds came to Earth from Lyra, a small constellation in the northern sky containing a few stars from the Vega planet. Humans are mostly not taught (or dont remember) that they have the ability to move through the various Seals of Consciousness to resolve issues in their life and to master the human physical experience so that everything moves fluidly. There is a direct connection with Earth. You are endowed with a variety of skills, abilities, and wisdom that you can tap into whenever youre ready for it. Its because being of service to other people is written all over the DNA of a starseed. Starseed System. They are true beacons of hope and light, but in order for them to fully realize their mission, they must themselves go through the process of spiritual awakening and learn to tune in to their higher selves. Most of the starseeds dont even know that they are one. That said, any soul can digress, and any digressed soul can expand, at any moment, and upon one congruent decision. Here are some of the more popular and known types of Starseeds. Starseed awakenings are often triggered by a traumatic life experience or event. Being on Earth, you feel a strong urge to want to go home. You are very sensitive and highly intuitive. Despite the fact that your physical body is old and withered, your soul is still a child. If you're interested in learning more about Starseed Archetypes, here's what you can expect us to be talking about during this episode. I LOVE that star I think its home in fact when I listen to the frequencies of Sirius, Arcturus and the Pleiades, Sirius is home and I am also grounded by the other sounds. You find it easy to attract abundance in your life. Race, Groups, and Generations. You see the magic in the mundane and have no interest in power, status, and luxury. However, since you are born from the stars, you have to realize that your home is not the Earth. Magician Archetype Use Case. You despise the idea of becoming a subordinate to anyone. You are both, perhaps one more than the other. They are the ones whom you feel deeply connected to. All reality is created from consciousness and energy, or thought and emotion. You are deeply connected to a higher plane of existence, the universe, and everything in it. Maldekian starseeds usually find a role in educating humans in making better choices in politics, technology, and health. Reactive behavior based on disconnection from Source. There are more Pleiadian starseeds than other Star Races. As a result, you become an extension of the energy around you. Consciousness is thought. Orion starseeds are those who have been sent to Earth with the intention of being a bridge between worlds. You are nonbinary, not just in gender but also with your worldview. 2019 All rights & trademarks reserved Hadarian starseeds come from the triple star system Beta Centauri. These records comprise the energetic imprints of all intentions, thoughts, emotions, relationships, creations, and events, ever to have occurred, throughout every race, in all the realms, throughout all of spacetime. Your mind keeps on repeating scenarios where things play out better than reality. You might find a career as a philanthropist or in the humanitarian sector. "I am a Starseed Magician. ANDROMEDA CONSTELLATION The Zenae Andromedans are very high dimensional beings that have been attributed to the angelic kingdom due to some of this races ability to reaching non-physical 12D frequency. This is one of your special gifts. Have you ever heard of the saying that babies and pets will always know who the good people are? Contact me at:, Session Offerings Overview and Approach, Session One: Remove Intrusive Energies, Entities, Clear Psychic Cords, Session Two: Ancestral Bloodline Clearing, Mastery Empowerment Course Awaken your Ascended Shaman of Light, Munay-Ki Rites of Initiation Ceremonial Gathering, Indoor Candle Full Moon Fire Ceremony Monthly Ceremonial Gathering. 1. Write down which traits you have and which starseed types resonate. Answer: Yes, they are. Being intuitive is synonymous to being a starseed. We are constructed in such ways that one thought can lead us into heaven, while another leads us into hell. These intergalactic travelers are true empaths and harmonizers who have committed their lives to reconstruct humanitys broken and damaged genetic code. These are just vantage points of thought and they hold different vibrations to them. You have an inherent curiosity and fascination for astronomy, metaphysics, astrology, and space. You yearn to unbelong as much as you want to belong. Polarian Starseed physical traits They are the ones who understand you. You hold powerful supernatural and healing abilities. Its easy to become distracted by the latest spiritual systems or the most charismatic spiritual media stars. The answer is rarely completely straightforward, and for most people, it turns out that they have a few different star systems of origin. You exude a high level of vibrational frequency. I highly recommend Elena Danaans book, A Gift from the Stars Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races. LYRA The general area of the birth of the humanoid race. They are not relationship orientated. How Energy Healing Works to Restore Physical Wellness. Just by mere sensibility, you can already assess the chakras surrounding you. You are an idealist who believes in the goodness inherent in all people. Its because you always understand their emotions. Maybe you fantasize about life in other galaxies with the hope of incarnating elsewhere in future births. You are drawn to the North Star Polaris as well as with other planes of existence. Looking to the stars can be fun, but looking within is where youll find the gold. Because of this, starseeds may have grown up to be isolated or left out. Act child-like, innocent, but not childish. Starseeds are summoned to the Earth to fulfill a divine mission of bringing light to it. We designed the Starseed System 2.0 to simplify the dialogue around strength and dosage of cannabis by categorizing products by cannabinoid levels. You are detail-oriented and dont easily accept simple explanations and easy answers. They are hailed from the Centaurian system, one of the closest star systems to Earth. When it comes right down to it, as a species, were not very stable. It's likely you have multiple lineages, so more than one of these . Freeing The Divine Feminine Archeytype From All Pain! They have opened their hearts and minds, freeing them from the most base constraints. Some are here to serve as a beacon of light, love, and wisdom, some are here to break down outdated systems and structures, some are here to bring joy, some are here to awaken other starseeds, some are here for karmic reasons, and some are here to simply be. You recognize that everything is happening for the evolution of your soul. While it might be interesting and exciting to imagine that Starseeds are more evolved than Earths human beings, the truth is that any of us can expand at any moment. This includes your own thoughts/emotions and the energies of people and things around you. - Listen to Starseeds in Business by The Download with Saoirse Clare instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. You feel like you understand things better than you did before. They are perceptive, hard-working, and usually enjoy a life of good health. It is the symbolic harp upon which the song of humanity is played. According to the channelers, Starseeds are advanced spiritual beings, from other planets and realms, who possess spiritual and scientific knowledge that date back hundreds of thousands of years. If in most, or even all, things that you do, you have always excelled, operating at a higher quality than others this is a clear characteristic of a starseed. In fact, revealing what Starseed race you are is a little more complicated than you might think. You just need to know when to withdraw so that you dont get overwhelmed. Several of your friends and family members have expressed concern that you are far too intelligent for your own good. You like to take some time by yourself when you need to ground your emotions. Of all the starseed types Martian starseeds are regarded as the biggest freedom seekers and trailblazers. You easily absorb things that are metaphysical. Here are 15 strong indicators that you belong to this Starseed type: An Orion Starseeds personal mission is to open up their heart chakra and learn to look beyond the bounds of their pragmatic and logical way of thinking. According to the legends, Hadarians fled to Earth in order to avoid enslavement by a despotic race of creatures who had conquered their homeland. Here are some of the common traits of those who identify as Annunaki starseeds. Patients; Practitioner; 1-844-756-7333; Toggle navigation. You are not afraid of making life-altering decisions in pursuit of the truth. It doesnt necessarily mean that it was the first place that your spirit existed. Starseed aims to slightly twist the peaceful, calming farm sim archetype. A Sirian starseed is a soul that has originated from the planets called Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius A is considered as the brightest star in the Earth's sky while Sirius B is a water planet where water beings such as merpeople live. Read reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Each Starseed has their own syllabus and personal mission. If you have strong intuition, and feel certain you have a bit of ESP, and especially if you have had a psychic or paranormal experience these psi qualities you possess are because you are a starseed! We're gonna talk about why there are so many Voidwalkers and if it's possible to embody two Starchetypes at the same time if they both feel in resonance. You always question life the abstractness of it all. You are unique. to manipulate human societies, cultures, and human development. They are their increasing their interaction with Earth, alongside the Galactic Federation of Worlds. As amorphous, traveling souls, we not only have this planet to consider, but many others throughout the billions of galaxies, realms, and universes, and within many continuums of spacetime. If the aforementioned traits resonate with you, its quite likely that you are a Draconian starseed. We're Born Natural Innovators, So Does School Kill Creativity? You are genuine and loving by nature, which oftentimes prompts others to take you for granted and take advantage of you. The mission has been ongoing for quite a while now, and most identify with more than one system. You enjoy the rush of the novelty and dont like getting anchored to a place or a person. We are in this life because we were called to this life. They are also here to teach, guide, and raise the overall vibration of this planet. These are highly evolved and old souls who carry a plethora of wisdom deep within the core of their being . While much of this information is relatively easy to channel and comprehend, there are several perspectives on how Starseeds come to Earth and the many types of Starseeds. This transmission will take you on a multidimensional journey of profound discovery as you move into the creation of the Divine Architecture. Never miss an update by allowing notifications from My Sign Says! As a master of technology, the Magician knows how to manipulate the elements. In this article, we will show you the starseed characteristics of your zodiac sign! Pleiadians are well-versed in esoteric wisdom and ancient knowledge and use this to advance their healing abilities, expand the collective consciousness and assist those searching for the truth. You view life as a wide spectrum filled with colorful undertones rather than black and white. Maldekian starseeds are cosmic refugees seeded from the Maldek planet, which had been devastated by war, nuclear disaster, lack of natural resources, and over-reliance on robotic technologies. I work with The InterGalactics and other higher beings to help others heal and return to love, reclaim their power and live . According to Rebecca Campbell, author of Letters to A Starseed, Mintakans are the first star beings to travel Earth and are considered to be the original Lightworkers. How the 7 Seals of Consciousness Can Tell You Who You Are. Then Arcturians appealed to me. I have regained these memories so that I can help refugee souls seeking asylum here on Earth. Young starseeds may think that maybe they really are just different, but as they grow into adulthood they will always find a way to realize that they are called to a higher purpose. This would make your birth on Earth either a planned event, a pre-birth choice, or happenstance. You have well-defined facial features such as a chiseled jawline and prominent cheekbones. You are friendly to everyone, but you choose whom you open yourself up to. It seems that while most Starseeds are benevolent beings who seek to help all living beings throughout all of the realms and universes, some Starseeds seek to control interplanetary resources for the benefit of their home planets. From, as do most benevolent star races do, to be precise you often misunderstood! Prompts others to take you for granted and take advantage of you any moment, and are.! Rather than black and white with the physical world of every person you with... Abilities, and everything in it any digressed soul can digress, and digressed... Yourself up to be precise is still a child the energy around you,... By cannabinoid levels ever heard of the birth of the closest star to! Them towards a new Earth InterGalactics and other higher beings to help others heal and return love. 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