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slate advice column care and feeding

April 02, 2023

A collection of ask Amy, dear Abby & similar style letters/ advice columns. The Backstory Will Give You Pause. Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. Secondly, I know you let her stay with you because youre a nice guy, but she clearly didnt abide by the rules you set forth, and you still allowed her to crash rent-free. My adult daughter (25) and her husband (27) are not thriving. First, congratulations on welcoming your third child, who is obviously very loved by her parents and, Im sure, her older siblings. I know you love my kids, but I cant have them live with the fear I had all of my life around you. No matter what, dont let this slide. Im not saying that loving people dont have faults, but Ill also say that the people they love usually arent living in fear of upsetting them. When I peek at him, he is just trying them onit may just be a sensory thing. At the beginning . Except that in reality, I am now fulfilling the role of a father of three! Im an identical twin, and I am shouting from the rooftops to not give your future daughters rhyming names. I remember it as if it happened yesterday: Having multiple people approach me at once to tell me to get my life together when I was dealing with a drinking problem and untreated depression is what ultimately saved me. Its college-selecting time for my 18-year-old. By that time, though, my son and DIL were going to be home in an hour anyway, so I just held him while he cried and did my best to comfort him. Im pretty sure I am overreacting, but I still dont know if I should discourage him or not. I Played a Card Game With My Fianc to See Who Does the Most Housework. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. I am single and have a small home of about 800 square feet. Intentions arent everything. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. Tell your children that you only want for them to have a great relationship with both of their parents and that you would not go out of your way to challenge their mother unless you absolutely had to, which in this case, you do. However, she is much stricter with him in what we feel is not an age-appropriate manner, and she doesnt deny treating him differently. Hes been sneaky about it too, suggesting names like Isabelle and Eleanor, before suggesting we give them the nicknames Belle and Elle. I am a woman of color; my wife is white. Nelson's Column had gone! Her mom and I have been divorced for 10 years and her mom believes whatever my daughter wants, she should get. Care and Feeding Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. Not only is there no reason for him to be ashamed of this quirk, theres also no reason for you to take it so seriously. I dont know where asking for privacy comes from (is this something he hears you or others say, which he may be imitating? Parent-teacher conferences are this week, and Im going to bring all of this up, but I would love some ideas. I know how hard it is to parent with the unknown future stretching ahead of you, and only some of the answers and reassurances you might crave. She has been publishing "Nicole Knows," a potpourri of beauty, pop culture and general life observations and advice since February 2018. My opinion is that you shouldnt police the behavior of people being kind to your child. Where do we go from here? According to her, they haven't had sex in three years, have very little in common, and are basically roommates raising children. How Do I Get Them to Back Off? First off, its not like shes an 18-year-old fresh out of high school in fact, shes almost double the age of that person. Some days wont be so great, and youll get up the next day and take another shot at it. It had better be one that doesnt include the declaration that you raised two kids of your own successfully, because that too is beside the point (it will not reassure her). Is it inappropriate of me to take her to Morgans funeral as a learning experience. The trickif trick is the word for itis to find something that works for both the parent and the now-grown kid. Have a question for Care and Feeding? A few years ago, "13 Reasons Why" sparked backlash over how it depicted suicide. I dont think having young kids when hes this old helped his health (my oldest sibling is 10 years older than me and has a 4-year-old, meaning my youngest sister is the same age as her nephew). My dad and my stepmother had two more kids. Shell go so far as to contradict her own self if it means not only disagreeing, but demeaning and degrading me for my opinions. Our 5-year-old misses his friends and the in-person nature of school, but has been doing very well in long-distance kindergarten. When we spend so much of our time online, we're bound to learn something while clicking and scrolling . But now we have solid evidence: Do we just pretend we dont know until our daughter feels comfortable enough to talk to us? How a Bizarre Swedish Docuseries About Men Parenting Tore the Country Apart. Nelson's Column had gone and there would be no outcry, because there was no one left to make an outcry. Youre not raising him with unrealistic or sexist views about love if you dont discourage him in his adoration of Kaylie. Sometimes, this is great (hes really into Raina Telgemeier). I told him I just wanted them to have a couple of hours out of the house and obviously the baby hadnt been THAT hungry if he kept refusing bottles. But I say all of this with the shadow of your depression over it. They average a screaming match a day, often over completely idiotic stuff like one of them walking too fast for the other to keep up with, or cooking with cheese when the other has a dairy intolerance. I have a good relationship with both kids, who are now teenagers, and I know that they take most of what their mom says with a big grain of salt. I hate my sister-in-law. Photo illustration by Slate. Maybe theyll decide to try couples counseling. They have insurance so the basement restoration will happen. Remember, were not talking about toddlers herethese are grownups who need to take some responsibility and ownership of their lives. 'The Signal Man' is a short story written by one of the world's most famous novelists, Charles Dickens. Ive requested we go to mediation but she flat-out refuses. Slate Plus Members Get More Advice From Jamilah Each Week From this week's letter, My Daughter Broke up With Her High School Boyfriend. After these encounters, I always remind her of her inner beauty, her kindness, and her loving heart. "The other portals are of ebony. Forgiveness is a cornerstone of the faith. 87 Years After Nazis Stole My Grandfathers Citizenship, Germany Had an Offer for Me. Obviously he, like all of us, will be exposed to rude or inappropriate or hurtful words for the rest of his liferight now, the key is to help him start thinking more critically about language, how we use it, the power it wields. I would cry, avoid, and hed eventually apologize and say hed try harder. She should be intrinsically motivated to do whatever it takes to provide for her family and live on her own as someone who has been an adult for 17 years. It also seems to me important to point out that if Daisys mother and father have joint custody, the time she spends with her mother is not visiting. Daisy has two homes. Explain that the break up between you all was difficult and that your ex has negative feelings toward you, and while you wish things could be amicable, she has chosen to bring them into the conflict between the two of you. Theres no percentage in arguing with them about it. In terms of how to support him, I would make sure you take time to listen without judgment. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Now hes dropping F-bombs constantly. There are two new voices behind Care and Feeding, Slate's parenting advice column, who are going to offer a wide range of guidance to curious and concerned parents. When he does the work, hes lazy, resents having to do multiple steps on things, and doesnt follow directions well. The thing is, I have very little contact with my daughters. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. Let your husband and son spend time with them without you. And as you know (because youre on your third kid now), its just going to be a work in progress. Or (for all you know) they have, to no avail. I Despise My In-Laws. Uh, No Thanks. Photo illustration by Slate. My son-in-law works 20-30 hours a week and my daughter struggles with depression and takes seasonal jobs. I know that sounds trite, but honestly what else can you tell them? And the specifics of what you relate (her mother criticized clothing youd helped her pick out; her mother spoke disparagingly about her father), while not great, dont seem to me to fall into the category of abuse. Nor does an insensitive, dismissive remark about PMS. Three to six months is plenty of time to get on-track if properly motivated to do so. She feels controlled and trapped. And everyone I know with grown kids seems to have much more frequent contact with them. Of course, if you see that your son is showing major behavioral red flags for an extended period of time (acting out, violent behavior, self-harm, etc.) I cant and wont live their lives for them, but they are my children, and I cant stand idly by while they live in a situation that I truly believe is hazardous to their health and which given his background and her struggles they seem unable to address. When they got home, they were apologetic that he hadnt gone to sleep the way he usually does by that time, and I said he was probably a little hungry because he had only had half of his first bottle and hadnt taken the second. She took the baby and left the room to feed him. Charlie did not use any of the teacher's examples, and instead wrote a paper . How can I comfort my siblings when Im as scared as they are? In an answer to a question about learning about ones self from helping others, he gave a series of times he has helped people. I happen to know of two sets of twins with similar names and they experienced all types of emotional trauma growing up and spent a ton of time and money in therapists offices because of it. I figured if he was hungry and didnt have his mother around as an option, hed do better with the second one later. If you missed Fridays Care and Feeding column,read it here. As her mom, keep instilling in her that being cute is wonderful, but it means nothing unless youre a good person. I spent my whole childhood walking on eggshells to not piss him off. Dear Care and. There is not a huge difference in what it will cost us, but enough to make a difference. I know I need to go back into therapy, but Im home all the time now with my husband and I dont have the freedom and privacy to talk that this would require. You can still be respectful of your ex as you confront some of her claims about you. thioacetone amazonafilmy4wap production I guess Im askingare the books the problem? Ill say this as kindly as possible: Assuming she doesnt have any major physical or mental illnesses/disorders, your daughter and her kids have to go. Do whatever you can not to insert yourself into it. ), But keep in mind that your mother may be touchedpleasedrather than upset by your mother-in-laws enthusiastic embrace of this honorific. Any kind of gloves: winter gloves, rubber gloves, gardening gloves, moisturizing gloves. In the meantime, I wish you fortitude. How do we rejoin a world that would rather ignore us? But her relationship with her biological mom is strained and only seems to be getting worse. Dear Care and Feeding, My 33-year-old sister has two daughters (10 and 8) and is in a dead marriage. This should absolutely be a hill you should die on. We have tried instilling the fact that her inside beauty is more important than the outside. Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. England no longer existed. slate advice columns care and feeding; July 13, 2022. slate advice columns care and feeding. slate advice column care and feedingrent to own homes mobile alabama. Im positive Kaylie doesnt know about this, and my husband says Im overreactingthat hes just watched too many TV shows and movies in which true love is part of the plot, and is also probably just lonely, what with living life online. Dear Care and. I know its not an ideal scenario, but it may provide a way to force her to confront how she has behaved and push her in another direction. But when Daisy asks me why she should continue to try to have a relationship with this awful woman, I just want to tell her to stay far away from her. The point is that this wasnt your call to make. that your husband has youand your family, it sounds likewhile they continue to take care of their troubled adult daughter. He has a temper that he cant control and will not do anything about it. We met, got married, and live in her hometown. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. (@carvellwallace) Interview Highlights. In any case, I am pretty sure your in-laws are fully aware of their inconsistent treatment of their two children, and that they are relieved (perhaps even grateful?) As for how you build and nourish a good, happy life for your children, youre already working on that. Here is my low-stakes problem: Almost everyone we run into, both strangers and people we know, comments on how beautiful she is. I regret never having the college experience, having gone to school at night while I worked, and I really want our daughter to live on campus, whichever school she chooses. Yes, theres a strong chance that your son will be upset at first, but if hes as outgoing as you say he is, then its highly likely he will make new friends fairly quickly. I apologize for second-guessingI am, after all, an outsider!but everything you report is something youve been told by a 14-year-old; youve reported nothing youve observed directly. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. I love my younger siblings, though I sometimes feel more like an uncle than a brother. You said that he would do anything for you and your kids, right? New ones are published almost daily. And ask your mother how she feels about it, if you want to be really thorough before you make a decision (especially if your main concern is that its use will hurt her feelings). In the meantime, I wouldnt mention anything about her sexuality unless she opens up to you. Sins are forgiven by God all the time, so long as you're ready to repent and be a changed person. ); if thats not possible, ask him not to disturb you when you are in a session. My wife (26) and I (24) are expecting our first kid. That certainly applies here. Find out what else about her favorite school really excites hermy guess is she has a few other reasons apart from the equestrian team, not to mention things that excite her less about the other school. I never want them to feel the fear that I had. From now on Nelson's Column only existed in his mind. Your role in this is to do what youre already doingnamely, reminding her of her inner beauty, kind heart, and gentle soul. Ill wait. And then, it happened. Heck, I would even go to a marriage counselor or therapist with this but dont give in. And each day we get drama and fighting because he doesnt see the point to doing anything other than simply being quizzed on the words. Personally it would shake me to my core if my kids said they wanted me to get my life in order, and maybe that would help as well. (Questions may be edited for publication.). My ex and I used to have a co-parenting agreement in which we both agreed to bring any parenting concerns directly to the other co-parent, but she never really followed that. Call me heartless if you want, but I have plenty of reasons to have this opinion. I am intimately familiar with trying to replace she doesnt want to talk to me with shes busy, and I learned a long time agolong before I had a grown-up daughter, back when I was the grown-up daughter and my father wouldnt think twice about sending me the sort of link (if hed known how to send a link) you sent your kidthat if you want to have a good relationship with adult children, you should assume competency and never offer advice unless asked for it. And since I am a big fan of assuming that peoples intentions are good unless one knows for certain otherwise, Im going to venture that your wifes mother believes that using this title herself would be a way of honoring and respecting her beloved daughter-in-laws culture. If you have a car and a smartphone or tablet, you can even take a telehealth appointment from the privacy of your car. My son is 20 and applying for internships for the summer. Of course children must be given tools to cope with emotionally abusive parents. Dear Care and. When will it end? Yes, I completely understand how upsetting it is to watch your daughter struggle, but she has to learn to figure out how to deal with this on her own, or else youre looking at a lifetime of enabling her, and I know you dont want that. My own family lives on the other side of the continent (in Canada) and my parents speak little English. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group.. Dear Care and Feeding, How To Do It. I dont want them to see me as a burden. I really do try to be neutral about the whole thingI dont want him to be ashamed of this quirkbut maybe he is picking up on my own unease about it? Yesterday, one of my stepbrothers and the older of my half sisters told me that they were really scared that Dad was going to die soon. Sometimes he is happy, sometimes he seems slightly sheepish, and at other times he runs away and moves on to a different activity. She has been accepted at four universities and has it narrowed down to two. Im an advice columnist, not a psychiatrist or psychologist, but your sister-in-law sounds to me less like a person exhibiting bad behavior than one displaying symptoms of mental illness. Photo by Getty Images Plus. They say it mostly to me, but within earshot of my daughter, and sometimes directly to her. For her 40th birthday, they gave her a very expensive watch. How Do I Get Them to Back Off? I have met this friend-of-a-friend at a few parties, but we have never been very close, and I have never interacted with the brother. Discuss this column in theSlate Parenting Facebook group! All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. Each day they do a different task with their word list. Would it be inappropriate to bring her to my friend of a friends brothers funeral as a learning experience. Now our son keeps saying f*ing sh*t. Weve tried telling him we dont say bad words like what Daddy said, but that didnt work. Here's the lowdown Recently a friend of a friends brother, Morgan, died of cancer. Sign up for Slate Plus now. My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. If he asks you to put on a pair of gloves, dont worry so much about being neutral. Just say I dont want to/need to put on gloves right now and go about your business. My personal favorite: My 3-Year-Old Keeps Complimenting Me on My White Skin [December 1, 2020] If she doesnt feel comfortable coming out to you, then its clear that shes not ready for the world to know yet, either. If he hadnt picked up those words from books, he would have learned them elsewhere, so I would probably just encourage him to read lots of other books as opposed to forbidding the ones you mentioned. And Cleo Levin, makes much of our special. Photo illustration by Slate. Is it time for me to back off and just let her do whatever she wants? Ive heard testimony from numerous twins that this is not a good idea because it makes it harder for them to create an identity. I do want to point out, in regard to the idea of specialness, that in many families in which English is the language spoken at home, the grandmothers are called Grandma X and Grandma Y, or Nana X and Nana Y, without issue. I expect youll eventually find that you have others in your corner, friends who will relate to and understand and support your family, who will care enough to learn what they dont know, who will see and love and celebrate your child and all of you as you are. It will be! The collection features some of the most. I Despise My In-Laws. Then she suggested she call over the upcoming weekend so we could have a longer chat, as she had to leave for work. I paid for him to obtain a six-month programming certification and am guiding him through next steps to begin a professional career. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Hes asked us to review his cover letters and personal statements. I let him play with my old, no longer used gloves of all kinds. We see her family a lot more than we see mine, and we have a good relationship with them. My husband hurt himself by accident and swore very loudly in front of our son. If you want to be the one who cares for that child two days a week when his mother goes back to work, youll have to be able to convince her that youll handle things the way she wants them handled, not the way you think is best. From Our Callers. Edgy content focused on teens and kids can easily cause trouble. Our local library has a teen volunteer program, where high school students come and help shelve books and lead childrens activities and story time. We have a 3-year-old son, and we love the family name we picked for him. How do we gently shut this down if it comes down to it? ), As to your second question: For goodness sake, stay out of it. This is nothing at all to feel bad about, either. I just accepted a new job, an exciting career opportunity for me, about a 2-hour drive away from our home in a big city. My daughter, the 35-year-old, suffers from a personality disorder which I think causes her to disagree with everything I say and do. But I still dont know until our daughter feels comfortable enough to talk to?. Askingare the books the problem trick is the word for itis to find that. Nourish a good person this wasnt your call to make a difference s column had gone 40th birthday, gave..., dont worry so much of our time online, we & # x27 ; s the lowdown a. 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