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newcastle brown ale ruined

April 02, 2023

I had no idea! After that I guess Im SOL! I finally got around to googling this topic, and actually entered WTF Newcastle in the search engine. I tasted the New Castle which is my all time favorite beer and immediately notice the taste was different. You have entered an incorrect email address! Simply put: you guys f$&@ed up. Weak af. Right down the drain with this NBA imposter. Fuck your descendants. Ale, now brewed by the Lagunitas Brewing Company in Petaluma, CA. Newcastle Brown Ale Er en gyldenbrun ale med en fyldig smag med stor krop og en frisk, let og sd finish, der giver en sublim bld smagsoplevelse. Youve probably sales have probably dropped by 75% and lost your customers most loyal to Newcastle. Click & Collect. NewCastle Brown ale was a delicious, smooth all day drinkable beer that you turned into another bland undrinkable bottle of bad. At Safeway it was always located in the Local section just because it was called Aloha Brewing Co. Just take what you have and give it to someone you dont like and search for a worthy replacement. This is fraud. Consider yourself lucky. my Yuengling and I are offended that is being compared/equalled to new-recipe Newcastle swill (fm chicago & california). Given the latest cancer research, you made a good decision. Now Im bummed because its gone. I am including this link for them to review as backup. Newcastle Brown Ale 330ml Can. Its about what the public likes and wants and I think that you can clearly see from all the comments that a lot of people are disappointed. I wish I knew this before I bought Newcastle this evening for the first time in a few years. So far nothing has changed but we need to keep the pressure on them. It was an antidote for what she called the dire rear. (My dad used to pour it down the sink.) If enough people rise up, take the time and complain, maybe someone, somewhere will take notice realize they screwed the pooch on this one. Fans of Newcastle Brown Ale will notice a new flavor. Newcastle was one of the best beers all around! Just an FYI for the hundreds or thousands of disappointed brown ale drinkers, try Shiner Bock. And yes, they were as good as ever! In my opinion, a huge fail in market research. Yep, if they have not seen their error by now, so be it. First brewed in Newcastle in 1927, Newcastle Brown Ale is loved . Way to f*** it up Lagunitas! Goodbye, new Newcastle, youve left me! Way to ruin a perfectly good beer. This is so ordinary, i will never buy another of these beers until they reverse this BS. Reach him atkswartz@epgmediallc.comor on Twitter@kswartzzor Instagram@cheers_magazine. This new Newcastle absolutely blows! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lagunitas killed a great beer. I can most definitely say, I will not be buying this beer again. GARBAGE beer. But for me it was the Yuengling lager version of a brown ale. So I went out to our local liquor store a bought all their stock of 3-12 packs, then went to the grocery store and bought 2-12 packs, then to the last store and bought their remaining 1-12 pack so now I have 6- 12 packs which should last me about 6 months. newcastle was the only thing I drank for the last 25+ years. So everyone assumed it was a great beer when in fact it tastes like its been filtered through a skunks ass. OMG. The famous logo with the blue star dates back to the time of the beer's launch in 1930. LaGunitas is now the face of the worst in beer. I hadnt had it in a while and decided to buy it despite the new logo. So next best is just for all of us to move on and search for the best replacements. Go back to the old one. No more skunky New Castle! How do you think you can change a beer entirely and keep the same legendary name? Sorry. One answer, Just bring it back. Didnt notice it said lagunitas on it. Metal NOT Paper or plastic. complete morons? Our goal is to provide you with an experience that delivers the information, resources and services that are helpful to you. If you think these guys are going to revert to the old recipe just because you and a few thousand others complained, youre just barking at the moon. Will NOT be purchasing this, nor anything by Lagunitas and, if I can help it, anything from the Heineken conglomerate. It was the best beer after Guinness Stout and this recipe change was certainly not for the better. I have tried to developed a taste for it but there is no developing a taste for piss. After I recently picked up a 12 pack and tried the first bottle I thought something was funny but assumed it was me, so I tried another. I completely agree. PS: Kyles review is, simply, bizarre an alternate reality. The only heartening thing in reading this article are the hundreds of comments agreeing what shite the new Newcastle is. This is a complete travesty. I dont understand why you would change anything about Newcastle Brown Ale. WTF.. Interwebs tells me it is now brewed in CA by Laguntas with a new recipe. You will lose all sales and profits in this New Coke blunder. Newcastle Brown Ale skapades ursprungligen av verste James (Jim) Herbert Porter (fdd 1892 i Burton upon Trent ), en tredje generationens bryggare. What is Heineken thinking? Bate and switch ? wheres the line to kick the guy who made this decision smack dab in the nuts? Another option is New Belguim Brewery out of Colorado. English brown ale pretty closely hits the average mark here, making it a good choice if you're calorie and carb counting. Why would they even continue to call it Newcastle? My One and Only left me with None and Lonely! Im going to Canada to get some to bring back. We need to start a NCB replacement list of brews that would be available to the masses across the US. They also told me the original beer is still available in the EU where they havent made a flipping millennial IPA out of it like they have here. shame. #donewiththisshit. In the 1980s, a euphemism for walking the dog resulted in the nickname Newcastle Brown Ale. Than I drank one.WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! This is my new choice. #bring Newcastle back. I tried it, yummy but lacked the traditional copper the Nukie Brown has, or had. The new recipe is horrible. Indeed standing by swill! Production moved from Newcastle to Gateshead at the end of 2004 and to Tadcaster on closure of the Dunston brewery in 2010. It is a filthy drink. A candy, banana fruitiness is also present. Plz bring back the old recipe! It is horrible.i have not had one since the change. why not make both? Bought some today and thought it tasted odd. Why dont they re-imagine their own brand and actually make it taste better than a skunk anus? In order to achieve this goal, we may collect information from you. Its just so sad to see a company completely ignore their legacy fanbase. Why change something that was sooo good. If wanted to make another brown ale and put your own stamp on do it but please do not market the drink you make as Newcastle Brown Ale, it is Not Newcastle Brown Ale and never will be. They may have asked an additional price for the recipe that Lagunitas was not prepared (or able) to pay. Not only am I never buying this again, Im never buying another Heineken product again EVER out of spite! Turned a lot of friends on to it. In 2010 brewing was moved to John Smiths brewery Tadcaster North Yorkshire until the present day All Newcastle lovers should BOMBARD Lagunitas social media pages with vitriol and rage until this travesty is ended. If everybody who commented here would sign that, it would easily reach its goal. Immediately went out and cleaned out two stores of their stock which will last me about 6 months. Who knew the world needed another lame hoppy beer? Newcastle was my favorite beer. Agreed. Remember The New Coke. With all the other BS lawsuits out there this pretty seems valid, to me?.? These are folks who are totally clueless. Can you please pass on my friendly complaint to Lagunitas, who I think is brewing Newcastle under license in CA , regarding their brewing of Newcastle beer. Im truly stunned by this news. Im beyond upset.smh. Will never buy again. One more same old same hoppy style beer!! Maybe there will be something come along tgat is not tied to Americas youth lovimg hoppy beer. Good luck finding it (its around) but its the treat I wish I had to wash down this new stuff . Then give us back the real deal. Newcastle was MY FAVORITE BEER!!!!!!!! IT SUCKS! Newcastle is an icon of beer and youve completely ruined it. If you change the recipe of something you cant keep calling it the same thing. Have enjoyed this beer for 20 years, bought this 12 pack, after first sip I noticed the hoppy taste, just a replica of all the IPA beer being made now. Ill never buy anything from Lagunitas now.Dickheads. Newcastle Brown Ale 5 Ltr Keg - Mild English Brown Ale. Youve completely ruined my favorite beer. You are 120% correct. Heineken ruins everything they touch. Huge fan most of my life. Ive enjoyed Newcastle for years, its been my Go to now its my No way and nor would I recommend it. Im not a fan of hoppy. And if this is balanced then throwing shit against the wall is art. Shame on you Heineken. by some millennial trying to reinvent the wheel. My wife bought a 12 pack thinking it was the same beer with a new label. This beers brewery has moved more than my bowels. That hard to do for a true beer drinker. For the first time in its 82-year history Newcastle Brown Ale will no longer be brewed on Tyneside as owners Scottish & Newcastle said yesterday it was closing the . Terrible!! Terrible new taste. Shop $ 18.98. ex. Wife brought some home the other day Hmm new label. . Wont be buying any more. Newcastle Brown Ale is also now an all-malt beer, made with Lagunitas house malt. . I have not tasted a good one yet. There are literally thousands of IPAs on the market. I dont know that Ill ever buy Newcastle again . For Geordies, Newcastle Brown Ale, Broon or dog - never Newky Brown - still remains as one of the defining icons of Tyneside's culinary heritage. The new recipe taste just like Budweiser. I wouldnt even boil sausage in this pedestrian sewage. And to add insult to injury, grocery stores are still selling this nasty Newcastle knock off under a premium Import price. Create a new beer and sell it under the name of a different beer? Newcastle had a distinctive individuality. In 1984, the company opened the most recent bottling plant in Europe, a 3.5 million facility. It is now just another run of the mill nut brown. I think it was 5% ABV They moved from their true Newcastle home to Yorkshire with a new recipe and different water at some point- It was barely recognisable after that. In fact. Newcastle used to be one of my favorite five or six beers. Exactly as you'd expect Newcastle Brown to taste - a light British bitter. Newcastle Brown Ale (4.7% ABV) is full-bodied and smooth, showing restrained caramel and notes of bananas and dried fruit. It has been live for over 6 weeks and only 54 have signed. Ill never buy Newcastle or Lagunitas again unless they fix what they broke. If Lagunitas wanted to make a brown ale, fine call it Lagunitas Brown Ale. I also really loved to get it in the mini keg when available and have it on draft. Heineken has successfully alienated the whole consumer base for Newcastle. If you can find it, Shiner Bock is nice too, but we have a hard time finding it in California (its out of Texas). Let me know if you ever fix the Newcastle beer. The provisions of this Policy apply to all such mobile access and use of mobile devices. They basically said screw the faithful Newcastle drinkers, we are going for the ipa, over hopped crowd of craft beer morons and if the regulars dont like TS. Its all about money. Terrible and way out of the lane for a ale drinker like me. This new beer is disgusting and we will not drink it. Not anymore. Go back to the old recipe. There are now only 10 million beers selling across the US. We both left the store with a six pack of cans. Bad business bad marketing decision. Its like wanting a steak, you ask for a steak, and they give you chicken. I was over the moon when i moved to the USA and could get Newcastle, now i will never ever buy this rubbish again IDIOTS! Why would you take the one old reliable good classic brown ales and turn it in to one of those trending over hoppy swill beers? Newcastle Brown Ale Bar Wetstop Runner 900mm x 240mm (pp) 19.99. Did I mention that it now tastes like the juice off a dead man? Ive recommended this beer to so many people and now Ive made my last recommendation. I am in the process of contacting every beverage buyer that I can connect with to tell him to discontinue this Frankenstein version of Newcastle. The brand, created in England by Lieutenant Colonel Jim Porter in 1927, exploded in popularity after it was purchased by Heineken in 2008, largely. They are right. I have stopped buying it. Im out! Wish I could get my hands on the old Newcastle. What a waste! Search. I got it at locally (BevMo, RiteAid) in the past 30 days. Been there, done that. If I bought a six pack I would finish it! Ive been drinking this since 1983 and it is a disaster thanks a lot for ruining a good thing if it aint broke dont fix it why try reinventing the wheel. I couldnt figure out why it tasted so weird, the new label shit. How can they dare to put the same label on this swill. If its still available up there I will be making a trip to Canada as soon as the border opens! Why did you have to touch it? The new Newcastle is terrible. Sell for $1,050 or Ask for More. I had a bottle of the original NC that has been in my fridge since February 2019. Called HEINEKEN USA twice to complain and they sent me a Geordie glass and a bottle opener with the Newcastle LOGO. Thanks a lot! They took a classic, took a dump on it, IPAfied it. No more Newcastle for me. Also poured out 11 out of 12.. literally couldnt get myself to have another one. "Now with Lagunitas in the family, we have the perfect partner to reimagine our beloved Newcastle Brown Ale," says Amy Tay, brand director. Whomever made this decision should be fired and sent to Exile in Siberia! Bring back the OG Old Castle!!!! I went to my local pub and ordered a Newcastle. I have drank Newcastle for years and loved that it was a smooth and light, brown ale. its unanimous: the new beer Lagunitas came up with tastes like shit. Never a Heine, wish those guys would go bankrupt. Real appropriate that Lagunitas, the brewer of this crap, has the word anus in its name. WE DONT WANT AN IPA. Times Temple Valley brings it in at my request along with Guiness Extra Stout. Raised in Manchester, England, Ive been drinking Newc Brown for more decades than I wanna think about. I am so bummed. I have been a huge fan of Newcastle for decades. After a fairly shaky start to the day, Arthurs mind was beginning to reassemble itself from the shell-shocked fragments the previous day had left him with. The term was first used by London brewers in the late 17th century to describe their products, such as mild ale, though the term has a rather different meaning today. Dont normally buy the stuff till it gets cold out and just had to pour out my first bottle of the new swill. This overly hopped nasty swill is an insult to the very concept of Brown Ale. Heinekens all about the bottom dollar, not in producing a quality brew. The new recipe is very similar to every hoppy IPA that apparently sucks as noted by nearly all reviews. While some may . mtn MegaDork 2/7/20 1:31 p.m. So sad. I have been drinking Newcastle Brown Ale for nearly 30 years! I have all the same gripes as everyone and I spoke to them for 10 minutes and let them know. Its becoming easier to find outside of Texas now too! Fools! I thought I got a skunked bottle, which is so rare. I ended up here and have read many of the posts. Newcastle used to be one of the few beers that jacked up my sinuses but now that theyve switch Im have the same problems as every other beer. Taste just like most other American beers..Like piss! Lost even more when it was brewed in Yorkshire. This Policy also describes the choices you can make about how we collect, use and disclose your information when you provide it to us on any EPG Media & Specialty Information properties will not collect, use or disclose your personal information other than in compliance with this Policy. Where did our Newcastle go..?? Heres a hashtag to trend Thank you Lagunitas for putting your own twist on an amazing beer. Wont be buying it again. She called me a while ago and said no more. It tastes nothing like the sweeter, yeasty/bready, non-bitter Newcastle from England that I used to love. Now this. Thats just plain stupid. Both brands are owned by Heineken, which made the switch as part of the U.S. relaunch of Newcastle Brown Ale. Maybe it is time to move-on. Considering all the things that government does that it has no business doing, the one thing it should do is protect the public from fraud. Drank one www, maybe its just that one. Overall, a terrible decision. (Thank the gods, the craft brew houses in America have saved the working mans taste buds.) No wonder why you dont see it that much in the stores nowdays! Total ass-hat move by these guys. Guys it has been more than two years since I got a taste of my first reformulated NCBA. Not even close to the crappy new recipe. View the full list: Beer. Bring back the original. I was a NBA fan, but always open minded and willing to find and appreciate new quality brew. Period. Its just bitter enough to not be smooth yet not enough aroma and flavor hops if one were to go for a pale or ipa for citrus. This is very frustrating. On his visits to the USA, he found Shiner Bock to be the closest thing made to the Blue Star Broon Ale, Yes! The first 6 pack was from Holland. They have ruined it. This stuff sucks. I see zero benefit to changing the flavor of a well established, well liked brand. Production in the Netherlands was only for export to USA https://WWW.NEWCASTLEBROWN.COM Avoid. But, now New Castle taste like every other IPA beer. Ill never buy this garbage again. Please revive the old recipe so I can enjoy beer again. Stop this nonsense and bring back the original. So I googled it and learned the truth. With most of the color coming from the crystal, it should be dark, 80 L, or preferably 120 L, at 12 to 1.0 lb. You have just lost a long time customer. It taste like crap. Well they managed to ruin my favorite beer, thanks for nothing! Way to go Heineken. Newcastle is actually owned by Heineken, decidedly not an American company. Its the New Coke disaster, all over again, except that the New Newky is the only thing going, and the Classic Newky is literally available nowhere. Who is running things over there, Al Bundy? Nice lighter taste and easy drinkability like NC Brown. Heineken: Get this poor excuse for a beer off the market and bring back a winner! Thanks for the note. My father-in-law is from Newcastle and was a pub landlord for over 20-years. There are a thousand of these shitty hoppy beers floating around. If it aint broke dont fix it. Bad Shepherd Hazelnut Brown Ale 355ml Can. I just threw out 4 bottles. In your attempt to conquer new demographics Im afraid you are likely to drive more customers like myself into the arms of your competitors. Anbefalet serveringstemperatur: 4-6 C. Alk. It got worse when it was made in Dunston at the federation brewery, wose again when brewed in yorkshire and unpallatable from every where else. It just tastes like bad coffee to me. If Heineken actually ruined Smithwicks as well, a major ass beating is due to those Dutch blowholes. I have been drinking the one and only for over 25 years.I cant stomach this bitter, hoppy taste labeled as is not Newcastle! Why? F!! The original was unique and distinct! It took a perfect blend and turned it into an unrecognizable taste and certainly not a beer that most Brown Ale drinkers would want. Youve ruined the secret sauce that made this beer so good. As someone who has drank Newcastle for over 20 years, and brewed for over 10, I am a huge fan of the original recipe. This delicious beer is brewed in the city of Newcastle upon Tyne in the United Kingdom. I will NEVER buy another drop of that disgusting crap. I hope they go out of business!!!!!!!!!! Id rather drink bud lite than drink this generic tasting garbage Bummer! This new taste is absolutely awful. You suck, Lagunitas. Why? So why buy this? Once again, a great beer is bought by a conglomerate and ruined. Heineken, youre a monster! If these people are so concerned about the trivial amount of brown dye, dont buy it, no one is pouring it down their throats. I dont see how they can even keep the name when it isnt the same beer. You enter through a long, black-lit, psychedelic hallway while Willy Wonkas Pure Imagination plays on loop. From 1927 to 2005 it was brewed at The Tyne Brewery in Newcastle Im in SW FLA, my replacements are Fart Tire (seems the Japanese owner has not screwed with it yet), Big Storms Wave Maker ( Based in Tampa) and Smithwicks (buy locally in Publix Grocery). No. Ruined a great beer. I dont understand this at all. Just No. Why would a company make such a major change in a beer and think that its followers wouldnt notice. And Im a little bit insulted. What a ruining of a great brand and brew! Very sad. Because they marketed it as such and it costs more. I echo you all. The Caledonian Brewery uses only traditional British brewing methods, including using only whole-flower hops and heating the original 1869 copper kettles with open flames. Trouble is some are regional brews. The current beer is not up to standard, and you have lost a customer for life. I hope your happy. If you think the loyal Newcastle fans will accept this as our beer you are sadly mistaken. How is this done to a fantastic beer? I have been exclusively drinking New Castle for 20+ years and I will now have to change brands. So it probably isnt. Newcastle Brown Ale was first released in 1927 and 2022 marks its 95th anniversary. [] Ale have changed hands faster than Watford football managers. Would not buy another bottle. New New Castle completely sucks! Yet they were considered a premium beer. Sign the petition to bring real Newcastle back. For that reason alone I wont be buying it anymore. The 300,000-square-foot brewery once contained sound stages for movies (which are still filmed next door), including the Dark Knight scene where the Joker burns a mountain of money. So sad. This isnt a new Kool-Aid recipe. I just dumped out the second half of my first bottle and will be returning the two twelve packs I bought for a refund. The reimagined Newcastle Brown Ale is a smooth, crisp, slightly roasty and hoppier beer, that's not too bitter, not too sweet, and altogether uncommon. Wont buy it ever again! 0.98 postage. Just not the same. I totally agree with EVERY bad comment of this Newcastle Brown Crap. Theyve lost a lifetime customer. We attended to sample the new recipe (and check out the Willy Wonka-does-beer experience that is Lagunitas). I kept saying, why does this Newcastle taste like shit? 12 Pack 12oz. Scrap this new recipe and go back to the original! I wrote to Heineken, to Lagunitas, and to those folks who are now represent Fake Newcastle Brown Ale (FNBA). But no, some idiot changed the recipe. I consumed my last original Newcastle last night without fanfare. I still dont understand why they did what the have, but as a result anytime I see anything with Lagunitas on it, I run the other direction as fast as I can. Cant believe they would do this Theyre losing a life-long customer in me. Eat a fat prick Lagunitas for fucking up another great and time-honored recipe! Lagunitas and Heineken should not be allowed to profit from this. They ruined my favorite beer. More shipping info Go to shop $ 8.99 no sales tax applies 6 Pack 12oz Newcastle Brown Ale Stirling Fine Wines NJ: Stirling Standard delivery 1-2 weeks More shipping info Go to shop $ 8.99 I live by chicago, not close, but close enough!!! It also delivers rich, sweet flavors while weighing in at far fewer calories/carbs than many other ales. Pay Less. It was the only beer my wife would drink. I went to all the stores in my city when I noticed the change and bought up all the old stock of original Newcastle, but now Im about out and need to figure out what to do. I havent had a beer in well over a year while giving up alcohol in solidarity for my wife while she was pregnant. Hoping for declining sales/stocks for Heineken. Thanks for nothing i wrote to Heineken, which is so rare light British bitter, if they not... 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