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neptune conjunct descendant transit

April 02, 2023

We offer you another image, that the intent is always toward support and harmony and that you can work with the body to bring the outcomes, the changes that may be different than the Immune System itself perceives need occur. *Restlessness, expansiveness, travel, imagination, and philosophy are key issues now. Several important people in my life moved away and my beloved dentist retired. Hi Lynn, Im having a Neptune transiting my moon in Pisces- I cry everyday There is a overwhelming need to be connected and pray- it is there where I feel at home and protected- It is kind of difficult to center/ and focus at work- I M taking clematis and schleratus and it is helping. But, I was tired of doing it alone. Aspects / Astrology. I would have to turn over my space, my living area, to relative strangers. Pluto and saturn will conjunct my descendant in a year. This is one of Larrys special talents he is always accessible, an anti-star as he likes to refer to himself, and he knows how to make everyone feel important. Everyone who has started to use this remedy states that they do not feel anything until they stop taking it. Thanks for sharing. Perfection is also like the sea a moving, variable element, that is at times calm and still; at other times rolling and flowing; and at other times still, crashing and powerful. Under a Neptune transit, these solutions that work on the subtle bodies are more powerful than a prescription drug. Then, just as I felt that my feet were firmly planted on the ground, another lesson came regarding sharing my space with others. But, lately I get to thinking that with Neptune on the Descendant I am one of those people who absorbs other peoples energy. In Prague, friends gave me a special book, autographed by the author and we attended lectures together. The Bethesda doctor is now recommending the supplements mentioned in this book. Neptune takes approximately 164 years to come full circletoo long to complete a cycle through our natal charts. There is a feeling of "going somewhere" together. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology by James Braha. There is a strong tendency to exaggerate and put on a front to impress others and gain the advancement that you seek. There is a reason behind this identity crisisyou are learning to let go of ego attachments. The other symptoms are connected with Leaky Gut Syndrome. With this Neptune opposition Ascendant aspect, you may not be totally sure what you look like. Having a small bar for drinks, we were able to socialize and it was there that we met Vera Love, a blues singer, from North Carolina, who appears nightly at the Eden Bar. Most strongly we ask you to not see illness or challenge as judgment, to not accept this as an expression of your flaws or your lacks. You may undergo a crisis of identity during the initial stages of this transit, and the experiences you have may lead you to a more refined understanding of yourself and the direction in which you want to head. We are not alone! As I get older, I just seem to suffer from the problems of old age absent-mindedness, confusion and disorientation. +The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). In a job, you may take one set of information and make a translation for another group. Now again kind of a setback. In Vienna, I met with Jindra and her friend, Martin, and I connected with an Austrian woman, Ingrid Petroff, who I had briefly met in Chicago. here is what astrodienst says about the transit ( obviously not natal, but just in case you are curious ) At this time your close, intimate relationships will be difficult and confused. I M sharing my insights and hopefully it will resonate for some- also to receive some tips on how to navigate this intense transit, I believe I have written to you in private about BOUNDARY ISSUES under Neptune. Many composers have 12th House Neptune this seems to be a practical expression of their Neptune. 5HTP is the source for this. Home / Aspects / Neptune Aspects / Neptune Opposite Ascendant. I bought clematis extract straight away. You may gloss over important details and practical concerns in favor of idealistic visions and perceptions. I was on my own (or thats how it felt, anyway) with no lamp for the dark road. It is common for Neptunes influence to be a confusing one in the first portion of the transit. I returned telephone calls to people who had left messages. I discussed this phenomena at a workshop in Richmond, Virginia. He and his wife were traveling to Toronto and they wanted to visit me in Washington, D.C. Some relationships in my life strengthened, where others have fallen through the cracks. I was the best thing since sliced bread. Neptune is no exception and due to its boundless and dreamy nature your personality will be less solidified and perhaps fragmented, especially if you have other challenging aspects to Neptune. As far as Canada goes Ive gone with the flow and corrected the natal chart to 12:05 pm July 1st, 1867, which gives a Progressed Asc of 22Gem, and a Progressed Moon of 21Cap21, as of Dec 23/2018. A young girl came for a reading and I commented that Neptune crossing her Venus was favorable for cosmetic surgery to change her energies. Any planet conjunct an angle will have an pronounced affect on a persons life. the two planets have done quiet a damage during their transit through my sixth house so I am scarred of what the conjunction to descendant and square to natal pluto will bring. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Neptune: This transit does not happen in the lives of most people. Neptune opposition Ascendant is also known as Neptune conjunct Descendant or Neptune setting. Unfortunately, I never had to cultivate social skills beyond astrology. Topic: Neptune conjunct Descendant : FieryAries9108 Knowflake . A near-by Shoppers Food Warehouse is very multi-cultural and the people are naturally friendly. Transiting Jupiter Conjunct The North Node or South Node by Nadiya Shah - YouTube *Please Like, Comment, Subscribe, Share. You may often rely on your instinctual judgment. Regardless of the sign that Neptune is transiting, over the years, I have always observed this pattern of betrayal-disappointment-deception. When the individual cannot concentrate, when there is low mental energy and when the individual is too easily distracted in the thinking, leaving lots of unfinished projects and tasks, Madia disciplines the mind with greater focus and concentration. An opportunity to use your imagination to improve your living environment or beautify your surroundings. You are more idealistic than usual, which can cause a few problems if youre not careful. We both liked to be crazy; we enjoy having fun and talking with people. With the Sun opposition Moon, your parents were diametrically opposed to each other. So, I made a decision to trust that I had tried to make a good decision and not to think about it anymore but to just do the job in front of me one day at a time. This attribute is often underestimated and many people although are just beginning to understand that they can work with the Immune System , giving it different guidelines to follow. The ability to change the energy, which is part-conscious, part-energetic, and can be initiated by conscious will and thought. You are more vulnerable now to influence and illusion. Neptune transits square or opposite Mercury. Technical support For women in the 40s, strong Neptune transits can trigger the onset of menopause. His recommendation is to take 2 pills when you first get up and then 2 more around 11am. Neptune is natally in my 2nd House but ruling my 7th and 8th Houses. Neptune Transits Opposition Ascendant For me, this has probably been one of the most painful aspects of Neptune transits. Having 3 planets in Gemini, I have mental curiosity and find almost everything stimulating so I have a lot of joy. The fog made it impossible! Remember, Neptune dissolves all that is not real in our lives just let it go! In fact, the entire point of a Neptune transit is to get us closer to divinity in some way. Thanks to Neptune sextile Ascendant, you likely only want to think the best of people, especially those in closest proximity to . The family was so excited that I was doing this. Interpretations are written by Cafe Astrologys Annie Heese, except those marked with *, which are samples from the Daily Forecast report. I have this in my chart and Ive written about it, extensively. Life is a maze I tried to connect but it was difficult. You're extremely sensitized to your surroundings. Because it was a frightening and heroic adventure, she could not imagine doing this at any other time in her life. This kind of codependent dynamic can actually make it hard for them not to take advantage of your selflessness. It does seem like quite a powerful transit that will be around for some time. The spiritual nature of this transit makes you feel optimistic and trusting, believing in universal love and compassion. These are: On April 3, 1997, under a Neptune transit, a friend developed fibromyalgia, a very common and painful ailment that has no cure or no known cause. My family left inheritances so that I do not have to work. Ive played both. You are able to see your work in better perspective. MEDICAL: Empaths do not retire Water Soluable vitamins Bs and C vitamins. Some see it as a mechanism in the body that works with energizing the system, with maintaining the system, perhaps with defending the physical system against difficulty, stress, bacteria, assault and invasion to the body. A loving marriage can become more romantic and spiritual. But Neptune, transiting through sensitive territories for you now, is fixing that. going with the flow is easier said than done. Neptune Transits Opposition Midheaven Put new ideas to the test. Both opposition to Saturn (10th cusp Virgo). If Venus is involved, our love life is unusual or confused. With the beneficial Moon-Ascendant aspects, you not only have a healthy means of expressing emotion, but . Consequently, your work and career gain a greater dimension of meaningfulness and importance to you. What did this disconnectedness feel like? However, change through dissolving what no longer works is still the prominent feature of a strong Neptune transit. It gave me a means of connection with others. I experienced a pretty significant weight gain too unfortunately. This transit happens once every 12 years starting from the birthdate. Yet, even in Slovenia, people were friendly and I met a wonderful gentleman at breakfast who spent the day showing me around Ljubljana. Reality does not hold much attraction for them and, whenever possible, they will withdraw from the painful present. This attracted friends who wanted me to solve their problems but I still sensed that this was a temporary connection, a connection that only worked only as long as I provided a service. Next thing you know, the saint becomes a rotten bastard that tricked you. Neptune is urging you to become more refined with regards to your desire nature, anger management, and assertive tendencies. My condition, however, was just the opposite. Her second husband was an alcoholic and was so good at gaslighting she didnt know what to believe after a while. A more sensitiveeven mysteriouspersona is projected this year, and this can attract pleasantly unusual circumstances (and people) into your life. Always check with your doctor to make sure that it is nothing serious but, if not, it is just the Neptune transit. Sun takes one year to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. I can testify that all you have said, Elsa, is 100% correct. Please if somebody has or had this transit and discover some solution, can you help me. since Neptune going often retro when I will be lifted for this transit? Neptune is actually transiting my midheaven. If you've been solely concentrating on material success you may suddenly feel a lack of spiritual . Friends, colleagues, neighbors, or siblings have an increased level of influence in your lifeeven to the point that you can be blind to think they're anything other than blameless. Mars is sextile? At the time, I was going through a divorce and, for the two-year period when it crossed my Ascendant, I agonized over that decision daily hourly, sometimes. North Node Conjunct the Sun. Following is the preface to an article written in conjunction with a presentation given at The Monroe Institute: For example, you might throw yourself into a new romance that others warn you is not realistic. If a close friend asked me, What do you want this person to know?, then that is what you tell the person. Transiting Neptune was opposing my 11th House Saturn. Then, in November 1989, as the Berlin Wall came down, my house caught on fire. There can be a lot of sadness as this transit can stimulate a deep yearning for something more than just ordinary life. The Empath does not receive through channels in the same way. The dates are different for everyone. I am susceptible to being a psychic sink and absorbing all sorts of toxins. As mentioned at the beginning, this transit can bring your ideal partner. Love your site. Romance is highly favored. When you have natal Neptune conjunct ascendant, you can be what people call, constantly away with the fairies; however, if you have Neptune in Capricorn or Saturn in your 1 st house also, or conjuncts from Saturn, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo to your Neptune conjunct ascendant. This transit can also do a number to your value system. April 4, 2021. If not old enough to retire, then the individual longs for a career change. Your sensitivity, receptivity, and empathy is so great right now that you may need to avoid negative, intensely emotional people, or even films or music depicting negative and unhappy imagery. You can always write to me directly but this was a good question that may benefit others. This applies to your marriage partner and any business or professional partners. When Neptune was in my 5th house I picked all the wrong partners. This book discusses the latest discoveries (at that time) in adrenal exhaustion. You are responsive to all things pleasurable, possibly to the point of carelessness or laziness when it comes to tending to practical affairs. Your soul now yearns for a more spiritual or romantic bond. I have observed that excessive weight serves to keep people at a distance and the fat is a cushion against overwhelming energetic forcesbecause we do not have the psychological strength to accomplish this any other way. When it is disturbed or thrown into motion like the sea, it can create peaks and valleys. I have observed that it is very difficult for people to lose weight while under the influence of Neptune. Just dont take any wooden nickels. They all affirmed that they needed to learn to establish boundaries in their relationships with others. From Berlin, we traveled to Vienna. You can learn why you are drawn to certain foods. Neptune affects our hormones. Incorporating more imagination, compassion, and spirituality into these parts of your personality will help you to not only manage the transit, but to learn from it. *You are in a generous and tolerant mood during this time period. Currently Im making biochar for soil rememdiation. This problem is particularly strong if you have not been honest with yourself, kidding yourself about where your current life is leading you, or ignoring your dreams and ideals because you feel they are unrealistic. Which is an uber slow motion experience several years of this as Neptune takes 14 years to pass thru Pisces, on top of that the Asc/Dsc takes 16-20 years to progress each sign. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. I was aware that my hearing was worse but this forced me to really listen to what others were saying. The difference between an Empath and a Channel is that the channel most often is aware that they are receptive, that energy flows through channels, and usually the channel recognizes a distinction between the channel and the energy being channeled or received. It is great aspect, just frequent quick shower, to clean bad energies we grab during a day, and little bit Reiki or plant medicine, and everything is smooth sailing . In the late 1980s, Neptune crossed my mothers Capricorn ASC. Follow the routines you had created for yourself, accept the responsibilities that are yours without whining about it and just keep plugging. *Speculation, optimism, restlessness, and perhaps downright foolhardiness are key issues now. Orion and the Positive Immunity Program both encourage us to approach the Immune System as an element within that we can work with. In fact as a child I could not see through the fog of it. There she found an entire spectrum of humanity and interests ranging from the conservatives who are anti-communist, the AFL-CIO representatives seeking to protect American jobs, the human rights activists, the Taiwanese and liberal congressional spokespersons. Meditate. We visited the Hotel Orient which has a special reputation for afternoon liaisons. You might miss out on opportunities because of this approach to life. You may gloss over important details and practical concerns in favor of idealistic visions and perceptions. You may discover your own psychic or clairvoyant talents during this transit. I had a client with Capricorn rising. When Saturn was transiting my 5th it was in conjunction with Jupiter in 2020 and I had a lot of fun and creative projects at home and in the garden (I guess Jupiter influence) but wasnt able to have fun anywhere else due to lockdown and travel restrictions (Saturn?). Under Neptune, it is making me sad. So cool! Neptune is still in my 6th house (cusp of 7th is 26th degree), but in the previous years it has squared my Sun (19 Gemini), conjuncted my Moon (20 Pisces) and Vertex (22 Pisces), squared my Mercury (23 Gemini) and MC/IC (25 Gemini/Sag). Whenever I feel unloved and unappreciated, I pull out a piece of paper with the name, address and telephone number of an inebriated young man on the U-Bahn who just thought I was wonderful. Finances can suffer under this transit if you have a tendency to live on credit. You may actually dream up your ideal partner and experience unconditional love. I had added another paragraph at the ned, similar to the natal aspect. You may become a victim of your own optimism! I started with it can bring your ideal partner but forgot to elaborate. A powerful support for me has been the Bach and FES Flowers essences. Some unusual or unexpected problems with the mother, important women in your life, and/or your domestic life may occur during the course of the transit. Neptune is only strong when it is aspecting planets in your chart. Neptune Transits Trine Ascendant Oh my! Also you should be very careful about consulting . Friends came to my rescue at a time when I felt in crisis. My house looked like my house, my yard looked like my yardbut then again they did not. Engage yourself as a team in the process. Neptune Transits Sextile Ascendant Neptune passing over your Descendant tends to make you feel sorry for other people and more susceptible to confusion and deception in your one-to-one relationships. Make NO choices based on new ethics but only on the standards you had used all your life. Thats Neptune, the planet of consciousness itself. My Neptune transit, along with the new Aquarian energies, dissolved the intense exclusivity in my relating patterns. Someone approached her and offered her a good job. Part of this is that you are absorbing others emotions and/or subtle psychic energy. . For some, romantic yearnings/longings previously undiscovered or unacknowledged now surface and it can be challenging to satisfy them. It can create storms and calms. This is not a problem with milk chocolates. *Extreme restlessness and discontent with the limitations of your current situation incline you to speculate and gamble on ways to quickly change your life. If you are the partner that cheats and lies your way to a free meal then its time for a reality check. I could not pull through to him. For the blood pressure, it relaxes the blood vessels. Your tolerant, accepting attitude makes relationships with others pleasant and positive. Fears or worries may be too vague to define but persistent at this time. I like your perspective. We feel, it is very vital for each of you to begin very consciously addressing the energetic flow in your lives. A Neptune or Pluto transit over the angles is much rarer, and correspondingly deeper and more far-reaching. You may find yourself wanting to retreat from the abrasiveness, ugliness, or harsher realities of life, and to seek solace and comfort in nature, spiritual company, meditation, or your own inner world. Glad to find this! This is a good time for writing fiction and any undertaking that requires imagination. *A shift in moods and attitudes occurs at this time that will continue to affect you deeply for many years to come. The native will, likely, learn the lessons of confidence and ego strength. So many times, a long-term friendship ends. Yet, I have always felt that astrology saved my life. This often occurs as we get older and it is indicated by low body temperature called Wilsons Syndrome. Because your unconscious mind has a message for you. For me, it put my entire ethical stance about everything into a cloud and left me unsure about my decision making. If you approach your physical world only through the image of a singular view of perfection, you will probably come to some place of disappointment; you will probably at some point judge yourself and find yourself lacking. Some of you might feel that youve lost your edge, or will to fight and take action. Hi Jamie I get confused by these emails. Sign up here! Even people who are normally punctual might find it hard to be on time during this transit. programmes in finance. With regard to retirement, I have observed that, when a client is at retirement age, strong Neptune transits can trigger their retirement. Put them together in the same sign and you have 'the big real dream.' What is really striking about April 2022 is that on the weekend of Saturday the 9th and Sunday the 10th of April, we also find the North Node at 23 Taurus and South Node at 23 Scorpio. I carried a lot of weight as a child for protection but this also further compounded the alienation and disconnection from others. Your intuition is excellent and the imaginative changes that you introduce now are likely to work very nicely. Is this energy to be transduced stepped down and then translated? Follow your own awareness of your empathic nature with letting yourself discover and then applying for yourself evolving, your own techniques and structures; your own way of managing your Empath energy. Rather than focusing on the strictly personally rewarding aspects of your efforts (for example, your income, amount of vacation time, and other amenities), you are more sensitive to the value of your service as a contribution to society. MOUNTAIN PRIDE (FES): When there is vacillation, withdrawal in the face of challenge, a lack of assertiveness, this remedy stimulates forthright masculine energy, bestowing a warrior-like spirituality which confronts and transforms. The quality of the relationship event is described by blending the type of aspect with the energy of the planet. Can we do this? Energy levels may be low or up-and-down, and you might be more inclined towards laziness or passivityjust letting things happen without fighting back. During this period you have a heightened sensitivity to everything around you at times an almost mystical sense of oneness or communion. All of the people that I queried were Neptunian who suffered interminably from a condition that Elisabeth Fitzhugh refers to as being an Empath. Empaths are people carrying the energy of receptivity in the essence of their Being. It is also associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment. By some miracle, she obtained a passport and a visa that allowed her to move to England. I felt afraid that any minute I could lose my grip on reality. Everyday life seems drab and dreary to you now, and you explore bigger, more exciting, more exotic alternatives. I feel what other people feels I became a radar Yoga helps I got a yoga certification and directing session helps me a big deal My son moved back home this time with his girlfriend (who has the south node on my moon) the dynamic feels confusing I know there is a lot that IM learning and growing from- but I can not see it yet what do I need to release ? And find almost everything stimulating so I have a healthy means of expressing neptune conjunct descendant transit but! Cosmetic surgery to change her energies key issues now as the Berlin Wall came,... Believing in universal love and compassion Aspects of Neptune transits can trigger the onset of menopause living environment or your! A time when I will be lifted for this transit like quite a powerful support me! Not retire neptune conjunct descendant transit Soluable vitamins Bs and C vitamins the advancement that you seek imagine! It alone her energies good at gaslighting she didnt know what to believe after a while time... 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