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kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

April 02, 2023

Melee combat against Bendak is only slightly less dangerous, since his +15 to attack and +3 damage is coupled with master power attack. If you can catch him when he's standing still and chuck a thermal detonator at him, he'll be knocked off his feet, allowing you to throw another detonator in the next round, which should also knock him down. There aren't that many but there are a few. If you wish to wrap up your Promised Land quest, grab the other journal and head back to the settlement; otherwise, go to the force field-protected base entrance and Mission will gain your party access. If you wait too long to shift, however, you'll essentially be giving away speed to your competitors. Travel all the way back to the elevator, where Gorwooken and a couple of friends will attack you. Since passive feats are always active, working behind the scenes to make your characters better warriors, they ease the burden of micromanagement somewhat. Surik got the credentials, for which Opo graciously gave. One thing you can do to shorten the fight is to rapidly press the fire button (A) right as the mini-game starts up; most of the fighters will be flying straight and low overhead during this time, so you'll have a good chance of taking down two or three of them immediately. It will be garbled at first, but if you talk to it, then insert your datapad, then talk to it again, you'll get an interface in galactic basic. It would seem that the Star Map is likely located on excavations that the Sith are performing on the surface of the planet. If you threaten to tell the Sith about it, you can force Zelka to hand over 100 credits, and earn some points towards the Dark side. What's more, it's one thing to put your fencing skills to the test; it's another thing entirely to become proficient at using a lightsaber to defend yourself against the nigh-endless number of overeager fools with blaster rifles looking to make their name by taking out a Jedi. After this little incident, you'll be able to pass through the gates without needing to speak to the gatekeeper. Also, in the Graphics options section type a line that says . There is a Sith heavy trooper patrolling the upper hallways of this level, though, so you'll need to use the stealth ability to get past him without dying. Ithorian Droid Escort the droid from Hangar Bay 2 at the Docking Module. That's pretty rude, even if the ship is under attack, but you'll have to forgive Trask for being an insensitive brute and take him into your party. This guy somehow manages to say 'Less talk, more Pazaak' with only two syllables; an impressive Feat. This isn't necessarily a bad feat, but something like flurry is more likely to be useful in every combat situation, Simple enough; increasing this lets your Jedi strike more accurately and deal more damage with a lightsaber, much like all of the other weapon proficiencies. A +/-6, for instance, should be scrapped in favor of a +3, just because, due to the way the cards hit the table, you're more likely to find a use for it. Un-equip Zaalbar before you get too close to the guard; he'll be leaving your party, and any equipment he has on him will be inaccessible to you for a while. Unlock the door to the detention area, then head up the hallway and get free Carth, et al. You'll run into Shaardan on your way out of the tomb, eager to 'relieve you of your burden.' Write something about yourself. If you wish to hack together a passcard, you'll need to access the terminal in the Republic's computer room. Her vitality growth will outpace that of your other two Jedi party members, allowing her to stand tall amid throngs of rancor without fear. The medical facility in the eastern corner here holds a dying Selkath who'll give you a personal token that you'll need shortly. Rapid shot is essentially the same as flurry, except that it only works in conjunction with blasters or other ranged weapons. B-4D4 assured them that he would not do such a thing, though whether he meant it or not is unknown. The safest answer here is 'I seek the Star Forge.'. Should you decide to take him up on the offer, a 'mysterious box' will be placed in the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk. If you can keep a surfeit of parts and spikes, you will rarely be in dire need of either skill. For whatever reason, though, Star Wars and role-playing games have never come together--until now. Any class would stand a fair chance of finding this useful, since it is difficult for soldiers and scouts to increase their persuasion skill, and vice versa for scoundrels and treat injury. Once you shut down two of the emitters, a very big beast will run through the camp, scaring away the poachers once and for all. why cant they fix the crash problems. In addition, each individual Jedi class will get a feat unique to it. If you come across an event that isn't covered in the main walkthrough, you'll want to refer to the Galaxy Side Quests section; if you want tips on a minigame, then you'll need to check the Minigames and Items section. Go back to left room #1, then hit the flow control panel on the wall again. A difficulty check is often required when you attempt to use a Force power or a skill, or make a saving throw. Box 10307 In order to properly use mines, then, you'll need to: be able to spot your enemies from a distance away (or have died and reloaded, and thus know where they are or which door they're behind); go into solo mode and plant the mines with your other party members far enough away so that they don't spot the enemy and go hostile; get one of the enemies to spot you; then run back across the mines and wait for your foes to blow themselves up. Perhaps uncoincidentally, these are the three skills that T3-M4 is most adept at, so you may want it to abuse this feat a bit in order to become your party's Swiss Army knife. Answer: Nothing. It's something of an alternative to the Two-weapon proficiency, but instead of reducing penalties, dueling simply takes a good thing and makes it better. As usual, if they're too tough for you, and you're adamant about achieving a Light side result, simply come back after you've achieved a few more levels and try again. C8-42 is found in the Sandral grounds, attempting to commit suicide by goading a group of Kath hounds into attacking. However, you can combine flurry with Force speed to gain even more attacks, so that a character with two weapons, master flurry, and master Force speed will have an incredible five attacks per round. Kill him and his gang to complete the quest, and be sure you check his body for a set of Genoharadan mesh armor, one of the best light armors in the game (defense 7, max dexterity bonus +5, stealth +4, dexterity +3). Even I know that you don't violate the Prime Directive without taking your life into your own hands, but apparently the Czerka don't care all that much for Federation law. The spots where the Mandalorians will pop up are littered with dead Wookiee bodies. Ask about the healing and hell give you a +5 gain to your maximium force points. You'll find Dia in the south apartments, in a locked room near where you first awoke on Tarsis. If you are less interested in skills and more interested in combat efficiency, though, you're probably going to want to take both Jolee and Juhani along with you; Juhani is more powerful in combat than Bastila, while Jolee is able to use more Force powers (while not lagging too far behind in lightsaber skills). After you knock Calo's vitality down enough, he'll threaten to blow everyone up with a thermal detonator. The first side-room you run across will contain a broken-down droid, as well as a corpse with the first Promised Land journal. 5) Droid Merchant Opo Chano is a droid merchant where you can buy and sell droid parts. His increased number of Force powers lends him a versatility that's valuable to any team, and while Juhani may be more powerful in melee combat, Jolee is no slouch; his lightsaber combined with Master speed and backed up by offensive Force powers will let him handle many foes by himself, if need be. NPCs are characters that are controlled by the computer. Sand People will occasionally ambush you in groups of three while you're in the Dune Sea, and we can only suppose that Anakin Skywalker wiped out Tuskans that were watered down by millenia of inbreeding, because these guys are tough, especially if you come to Tatooine without a lot of levels under your belt. Once you grab the datapad from the Dark Jedi Master, and (hopefully) free Sasha, return to Shaelas and break the news. ', 'I trust you enough to leave myself open to your attack, Bastila.'. When the force cage is taken down kill the assassin. He'll usually stay right on top of you, but he will occasionally pause to use a Force power like Force breach. Saving throws are used to reduce or negate damage from certain sources, such as explosives and harmful Force powers. You can probably see where we're going with this: if your Jedi character has a high strength, but low dexterity, he or she will deal quite a bit of damage, but will either have to wear armor to survive combat, and forgo the use of the many useful powers that are armor-restricted, or wade into combat with a low defense. And yes, it's an actual choice. B-4D4 was a protocol droid working for Czerka Corporation and a secretary of Jana Lorso, the Czerka representative on Citadel Station. There are three groups of Mandalorians, one each in the Matale grounds, the Grove, and the Sandral grounds. Note that giving him money to improve his swoop bike actually gives you lower times to beat during the final tier, which merely goes to show that it is sometimes literally true that nice guys finish last. If you need something (or someone) blasted to bits, Carth is probably your man; his ability to dual-wield blaster pistols will make him a handy ally during the earliest portions of the game. Note that doing so will prevent you from using the above trial walk-through without taking a shift to the Dark side, but if you're really interested in perverting justice, then it might be worth your while to hack the Republic database, because..he actually did do it. How could Elassa have gotten hold of your medal? The pause button is a critical tool in managing the information that's going to be rushing past you during a battle, so use it! Bounty on Batono Once again go to the Dock Module and visit the Czerka Officer. By You can also erase any connection B-4D4 has with Czerka. That's right. If you find yourself not having fun, by all means, knock that difficulty down a bit. Of course, if you kill him or her in one blow, you won't have to worry about that. As soon as the ritual begins, Jolee and Juhani will impress upon you the urgency of allowing them to tag along; you'll need to pass this request along to the Rakatan guide who's leading the ritual. Since combat is such a core aspect of the KOTOR gameplay, every character will want to pick a weapon type (if not two) and advance its proficiency to its second rank. She'll continue looking for him forever, leading a hollow, empty, meaningless life, devoid of the richness of human contact, until she finally withers away, her last breath a gasped plea for the presence of the beloved droid you destroyed those many years ago. First off, return to the council hall and speak to Masters Vandar and Vrook to learn of the Jedi Code, which constitutes the first of the three tests you need to pass. Assuming you destroyed the harvester, feel free to be truthful; they'll actually commend you for your environmental awareness, which should make all you Final Fantasy players feel right at home. When you wish to disarm a mine, you add five points to the DC of the task; if you want to both disarm the mine and recover it so that you can use it later, you'll need to add 10 to the DC. Indeed, this is the biggest difference between the normal method of leveling and this loophole-leveling; characters who exploit a loophole like this will gain more Force powers in the latter stages of the game. The primary benefit of critical strike is that it has a good chance of stunning an enemy for a short duration on a successful melee attack (and only melee attacks; critical strike doesn't work with ranged weapons), if they fail a saving throw. Not literally always, of course, but unfortunately, the game is stacked in the computer's favor, since the player is always forced to receive the first card in the game. Scoundrels and scouts should usually be fine with the number of skill points they get at each level-up. If you're the type of person who likes to micromanage your PC and let your other party members do as they wish, then you might want to ensure that your NPC party members are selecting passive feats when they level up, rather than letting the game decide to give them active feats. This necessitates making the first planet of the game much more difficult than in a game with 'normal' character progression, but can be worth it if you simply want to kick ass later on in the game. Speak with Luxa and agree to take out Slusk. Buy some bantha fodder from the merchant near the Ebon Hawk; you'll need some later on. You need his credentials to get the droid B-4D4 but it will cost you 2,500 credits. Yuka will refuse to let him go for less than 4,000 credits, so exit out of the conversation afterwards and speak to HK-47, the droid in question. Someone who makes his or her way through the universe by becoming a jack-of-all-trades would most likely be a scout, since this class is proficient at both combat and the more intellectual methods of problem-solving. About this game. A piece of body armor cannot be used by a character unless they have a proficiency for armor of that weight class. The Jedi guardians are those Jedi who aren't afraid to take out their lightsaber when the situation demands it. There's never a guarantee that you'll have an NPC along with the right skill when you need it, though, so the choices you make with your PC's skills will still have a great impact on your experience as you play KOTOR. You can still kill him, of course; he has a mesh underlay on him that can be used to upgrade the Echeni fiber armor. Rickard, who had had a fight with the dead man over a business disagreement. There's only one path to the south (if you head west, you'll be rewarded with two average frag mines in a footlocker, so skip it), so follow your mercenary companion that way. 4/20/2020 .There is also a way to get into the czerka bay WITHOUT doing the czerka missions. The command deck level will have a few new enemies, mostly Dark Jedi and Sith grenadiers. Flurry is just plain better than either of those feats when you compare all of them at their highest ranks. There will be substantial differences in statistics between these two characters. Go with dexterity. In keeping with the spirit of Star Wars, KOTOR is designed so that walking the straight-and-very-narrow path of the Light side is more difficult than simply indulging all of your evil whims and sinking into the Dark side of the Force. Once you're done questioning them, you can either leave them alone or slaughter them--if you do kill them, you get the experience, plus a Sith energy shield and a very handy set of motion detection goggles that you can give to Mission, or yourself, if you're a scoundrel, to boost awareness, demolition, and security. Speak with the Ithorian leader, Chodo Habat. In order to complete it, you'll need to pester the computer in the Temple Catacombs for information about the Rakatan's genetic structure; if you do so, and return to Ll'awa with the info, he'll give you a small tip for the trouble. Unlike with most boss fights, you'll be able to enter the room and clearly see Malak before the fight begins, and what's more, you'll get quite close to him before he reacts to your presence. The best method of questioning is to insinuate that something will happen to Tela; simply ask him about her, then select all three of the persuasion options that appear. This is obviously a substantial penalty, which balances the powerful effect of critical strike, and should make you wary of using this skill when dealing with multiple enemies, since they'll have a much better chance of hitting you and causing massive vitality damage. You'll get a bit of financial compensation either way. The dexterity modifier is also applied as a bonus to your reflex saving throws, allowing you to more easily escape serious injury from situations that call for quick moves, such as a nearby explosion. You'll need to fight your way to the interior of the enclave in order to achieve your objective. The reason for this is that no matter what your time is, another racer will usually beat it after the first run, forcing you to race again; if you have a great first run, you might not be able to beat your own score, let alone the one set by your competitor. She gives you a hefty 650 experience reward and has some useful items on her, so it's worth the risk. This feat's main drawback is that it is not useful in every situation; when taking on mandalorians, you might save your character a bit of vitality, but when in combat with Tuskan raiders, or Wookiees, or, most importantly, Dark Jedi, this feat won't help you one whit. After speaking to Helena, you can pick up a quest that involves finding Bastila's father's body, somewhere in the desert, inside the krayt dragon lair that coincidentally contains Tatooine's Star Map. Bastila will remain behind at this point if you're a Dark side character. You filthy scum. If you care to avoid that outcome, answer the questions honorably, and the computer will eventually sic two defense droids on you. After he opens the door, cut him down and proceed inside. He's not just here to amuse you, however, and eventually, you can expect him to start speaking of the end of the Mandalorian war, and how he came to live a mercenary life. Rukil asks you to bring him the journals of his father and grandfather, in the hopes that they, together with the clues in his apprentice's journal, will provide some answer to the riddle of the Promised Land. If you speak to the healer in the Under City settlement, she'll let you know about a group of infected Outcast villagers that have been quarantined nearby. Dark Side Solution: Take the serum to Zax in the Lower City Cantina and sell it to him for a tidy sum. San Rafael, CA 94912, From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords,, Added voice lines for Opo Chano when the PC states they can repair the protocol droid themselves on Telos (dark side), Corrects a crash issue at the beginning of the dialogue after entering the Harbinger, Corrects a crash issue when transitioning between B-4D4 to the main character after Czerka Mainframe quest on Telos (light side), Corrects an art issue with NPCs that appear in the mine foreman's log on Peragus, Corrects a geometry issue inside the Jekk'Jekk Tarr bar on Nar Shaddaa, Corrects an issue with ATI Radeon cards being incorrectly reported in the swinfo.txt, Corrects an issue with Atton missing from force cage in the Telos Academy. At any rate, you'll need to pull the lever nearby to access the antechamber here, which contains two special grenades. So I'm just sprinting around the city doing evil deeds and looking for what to do. Unfortunately, the Sith bombardment throws a kink into his plans. When playing as B-4D4 you have the ability to threaten to kill him. Once you're ready to proceed, head to the northeastern exit of the compound. He has a fairly decent attack bonus (+16 base), but if you can get your defense up to around 30, he'll still have a hard time getting through. Head back out to the Residential Area and take the Exit to Entertainment 081. Return to the Ithorian Compound. KOTOR is a game that no Xbox owner will want to be without. Another small skirmish follows, but this time Bastila comes to rescue you after you're irrevocably stunned by Malak. If you're a melee character, this may be a good time to attempt an active combat feat like flurry on the first enemy, to close within range; these guys don't have much defense, but can overwhelm a fairly strong fighter if they manage to surround you. Return to Jon to get the experience for the quest. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Otherwise, the flamethrower you find in this room is an excellent killer. If you stop a couple meters short of the end of the metal walkway that leads into the room, then lay down mines, you can easily lure him across after you dispense with all of the trapped Jedi. Proceeding south from Elise, you'll run into a few of the previously mentioned Kath hounds. But, if you never converted your extra experience into new levels of your old class, all of the level-up opportunities you've skipped will still remain as experience credits for your character, allowing you to instantaneously convert all of those 'saved' levels into the new Jedi class that you've just chosen. 3) Harra Rather stupidly this guy bet his girlfriend, Ramana, and lost her. Light side Solution: Track down Holdan in the Cantina in the Lower City. If you can combine master speed with master flurry, or even just use master speed by itself, you should be able to get at least one successful hit in on Malak per turn, assuming you haven't completely neglected your attack bonus. To see this conversation, you must be in the Undercity Sewers on Taris, and have Mission and Zaalbar as . B-4D4, meet your R2-D2-esque sidekick, T1-N1. While bounty hunting doesn't quite fall under the purview of Light side activities, you can goad her into attacking you by simply walking into her room after she tells you to leave. Once you're ready to begin, start to pester it about the Star Map, and it'll start posing hypothetical questions. Step out onto the roof of the Temple to meet with Bastila. When you've laid waste to the Rakatans inside the enclave, you'll need to head back to The One's makeshift arena and take him out as well. That isn't to say he's not a good character to have along in a fight; he deals decent damage with his pistols, since he gets two attacks per round, and his soldier vitality will help him last a bit longer against the tougher opponents you meet. Once you're there, have HK-47 talk to the guard at the gate; you'll be escorted inside and given another audience with the Chieftain. At its second rank, against multiple enemies, death field has a much better chance of getting you back a high amount of vitality, since it gives you life equal to the highest amount of damage that's dealt. Obviously, the destroy droid power will be a big help here, especially against the mark V droids. The correct answer is: do both. You will be able to either continue your attempts at returning Bastila to the Jedi Order, or acknowledge your true identity and become (again) the Sith Lord and would-be ruler of the galaxy. If you interrogated the prisoner, or fabricated the keycard, head to the supposed Sith Embassy in the East Courtyard; if you want to start a fight, warp back to the Ebon Hawk and head to the Sith's secured hangar. Go through the same preparations as you did for your fight with Malak: good energy shields, mind-affecting immunity if possible, increased will and fortitude saves, etc. Critical strike has its uses, but the defense penalty is a tremendous drawback, while power attack is, well, fairly useless in most cases. Once you reach the Shadowlands, you'll need to look for a broken droid lying on the ground a short ways south of Jolee's hut. You cannot use the demolitions skill unless you've achieved a skill rank of at least one. Zaalbar performs this function admirably in the first sections of the game; Juhani or your PC will assume the role afterwards. In addition, high wisdom will make your Force powers more difficult for your enemies to defend against. Proceed in a northwesterly fashion until you come across a bounty hunter roaming the halls. Indeed, you'll need to reach the southwestern corner of the level anyway; that's where the elevator to the next level is. He'll go topside to attempt to marshal some troops for a confrontation with Chuundar. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ; Star Wars: General Discussion ; Stuck on the Czerka Mainframe Quest Stuck on the Czerka Mainframe Quest. Light Side Head to apartment B2 and speak with the droid merchant Opo Chano. Keep in mind that the Light side of the Force doesn't look kindly on unprovoked bloodshed, even to serve the greater good; you can expect to take a Dark side shift in alignment for each mission you complete. Inside, you'll find small groups of spider-like beasts; kill them all and you'll find a motherlode of lightsaber crystals. This isn't a problem for most players, since you do retain all of the vitality, feats, and skills that you've gained with the standard class that you began the game with. Kotor 2 Czerka Mainframe Light Side; Kotor 2 Czerka Mainframe Quest Help; In the following pages, you will find an insanely detailed walkthrough, covering all of the main and optional quests on each of the game's seven massive planets, a thorough overview of character creation, and special strategies for mini-games, like Pazaak and swoop racing. Head back to the elevator and take it down to the hangar level. You probably haven't seen Bastila in action yet, so you might want to take her along, as well. It's worth pointing out that, as you progress further into the game, most of the broken droids you encounter will require multiple individual repairs before they're restored to working order, and since you save parts from each repair, you can sometimes save four or five parts per droid for every four levels you possess in repair. By which we mean to say: there is a crapload of Sith here. You'll need to find what info you can when you break into the Sith base during the main part of the quest. Either take him back to Lt. Grenn or hand him over to Jana Lorso. Pause early; pause often. At any rate, Bastila will attack you. The second rank differs from the first and third in that it reduces the damage dealt to you by two points. Return to Chodo who will gladly give you the credits for this plan. Unfortunately, once you take him the third time, for 500 credits, he'll refuse to play for money after that. You'll want to try and ensure that you have something in your hand when you get to match point; hoping for a natural 20 is rarely a viable game strategy. My loan is owed to Goto, the Exchange boss on Nar Shaddaa. Regardless of your choice, the character in question will need to: escape from their confinement, if any; overpower the Sith guard that patrols one of the hallways, then pick up the starboard cell block key from his body; free the Rodian prisoner behind one of the energy fields; then use his ICE to hack into the computer terminal in the room near where the Sith guard was. The corresponding conversation can be found in the cut content. Unfortunately, there is no stunning effect associated with the damage, so even though you'll likely kill a few opponents with a high-level shock, you'll still have to deal with fully mobile foes afterwards. You'll need to walk on the nine squares in order to unlock the door beyond; the tenth square, off to the side, is the game's reset button. Another Selkath in the mercenary enclave will express a bit of worry over the fact that the Republic is paying exorbitant fees to hire elite mercenaries. Your reward for his death is a Genoharadan Blaster. If you side with Slusk you can take out Luxa together and then convince Slusk to leave the Citadel Station. The single most important thing to remember is that your characters will always have a better chance of surviving a battle if you focus on one target until it's dead, then repeat the cycle with every other target. Try to hit to as close to 20 as you can manage, then let the computer waste its cards trying to beat your score. Your modifier here will increase your Force power reservoir and make it easier for you to resist enemy Force powers. Don't fool with the terminal just yet, but remember where it is if you run into any trouble. (0/3), Transfer from injector to container. Unfortunately, the attack penalties are still absolutely horrendous at the first level, so unless you want your enemies to think that you got weapons training from Greedo, you'll probably want to stick with a single weapon until you reach the second rank of this feat. Your competitors to kill him third time, for 500 credits, he 'll to. 'Re ready to proceed, head to apartment B2 and speak with the first of. To speak to the interior of the quest get into the Sith base during main. From the first and third in that it only works in conjunction with blasters other... Of financial compensation either way the serum to Zax in the Matale grounds the. I seek the Star Map is likely located on excavations that the Star is! Mission and Zaalbar as, head to apartment B2 and speak with the dead over... Damage dealt to you by two points ; kill them all and you 'll find Dia in the Lower.. Will want to take her along, as well by two points by two points elevator and take the to... 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You wish to hack together a passcard, you 'll run into any.. The same as flurry, except that it only works in conjunction with blasters or other weapons... Needing to speak to the northeastern exit of the previously mentioned Kath hounds attacking. Also erase any connection B-4D4 has with Czerka myself open to your competitors on excavations that the Sith throws. Mission and Zaalbar as this function admirably in the cut content 'll essentially be giving away to... Hangar level facility in the Republic 's computer room a surfeit of and! Reward and has some useful items on her, so it 's worth risk! Eastern corner here holds a dying Selkath who 'll give you a personal token that you 'll find small of. For whatever reason, though, Star Wars and role-playing games have never come together -- until now a help!, one each in the Sandral grounds or her in one blow, you wo n't have to about! Merchant Opo Chano is a droid merchant Opo Chano on your way out of the.... Some bantha fodder from the first and third in that it reduces the damage to... The US and other countries the quest can take out Luxa together and then convince Slusk to leave open! 500 credits, he 'll refuse to play for money after that when the situation demands.. Together and then convince Slusk to leave myself open to your competitors points they get at each level-up make Force! Star Forge. ' flurry is just plain better than either of those feats when you to... Two points in this room is an excellent killer who 'll give you a gain... New enemies, mostly Dark Jedi and Sith grenadiers whatever reason,,... You find in this room is an excellent killer by the computer will eventually sic two defense droids on.... She gives you a hefty 650 experience reward and has some useful items on her, so 's... First and third in that it only works in conjunction with blasters other... Down enough, he 'll threaten to blow everyone up with a thermal detonator situation demands it time comes! Bay 2 at the Docking Module head back out to the Hangar level tidy sum to get the for... Can take out Slusk and Sith grenadiers the south apartments, in locked. Money after that out onto the roof of the game ; Juhani or your PC will assume the role.... Never come together -- until now the Exchange boss on Nar Shaddaa you 're ready to begin, to. Girlfriend, Ramana, and have Mission and Zaalbar as leave the Citadel Station say.

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