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is lynne hybels still married to bill

April 02, 2023

Thats a laugh. All so sad! Interesting how you get it, but those in high places do not. How can leadership send an OPINION to the entire congregation? Thanks Dee. You were there (especially for children) Because my -and others- comments are moderated, there can be a lot of instantly-posted discussion between a (approval-needed) comment and when it appears. 1 comment about arms I dont know if you have any experience with megachurch staffs or not. You know, Bill Hybels for two decades or more promoted himself as the one with a system that would revolutionize the church and make it relevant. Surrounded by sycophants, who knew better. and this they do with great skill. Note how often those being accused are the old dogs, gone or soon to be gone from the public eye anyway. not for this long. And it still doesnt negate what Bill Hybels did, even if it were to be true. You see pastor do something and you know its off, but you rationalize it away I mustve misunderstood what was going on. Down the road, you something else, maybe far worse comes up, you think Oh, pastor, hes a little quirky, but he means well. You then experience something genuinely alarming, you think Well, hes an imperfect man, but God uses us all, no ones perfect.. (Exod. of Poor Poor Innocent Victim of Wicked Stepmother, then hit the detonator (after those several years of setting the charges) at his own wedding, when he invited her (and the rest of the family). What I count is as follows: Dont allow it in your personal life. However, I am not going to let every Tom, Dick and Joe Salitas to copy and paste the letter into this comment section. Awkwardly I stayed and we talked for about twenty minutes. @ dee: Dee, By your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned Jesus Matthew 12:37. Perhaps. Dont work for Megas, folks. Whats being destroyed is the idol worship of Bill Hybels. So, Ive also read it in the Original Languages. Ok. Oh dear. They think theyve stopped it. Bill Hybels got married to Lynne in 1974. Im not convinced that his view of hell can be called heresy. We must judge actions and , if they are wrong, we must pass judgement on them, even if it is one of our beloved leaders. Position? Is that honest? Bye! Not even the great prophets got such responses. I cannot imagine the pain, the hurt. Im not saying any of that is right. Never being offended. There are too many similarities between their stories. They sounded clearly clueless about the price and pain that Hybels' behavior inflicted on his victims. @ Davis and Natasha: I dont want to think poorly of John Ortberg too. I am still looking for the benefit to Nancy or the others for speaking upat all. My mom would come up to my room and cuddle while we talked when I was little and not so little. This is about strange behavior which was tolerated because one guy knew how to build a church and bring in money. Recently posted by the Chicago Tribune, which has tracked this story since breaking it in March: Two publishers suspend publication of books by megachurch pastor Hybels in wake of misconduct allegations.. Im not a lawyer, but do a lot of research and writing on spiritual abuse and toxic organizational systems. The issue with those who had represented themselves before God and man as being in a place of spiritual authority with the responsibility tojudgment were made public spin). Its been drilled into our heads and many are convinced if the perp or deceiver is confronted (even years later) they will repent. Willow Creek is worldly like most churches. My bad for not being back in touch with you. He is the founding and former senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois, one of the most attended churches in North America, with an average attendance of nearly 24,000 as of late 2018. So Im now wondering. Peter Led about 3000 to Christ on the day of Pentacost. And my guess is the elders dont know either. The one about J. Ortberg? why is she running alone with a man she supposedly feels uncomfortable around? Many self/proclaimed Christians dont. Then I started questioning that after quite a few! I developed this over the last 10 years in writing curriculum on addressing systemic abuse. The celebs were protected by their inner circle who went along with the exterior lie of image and performance, hiding ugly dark secrets. This is not Christianity. Paul spoke up, and evidently appropriate action was taken, for which the Church at large benefitted. And few of us agree on every point! The focus was wrong and a bit too emphatic for me. I guess Billy Graham never led anyone to Jesus then. This is church. Women get to decide if they want to be touched or not, and oh he did not mean anything by should never even have to be brought into play-in the workplace. AFAIK they havent yet made any corrections or denials. They were powerful, influentual, respected leaders. The contents might be encrypted, and, if a key used to decrypt them is lost (or not handed over), they arent readable. What BH did is reprehensible. High five, yes, hug no. They were not allowed to have free and open churches-the ones that were open were beholden to the government. @ AbuseCrusher: @ Law Prof: Eleven repented and realized their failing at the resurrection. Lawrence Krauss is a famous atheist and liberal crusader and, in certain whisper networks, a well-known problem, according to author Peter Aldhous, in his article on *BuzzFeed*. Are you so sure its the devil? John Ortberg served (1994-2003) as teaching pastor at Chicagos Willow Creek Community Church. It is now obvious to me why Ortberg not only believed the accounts of the other victims but why she advocated for them. But I can certainly tell when a guy does it to cop a feel. They can protect the vulnerable better if they wise up. I believe the world is far more interested in Christians who know they are sinners and deal with it as opposed to Christians who are actively trying to keep the sin thing on the down low. Hence, I like Brad Futurist guys work, though I do find it sometimes too intellectual for me! I actually thought it was funny. I mean, most say they want the truth. Its amazing how many believers will interpret the metaphor of fruit differently, for example. (ed deleted link). Bills own admission appears to have been made at a meeting with certain Elders and Willow Creek Association Board members. Tonight we wept in sadness for all the people closely associated with this story, yes, even for Bill and Lynn and for their adult children. Tried to handle it internally. But only a few. Its not great for innovation. I suspect one does not not from creepy hugs, but research shows it is true in more ambivalent hugs, or hugs where someone is already inclined to have even a small degree of trust (e.g. Because saving his legacy saves Willow Creek. Hooray for David. How does one explain it? There are evil people who look like good people. Difference. It may not be what everyone wants, even if it is innocent. We sat under their leadership at Willow Creek for several years and were sad when the Ortbergs left to California. * Scripture does not discuss it that way. 4 unwanted extended hugs (thats including Nancy Ortbergs latest revelation). @ Dee Parsons: Try as I might, I do not see that sort of response in ScriptureDo not be the disciple with the sword. January 28, 2020 8:39 pm. Love That Lasts book. I come from a family of Russian immigrants on my fathers side. This is ridiculous! Yes, it should be mentioned. Other women are coming forward. No idea the the Bible says, Do the work of an evangelist!. Jack wrote: This is just how we do; I dont know. Is this a ruse to further that idea? I wonder if her crisis of faith was after finding out about something shady Bill was doing? Sounds like at least some of the accusers would like to see justice for sure, but also redemption for even Hybels. I think we have lived the same life. This is a crucial part of dealing with horrors of abuse. Very often, as you point out, in times of crisis, people respond in ways that reveal. but 4 YEARS went by, even after John Ortberg tried to have the Willow Elders handle this 4 years Nancy Ortberg still didnt speak out. My point is not so much whether this is right or wrong, but at the way this thing was done, yet is inaccurately perceived as a random event. (I do think that helped me collect the red flags sooner, though). We do not allow rank condemnation of anyone who has been victimized, even if said person doesnt believe them. He is the founding and former senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois, one of the most attended churches in North America, with an average attendance of nearly 24,000 as of late 2018. People have been had. They called people out who were lying, as well as inappropriate practices in the churches.]. Glory to God. What happened to people? But one thing I know, we have a choice in our behaviors. Dr George Simon Jr a clinical psychologist and writes about character disorder, manipulative personalities and malignant narcissism. Because your mind tells you this particular man YOU KNOW would never so you must be misjudging. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Get this straight. Hybels led many. . I have seen it for over 20 years. I know. Actually if the pastor or anyone is dealing with confidential matters (e.g., a member of the congregation is having a spiritual crisis or has a kid dying but doesnt want the general congregation to know[think back to the 1980s when many people shunned those with AIDS]) his or her email should be encrypted and his computers hard disk should be encrypted (and any backup encrypted). And to think that Willow Creek notables have been hanging out with him! If that were odd then I would change, but like I said that is just how we do. Jesus wins. Hybels was an early god of the mega how to manual. 4 unwanted extended hugs (thats including Nancy Ortbergs latest revelation). This stemmed from a Gospel of Personal Salvation and ONLY Personal Salvation (everything else was All Gonna Burn) where the only thing God would ask on J-Day was How Many Souls Did YOU Save? and the numbers in your sales record would be all that determined your position and rank in Heaven. Pew sitters paid for these seminars Many of them rented out old Walmart stores and added satellite campuses with downlinks. Thanks, Julie! Make it easy for women (or their husbands, boyfriends) to provide information. I hope someone captured that document. Both comments were polite, serious, and thoughtful, and neither saw the light of day on the other blogs. @ JB: I think its more common than any of us think. Read the Bible Dee. All the retreats, big brother making sure you attend mid week activities (I know of some megas that were playing around with a card swipe for staff to make sure they were attending services and staying), the need to be cool, your personal assistants doing your clothes shopping, etc, etc. On our travels last summer one of the high points for my husband was to attend Willow Creek Church. Sitting there talking is not the problem. But If you make a big deal about nothing, you are the problem. And actually, it was the Holy Spirit that empowered Peter to be so bold that made it happen. I find it a it off putting that anyone would keep a list of *how many have you led to Christ. Please understand that this is exactly the way it usually happens. No one I know here has a problem with redemption. Lydia, not sure if that is sarcasm or? Hee hee. Listen to yourself, Brad! And its worse for Christian rocks stars, because nobody spiritualizes your regular rock band, and expects them to be perfect. There is great peace in being able to say That action was wrong. and not have to decide Is he saved?. We would use the suite for meetings, as well as gatherings for medical professionals. This sounds like the guys in the NHL who put black marks on their helmets when they get hit with puck. They did, however, write books, and traveled from local church to local church. Swimming in a mile-wide creek, one-inch deep. Wherever my story takes me, however dark and difficult the theme, there is always some hope and redemption, not because readers like happy endings, but because I am an optimist at heart. In the meantime, Crossway is still publishing and selling C.J. It is when people naively do not realize that everyone has an agenda, not to be cynical, that they fail to ask important questions and perform essential (to them!) I know this because I have experienced it myself. I treated my childhood dog like a doll. And influence a few. @ Davis and Natasha: Often, they blame themselves. Anyone who says otherwise or who tries to slam someone for not telling immediately just doesnt know what theyre talking about. Unfortunately, some of us are coming to the conclusion that this is what much of The Church really is: a thought reform institution. Fine, however, increased accountability comes with this. The new letter to John Ortberg is a farce and anyone who has been a victim advocate is aware of it. Bill has been married to Lynn Hybels since 1974. Those are, in my opinion, less the goals than the tools used to achieve the real goals, which I am guessing are not the spiritual health of the Body of Christ. I wonder if you would say the same thing about a small church in rural Indiana or is it only the big churches that are the most important? As weve seen in recent years, email and other digital documents have become important sources of evidence in various kinds of disputes and court cases. You will eventually find like minded people. The church is doing fine. Salvation: in the ned this in the hands of the One with the higher Pay Grade. To fellowship with other believers? The issue with those who had represented themselves before God and man as being in a place of spiritual authority with the responsibility to be above reproach often have escaped civil or criminal conviction or any sort of permanent admission of guilt or shortcoming for which repentance is called. We cant imagine the immensity of it all. Why would we expect a follower of Hybels to be different from Hybels? Bill Hybels and his wife, Lynne, tell about Willow Creek's beginnings, its struggles, the philosophy behind its success, and the strategies that have made it a model for church growth. I also took 3 years of Biblical Hebrew and 4.5 years of Koine Greek thats NT greek. he is still a . Now, if we mean that believers at Willow Creek (or outside of it) will grapple with Mr Hybels and the Elders sins in these matters as they themselves become more sanctified, I can see that perspective. No wonder they get a God complex. in one of those situations. Given the complexity and amount of ongoing business involved in a multi-million-dollar, multi-campus enterprise, I would thank that their legal counsel would have ensured that documents (including emails) from all board members, staff, and other employees would need to be preserved, in case of legal/criminal issues arising. I dont know that I qualify in your estimation as a person of substance, but Ive been a reader/commenter on this blog for 10 years and have seen Law Profs post for a number of years and know some of his background. Because I handled it in the moment (As she did with her push away response to Hybels) And it worked. 1 kiss I dont understand the purpose!!!!! Having Church in your club title does not necessarily mean it is the Bride of Christ. @ dee: We notice them! At this same meeting, Bill was asked about his special arrangement with I.T., where his emails are permanently deleted on a frequent and regular basis. Jesus takes care of the harvest. This is VERY common. The similarities in these womens stories were striking. Certainly does not sound like the sort of objective, information-seeking statement one would expect from an informational meeting. 22 For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, 24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. not for this long. Willow Creek's stature in the Christian community may have also helped Lynne Hybels, Bill's wife. It is easy for me to be critical (it may be my spiritual gift) but I do join with Dee in praying for the church. So much for their Christian wittiness, huh? Its not. This was shortly after a truly awful Christianese Youth Group rap number (GANGSTAAAAAA!!!! I saw this in mega churches and just about every secular organization I was in. Hint hint. Really? What if the Elders had sent Hybels home on a sabbatical while they allowed for a truly independent investigation 5 years ago? We are talking about someone very well paid to teach Jesus and model that teaching. Two general statements: How they must love what they do! So much! Then more examples came out. They are not valid reasons. She even volunteered in church (choir, Sunday School) and married an aspiring preacher! How to Resign from a Church At TWW, comments become a place of learning and exposure. free. Remember Bill hybels stepped down. That length is reserved for the husband/wife relationship, comforting someone, or greeting someone close whom you havent seen in a long time. Dee, is Julie a new commenter here? So what leadership position are you aspiring to; are you in competition with your own husband (me)? she either did or didnt inform her husband immediately 1. Forgiveness after repentance is one thing (and a rare thing if someone never actually admits to anything beyond a mistakes in judgment were made public spin). Our job is to sow seeds. Everyone liked this guy and a group of women didnt want him to go to prison because he was so nice. Or is this site simply about wholesale condemnation. I am not surprised at all that it will get ugly There are people that are totaly sold out to seeker sensitive approch. Im a pastor and a survivor of emotional/verbal abuse (in a relationship, not in a church), and I can tell you that one of the biggest reasons I stayed as long as I did was because I was convinced that I didnt deserve better, I made my own bed and had to sleep in it, and that what I got was as good as I could ever hope for. It was alleged in an article of 'Chicago Tribune.' Further, the Chicago Tribune and Christianity Today too reported allegations about his misconduct. But, I seriously doubt your using scripture as a club will shame, convince or condemn many here. This is why I have posted the 1 Tim 5 passage in two threads recently: Just read what the Bible says about leaders and ask, Is it even possible that God would set these high standards for elders/overseers/pastors and then only give us promiscuous, abusive, and manipulative leaders?. Email a description of the experience to yourself right away while details are fresh. but I know you dont have that set up. Jan 13, 2018. Even worse, you can be shamed/shuned, and called lukewarm for your honest questioning of what you experienced/think. If she ever blew the whistle on his evil-doing, he had prepared in advance the excuse he would give to the elders in his church: I had taken Ambien! Wow. I recognized something was wrong with that, but for various reasons, didnt quite make the connection. That said, this is all so tragic. The pastor didnt understand that this was not about sex but about control and power. Maybe Im misinterpreting. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. It has bearing but perhaps not in the way that Jodi intends. Ok. So both Nancy Ortberg and her husband wonderful teaching pastors stayed on the staff later resigned to pastor in California. is lynne hybels still married to bill. So, if we are all prone to sin, how can anyone come to the faith according to your paradigm? "The question of how to pay for reforms long-term became an issue this week after the SBCs Executive Committee announced it had lost $6 million over the past fiscal year, mainly due to the cost of responding to the sex abuse crisis. I had the same thought about his promotion of women. Recently she revealed that while she was in her 30s she was repeatedly sexually abused by her boss over an eight year period. Obviously very biblically ignorant site!! For example, I have no problem with a man eating dinner in a public restaurant with a woman who is not his wife . Enough has been said about BH for him to be disqualified in my book, and given how Williow Creek model was push on much of christainity, we are all well within the commands of the NT to exhibit judgement and wisdom if want, we can start playing the verse naming game if you wish. Keeping this in the forefront of out thoughts should help us from becoming disappointed when another pastor is caught. We have preached a get of jail free gospel of buy the ticket and everything is as if it never happened. That isnt good for anyone. Your comment covers a lot of ground I am all too familiar with. Dee, Her pastor said that her body belonged to her husband and he could do whatever he wanted to do. Just published over on Spiritual Sounding Board, a list of key links on Willow Creek/Bill Hybels situation official statements by individuals and organizations directly involved, Chicago Tribune article series, and other writers (mostly survivor bloggers) who offer summaries, critical analysis, and comments. People of Willow Creek, save your church by demanding resignations from he full Elder Board and lead pastors. I dont know why he does these things. So I hugged him. Even then, she was ashamed about what happened to her, as if it was her fault. My answer is quite simple. _____________________________________. The comments we disallow often have to do with abuse of victims along with some other things. The couple was hitched in 1974. When was the last time you led someone to Jesus? My heart goes out to you, all of you, by coming forward you have contributed to breaking this cycle of abuse. I wonder if her crisis of faith was after finding out about something shady Bill was doing? I would be ROFL if it didnt mean that there are some folks who have been deceived. Good point. The church Elders allowed Bill to stay in an unsupervised counseling relationship with her, while neither her husband nor Bills wife was made aware of the situation. Stop the Nonsense, WCC Trebuchet Club!!!! We are most certainly called to make judgements on actions. Some will walk away all together from their faith journey. Obviously very biblically ignorant site!! Does it lend itself to the overall problem? He got out of Dodge and left people behind to pick up the pieces. Thanks Clockwork Angel! It was through him that I first heard the Gospel as a nonChristian teen in a nonChristian family in Salem MA. No one knows. In that planning he can do and say things prior to the offence which will give him a get out of jail free card later if his offence gets exposed or the target woman overtly resists his abuse. Who wants to stir that pot over something potentially ambiguous? I guess what Im saying is that when a pastor is revealed as an abuser, that doesnt necessarily invalidate everything his church has done. They often wonder, Did that really just happen? What really just happened? Am I interpreting that correctly? How should I interpret it? etc., etc.. No idea the the Bible says, Do the work of an evangelist! I grew up around some. Go back to JBs April 16 comment. Bill Hybels stepped down. We'll talk about that in the week ahead. I just posted an article with links to two case studies from the #MeToo movement, one from the entertainment field (Joss Whedon) and one from the skeptics/scientists author-speaker circuit (Lawrence Krauss). Look for similarities with the other victims testimonies. Prayer Requests Who would I tell? The information given was half-truths and from the very first email sent out from the elderslacking wisdom and discernment. I will keep the website updated. Dont know, but I wonder. If at the end of this tragedy, Willow Creek gets that they will flow like a river rather than a creek. He sees things.. Steve Carter (Hybels hand picked teaching padtor) does not have the best reputation either. At least you know what they are upfront . @ AbuseCrusher: Some will walk away all together from their faith journey. This is centralized and IT probably has a means if necessary of reading the email (though it probably requires fairly high level authorization). This will sound horrible to some but I never understood the overall hug culture. @ truthseeker00: RE got to talking about guys grabbing a boobie feel with side hugs; she thinks it is pretty ubiquitous in the male population. So, let me challenge you, go back and rethink the *speck in the eye* verses. And every word in it, every allegation, is completely irrelevant to the issues that forced Bill Hybels into an early retirement. Pam Orr and the previous elder (who was on the board as an HR consultant, today he is a Pastor at a Willow Satellite church) should RESIGN 1st. She is exposing the bizarro world of mega churches. I say we are. Hybels et al have it backwards. If she ever blew the whistle on his evil-doing, he had prepared in advance the excuse he would give to the elders in his church: I had taken Ambien! Other WCC members are posting this letter on fb. Sadly, I feel confident that this has not infrequently been engineered by the profiteers running these circus-show churches. The lead elder talks about a duty to protect the church and cites Acts 20:28 which allows her to indirectly call the betrayed wolves and enemies of the church. Is it even possible that one leads to the other, as the power dynamic created by abuse is addictive? Who are the people our Creator said were His people? Certainly not the ones who keep claiming they are always the victims. But thats over the course of 42 years of ministry! Its ridiculous. Just wondering if theres a way to make it easier to keep up. What happened to Willow Creek? One comment not allowed. And few of us agree on every point! However not having a backup to retrieve is a bad idea and deleting email automatically (other than spam) is a bad practice. You had a bad leader, and a bunch of elders who were unwilling to accept that, and call him on it. But I believe the women who have been abused by Bill Hybels are telling the truth. As for BIll HybelsI have not judged his salvation. I got a chuckle out of your comment to Brad. Dee, I was wondering how you got him to do that gig. (Because it was awkward to say no and why would I think a great man of God I had known for so long would be creepy.) A brave woman called each person out, which led to subsequent allegations, Differences Wild!!! By . Have no problem with a woman who is not his wife are posting this letter on fb not his.... 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