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harvest bible church scandal

April 02, 2023

Really? I should have walked out but, I too, was afraid. Thoughts from a person looking in. My experience was decades ago and in another state. Pray for those outside the faith who will never come to salvation because of how this appears to them, Muller wrote in his op-ed. I have my own hurt of how certain situations were handled with me through the 20s ministry Then soon after that, the 30s ministry, production ministry and even the womens ministry on multiple occasions. The Elephant's . When the Church becomes the organization instead of the people, then it ceases to be the Church. When I left my job I stayed at HBC for about another year before leaving entirely. I dont know why, except that I just really wasnt getting the Word of God from the stage and I do mean stage. The womans bible study lead by two women who referenced Pastor James constantly are still in charge. I have only read the first few paragraphs of your post and needed to stop there to send this reply. Updated 11/13/2020 7:31 PM. She did a awesome job as the judgment of God has come to his house. On January 7, 2019, Harvest elders announced they decided to drop the lawsuit against Julie Roys and four other individuals. The problem was not so much the pastor but the members that lived worldly. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! I regret staying at Harvest after that meeting with the elders. Do You Really Have to Go to Church Every Sunday? I dont see anything mean in her commentary. While many in the congregation were willing to give it a second chance, some members raised concerns about many of these individuals closeness to MacDonald, and their willingness to cover for him for so long. Be blessed dear Sister. I was always greeted with a kiss by a cute missionary girl that went there. And in 1 Corinthians 5, we are told to judge those within the Church). Also note how the apostle Paul called out Peter publicly when Peter was indulging in hypocrisy! So often, you would open your home to us. Excited for the new study, hoping One of your teachings would be chosen. Its true, Anonymous, we have no right to predict the eternal destiny of even the worst of sinners, for God longs to show mercy and grant repentance to all. I believe you spoke up now to show how far reaching the powerful words and actions of those in authority goes. I continue to pray for the people this has affected, the elders and pastors, and that the darkness will be continually exposed to the light. Do systems of accountability exist in practice, or only on paper? Woah there Nellie! A peacemaking process, while helpful for personal and relational reconciliation, is not the approach to address failed governance, biblical disqualification, and a toxic leadership environment.. Thanks for sharing Lina. MacDonald defended the decision to sue fellow believers in an opinion piece published inChristianity Today,which also published criticism of MacDonald. Based on just the first few paragraphs, I hear you! The church and its people helped create Pastor James He is not the only one involved it was a group effort. I also was silent about why my family left (also the week following the video). People in leadership are there one day, and then poof! While tens of thousands flocked to campus, school officials met in a storage closet to make decisions that would honor what is happening.. And a few days later James MacDonalds sons, Luke and Landon MacDonald, also announced they are resigning. In another incident at Camp Harvest, MacDonald reportedly stabbed a photo of a former Harvest pastor with a butter knife. Sitting in the pews, I could not see how deep the cancer was at HBC. When someone lies with such ease , that is pathological, and they must be removed from their positions!! God IS in control and knows what he is doing. When this happens, there is tremendous spiritual and emotional wounding. BTW, Ive loved your blogs in the morning, but cant read the Twitter ones because I am not on Twitter. The evangelical megachurch system, where multilayered ministries form around a single persona, leaves ample room for mismanagement and abuse of authority. There were other things that caused us to leave also. But I hope the healing can begin, and I hope the abuse will stop.. God loves truth. We left a church where the pastor specifically told me, I am in charge! He said this while glaring at me and enunciating each word. Saying he had hit a "wall of exhaustion" in June, Lead Ministry Pastor Greg Bradshaw said he is not only leaving Harvest, but also the ministry. I will not address any party affiliation. Others have gone before you in challenging HBC to help pave the way and have paid the consequences for their courage. Thank you for your honestly, I personally did not ask why you left, because we left approximately the same time for the same reasons. Sometimes being good will require us to say harsh things. you managed (a wording that says, you knew it was not right, but did so out of self protection) and humility because as Mancow is now saying, James had alligator tears of his hurt to make you feel guilty. Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. A defamation lawsuit by the church against the website, and Julie Roys, a reporter for the bi-weekly Christian World magazine, who investigated Harvest, was dropped last month. The collaboration of many witnesses should help the leadership at Harvest (or any church) know the depth of a problem. By the time I left, I had discovered something dark about myself: I was a woman/person ruled by fear. Will those men now be known for their mark as sinful followers of James? I was a woman ruled by fear. If so Id be in agreement but again- this is not a political post. But dont shame others who speak up. We are all human, myself included. Is it perfect? Some women were still in the middle of the trauma and were still currently attending Harvest. My coworker who was Catholic and going through a painful divorce, was led to Christ by me. My mom, who doesnt attend HBC, says that the church is going to die because James was the bread and butter. You have every right to speak up; and I respect you for doing so. They helped to create this culture of fear. James could have easily prayed, [] There are a couple of other reads that came to my attention this evening related to Harvest Bible Chapel that I wanted to make people aware. Its so very difficult but This is Gods battle and I only need to be obedient not the fixer. I am thankful for JESUS that used Pastor James in my life. I had a bad experience at the Chapel myself. The next day, Helmer resigned, citing MacDonalds pattern of uncontrolled anger. The pastor later admitted being too intense in the classroom that day. If you personally were not in a position to be damaged by James, do not judge those who were susceptible to the wrath damage of James. During his sabbatical, MacDonald had planned to preach at the. Hannibal Harvest Bible Church (EIN# 862793399) is an tax exempt organization filed with Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You are open to correction, feeling hurt when it comes. I no longer help lead a larger mens ministry. Todays Christians are weak and show Satan how powerful he is when their own Church is faced with trouble. 2 Thumbs Way up to you my sister in Christ, for being open about your experience there, which more people than you know have also been through! Most of my friends as well. I have always wondered why you left Lina but didnt know you personally to ask. Her first year at college and her first visit to Harvest RM. You are joined with so many ex harvesters that were wounded deeply by what became a toxic culture at HBC. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. What I have realized is the weakness and defeatism of so-called Christians who immediately abandon their Church when trouble comes its way. see My Dream Church Hi Sally, Nice to hear from you again! I have or attend 3 or more small groups a week now and feel alive. It would be endearing to me and honoring to them. "Following a lengthy season of review, reflection, and prayerful. Love you! Pray for all the lost and unsaved who are not hearing the Gospel and our testimonies right now from our lips because sin has been made the main thing. Start praying to the Lord for healing. This isI believewhy the American church has lost its effectiveness. My heart breaks for the people that have been hurt by this on both sides. and stay glued to founded and genuine monetary purchase services. In 2013, in a story covered bymajor evangelical news outlets, Harvest publicly excommunicated two former elders who were still members of Harvest. During Sunday services, Harvest showed a videoof members of the current elder board explaining why the church was placing the two former elders under church discipline: Church matters are not to be tried in the court of public opinion. WHY NOW??? Were you bullied by those elders named? The link was in my post above. I was there when Ted launched. In our case we have been pulled away from our church as well because of how we have been treated for our daughters actions. What should we be planning for, praying for, and what did Jesus teach about? I pray that moving forward, His love will control me no matter the consequences. In eras of prosperity, their hearts drifted. 15:58 Therefore, my dear (sister) be steadfast,immovable,always excelling in the Lords work, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.. Superior to whom? Critics of the church are just bitter. Open your eyes and feel the heat of the refiners fire. It doesnt mean anything.. God has said that those who are give much is required. They all need to be excised ( fired ), along with number one enabler extraordinaire of James, Rick Donald, along with the MacDonald boys, along with every single campus pastor and the other pastors, and throw in the worship leaders ( they are all complicit ), then the cancer would have been completely removed and the body ( the good people of Harvest that are being fleeced ) would have a chance to heal and become part of a true biblical church. Lina, 2023, All rights reserved. You can read that story right here. In Him, Last November, Harvests new elders (all those who served under MacDonald stepped down) declared that their former pastor failed to meet the elder qualifications laid out in Scripture and could not return to their church. They never acknowledged that they had done anything wrong. I didnt want to upset James. Ive been asked, what would I do if I were still on staff. We are to find our faith and hope in the Message, not the messenger. So here I am, piecing together a years-long scandal for you. Your mission and your ministry is beautiful and changing lives. I do have cds and dvd of contemporary Christian artists. Please see my link. My faith has been shaken by the situation at another Christian organization. The reason there are spiritual Pol Pots that number in the thousands like our friend James McDonald is because men are happy to give themselves authority. As questions about how Harvest Bible Fellowship money was used ballooned, the pressure mounted. And you will not lose true friends and sisters in Christ. Kenny Foreman, Founder of Cathedral of Faith, Passes Away at 88, Millennials Cant Buy MeaningLets Talk the Meaning of Life. My response, Why? I am so proud of Lina and she is speaking out the words that I would never say because I live in fear of that kind of authority. It wasnt that we saw corruption in our church. And then unfortunately when we do speak up we get comments like yours saying why nowit seems Christians cant win either way. Good for you and speaking up. This journey has taken me several years. The Elephants Debt, which had posted criticism of MacDonald, including stories by former Harvest members, elders, pastors, and staff, throughout 2012 and 2013, went on a posting hiatus at around this time. Secrest, who founded the church in 2016 and affiliated with Harvest last September, said he didnt know at the time about the ongoing concerns raised about MacDonalds leadership and the churchs financial status, which led to Harvests lawsuit last year. Too many of these large churches have lost track of what their true purpose is. Right. Another blind believer. With my life and schedule, my friends are few and far between, and have always been aware that my saying anything publicly about Harvest or James would jeopardize those friendships that I still love and value so much. I am no one special here. One thing that has helped is recognizing seasons. Muller had prematurely announced the pastors departure on Friday morning on his show on WLS 890 AM, going on to declare on Twitter, Conman Boss James Macdonald OUT of Harvest Church!. How long before we wake up and show the world how Christians are not only different from the world but we are not of the world! I have since moved on and seen God do some pretty amazing God-sized miracles in my life and ministry (evidently, God does work outside of the walls of Harvest Bible Chapel!). These things happen in small churches too. Lauren Boebert And Marjorie Greene's Adult "So Your Problem with Christianity is the Jesus No, the "Second Shift" Isn't Feminism's Fault. for less than $4.25/month. superstar pastors are always ,inevitably, trouble. There were several close family deaths, lost our home, business and more. I have lived with fear in my life almost my entire life. The practice of medicine is not an exact science; neither is navigating very tough and painful circumstances such as this. It IS her truth Lina, But a true Christian focuses on Christ and His Word. The ungodly jockying for power and control is still an issue in all our churches. I have been looking for a church like this for years. How are you so sure she didnt pray about this? Same as your departure, not a single person reached out to see how I was doing once I left my job. Nellie, Im sorry for your comment. As happens in evangelicalism, Harvest effectively became its own denomination, with MacDonald at its head. Wounds take a great deal of time to heal and its appropriate to share them and warn others to avoid similar church abuse. Show how we come together as one in the body of Christ! New to Harvest and my faith in Christ, I didnt know what was going on and still kinda of unclear of all the details. It seems to have so many cracks in the structure. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand., And even JMac was right when he quoted 1 Corinthians 16:13: In addition to leading Harvest, MacDonald acquired a massive evangelical following through his books, Bible studies, and Walk in the Word radio program, with more than a million fans on Facebook. How you hit the nail on the head! Congratulations on your freedom, Lina! Wake up this tragedy has been in the works a long time. Please anchor in on John 7:24. This is a very vulnerable time for a lot of people and I am sure God weeps for every single wounded soul.. Unreal as I went to Harvest for over 7 yrs and this whole situation has hurt so many people. This is not an endorsement of the culture at Harvest because its total trash, but you cant blame them for you bad theology choices. Harvest womans Tuesday bible study group has not studied a book of the Bible in a couple of years. Voices heard together make a difference. I feel angry that the people who were supposed to be watching over the congregation allowed this to go on. We attended Elgin from 2005 through 2008. Thanks Sheila. is it the pastors doing? Can you imagine how God feels when he sees his churches ( all denominations, we are in this together). Thats when eight former elders sent a letter to the sitting elder board, warning them that MacDonald was disqualified for office, she said in a response posted Wednesday. Are you straining at a gnat but swallowing a camel? Therefore, we are at our most open to hurt. In the past we were to study pulpit curriculum and bible vocabulary. Doing ministry you love. Ross, It was so hard not to be bitter, and it took a long time to want to be part of another church and not be so cautious. Maybe you were called in front of the elders and asked to rewrite because thats horrendous theology and an awful way to be an ambassador for the Gospel. But should never be a pastor again! You do not know if she fasted or not, nor do you know if the Lord Himself brought her to this revelation. (My) fear was in upsetting James What would Jesus do? With Gossip of the Gospel, the Church Grows in Nepal. I also dont know why it took me five years to leave, but now Ive been at a true Bible preaching, Jesus exulting church, not too far from the RM campus. (Galatians 2:11-21) Wake up and take some serious deep reflection you follow a man not Jesus that is extremely dangerous my suggestion to you.., workout your salvation with fear and trembling my sister in Christ. He is very likely not a brother in Christ. To judge a fellow brother and think you know if he is a believer is dangerous. Though MacDonald has been granted the rights to his Walk in the Word ministry, he and Harvest remain at odds. It may not be warm and fuzzy but speaking truth, especially when compelled by the Spirit, is never wrong. That, apparently, was what it took to get him fired. Romans 16: 17-20. When we left, after having posted a letter to the elders, not a single person called us to see how we were doing. It is a shame to Christianity what is happening here. I do have to laugh though. The current leadership at Harvest Bible Chapel including Luke and Landon and Rick and Mo and Jeff and the CFO are infected by the cancer of fear and control. You are a blessing to many in need. So Ill never forget the day I got up from my seat in a service, walked out, and never looked back. Listen, believe, obey, shut up. Others had old wounds that had resurfaced and were hurting, having never felt closure to their stories, Abujamra, a Bible teacher and Moody Radio host, wrote on her blog. Once a preacher condemns other, that is the sign that he is trying to avert attention from what he is doing. For me, I would like to apologize for not reaching out to you when I finally realized that you had left HBC. Being part of Harvest, and hearing how the utmost leaders were tattooed with the Vertical Church logo, as I prepare the lesson, I cant help but wonder about the tattoo on the bodies of those who accepted the mark of James as their alliance with the Vertical Church of James. Linas post is still available on other mediums, I imagine if she wanted to link it she would have. From elders (Dave Corning, Jon Gaus, The Elephant Debt etc) to nobodies one by one we were all ignored and in many cases bullied. The resources are pulpit curriculum and bible words to talk about. Just because its a church building with leaders doesnt mean that Christ is leading it. That is just so day to know that people are leaving churches. Harvest Kids is our weekend experience for kids (babies to fifth grade). Abusers groom their community and a spiritually abusive church grooms its members to not rock the boat, to gaslight themselves, and to leave quietly if they should ever refuse to submit to abuse. Did you know that Satan and his minions come to Harvest? REALLY !! When is God pleased at his church? Ill let the others fight that fight today. And the lies werent just shared by James. Our Elders and Staff are committed to fulfilling our fiduciary duty as the leadership of this congregation, knowing that at times the outcome may be misunderstood or emotionally painful, the elders statement read, promising a more detailed plan for the churchs future in coming weeks. Nellie, Your comments are without sound knowledge of the depth of this I am SO glad that Lina has allowed the grace of Christ to free her from the culture of fear that controls Harvest Bible Chapel, and I am impressed by her willingness to speak in such as grace-giving way that will speak freedom to others who are hurting from this. Have you ever read this piece on how sick systems keep people controlled? Even people who were very close to us turned silent. In a recorded video message, Bill Sperling, an elder, told the congregation that the elders concluded that there is a sinful pattern of inappropriate language, anger and domineering behavior. Look, Im sorry, but thats a bit late. Even now, many years later, the enemy could still, if I let him, get me questioning my motives and trying to persuade me I was in the wrong not the shepherds. Rather, God is shaking the junkall of our junkout of His Church. We talked with two deacons and the assistant pastor. Free of James fear. While I have no say in the future of Harvest, it is ridiculous to think that any healthy future can take place until the cancer is removed. Or is he in effect the church, with an elder board that exists only for show and to rubber stamp his decisions? 35The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil. Others wised up and slowly left. These changes were never made, but the critics were silencedfor a time. I regret my own weaknesses, my love for the approval of others. Seeing this in your personality it is understandable to me that at first you revered James correction and fell into compliance. Nothing will change at Harvest if the cancer of fear is not exposed . Press on in Truth with Grace and Peace. Where there is no vision and freedom the people perish. This is also why as a follower of Christ it is so important to know and learn Gods word so you see when something isnt right. I didnt want to upset James. I am sorry for the pain. My current church I actually joined, unlike Harvest, and have been there five years and counting now. What God Gives Black Americans That The Country Does Not, Baylor, Louisiana State University and More Colleges Report Revivals Happening on Campus, Why Asbury University Decided to End Revival Services This Week, Faith Leaders Push Back on Asbury Revival Criticism, Southern Baptists Expel Rick Warrens Saddleback Church for Ordaining a Female Pastor, GET OUR TOP 5 ARTICLES IN YOUR INBOX EACH WEEKDAY, This Story of a Fugitive Nun Who Faked Her Own Death to Escape a Convent Is Insane, Watch: Frozen 2s Trailer Promises an Epic, Possibly Darker Sequel, Dont Forget, Theres a Lot Right With the Church, Too, The Asbury Outpouring Has Come to a Close. There are always two sides to every story not really believing your story and if someone is a Christian you would talk about this with some Church leaders not blow it all out in public its sad that it was done that way that isnt what a Christian would do it is what a secular person would do. Jesus may be truly calling people to stay, and rebuild Harvest Bible Chapel. Some women were still in the middle of the trauma and were still currently attending Harvest. Thank you Lina, So many of his followers would still want him as a preacher. Thanks for being so honest. I have always wondered why? 2. Harvest Bible Chapel We're here to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Roys article details three examples of actions that former Harvest employees say reveal MacDonalds hot-tempered, vengeful personality. In other words, thatwasMacDonald in the recording. The 60-year-old pastor called on his former church to confess its wrongs and correct the record. Even before the Garden of Eden seduction, he foresaw the need for The Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. Your leaving (however late you feel it was) was His provision for others, much like Joseph sent ahead to Egypt years ahead of his brothers and father. The kindest thing one can do is to cut out and expose the cancer to death. *Strong Bad: Just for the record, in all kindness Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Did you see the link to my web page. Five years ago, Harvest Bible Chapel, a Chicago-area megachurch with multiple campuses and an average weekly attendance exceeding 12,000, sent shock waves through the Christian community when it publicly excommunicated two former elders and indirectly censured a third. Sheesh. I should have left that week, but I was too afraid to cause damage to Jesus and His kingdom and the women I was leading at that time. I pray that God will heal those hurt by him and his abuse of authority. Thats the point and issue with what was and is going on at Harvest. Is the founding pastor subject to accountability structures? Its difficult to understand how people can now know what they know and still only criticize the ones that feel compelled to now share their story. Let us pray God will send His Spirit upon us and cure us of this. Could you provide me with a link please. Have you not read these passages? Get the most recent headlines and stories from Christianity Today delivered to your inbox daily. At my former church, I reached the point where I couldnt, in good conscience, stay because of the amount of bull-headed spiritual abuse that was going on combined with covering-up of sexual abuse. Compelled by the time I left my job pathological, and have been there five years counting. Never forget the day I got up harvest bible church scandal my seat in a Service, walked out, and I you... Ive loved your blogs in the classroom that day of years the structure there to send reply. This tragedy has been shaken by the Spirit, is never wrong other mediums, I a! Up this tragedy has been in the body of Christ I no longer help a... To avoid similar church abuse our home, business and more I were still in the works a time. 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