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christian voter guide colorado

April 02, 2023

Bishop Berg was ordained and installed as Bishop of Pueblo on February 27, 2014, by Denver Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila at a Mass in Pueblo. This helps you to make an informed decision when voting based on the candidates for office and state legislative issues that impact our Judeo-Christian beliefs. I will make voting decisions generally based on conservative values that will promote opportunities for underprivileged and average middle class people to create better lives for themselves and society. I think this is a great strategy to be used to break up the government school monopoly. Should the Colorado legislature restrict the freedom of individuals and institutions to think, speak, work, and act according to their well-founded beliefs? He earned a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1973 and a Master of Music from Eastern New Mexico University in Portales in 1975. Visit Diocese of Colorado Springs Website, WATCH: Colorado Catholic Conference Statement on Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health. As a lay pastor, a mother of a blended family, a female small business owner, an educator, and a policy analyst, I bring a unique, individual perspective to the table, one that represents average middle-class citizens of Colorado. No one should benefit from the treating only certain people when their compensation comes from the taxes of all. Pornography should not be made available through public schools. As much as I believe in the Separation of Church and State to prevent religious dictatorships, my fellow Believers in the Resurrection should know that with me in the Seat of HD42, I am a man of God prays before, during and after every Session. Bishop Golka is the fourth of ten children born September 22, 1966, to Robert and Patricia Golka. It brings dignity to the individual and enhances self esteem. Same-sex marriage has been embedded in society with divorces, inheritances, lawsuits, common law marriages all based on same-sex marriage, and it would be incredibly difficult to undo that, and incredibly unfair to say no same-sex marriage after this date. In the legislature I will fight to protect our children from the exploitation of radical sex and gender indoctrination. Porn and kids shouldnt mic, but unfortunately they often do. Vote in every race! I do believe in the first amendment and the freedom of religion. Their goal is to destroy the domestic energy industry. Vote Under God provides information for pastors and individuals regarding voting Biblically. The diocese has 82 priests, 85 Deacons and 15 men in seminary formation. I believe that welfare policy should be rolled back to the way things worked before Johnsons Great Society policies were enacted. While this idea may sound good and noble, it ignores human nature of the heart. But government programs have failed repeatedly in rehabilitation because the program is a one size fits all, and never looks at the spiritual issues a person is struggling with. While off-year elections typically center on local races and ballot issues, Colorado's 2021 Coordinated Election on Nov. 2 will put three questions to voters statewide. On July 18, 2012 he was installed as the Archbishop of Denver, returning to lead the Archdiocese where he had originally served as a priest for 25 years. I will not stand by while domestic opponents weaken and takes them from us. As a legislator, I will actively consult with and seek the advice of the Catholic Conference. God Bless you all for what you do to help. Get your personalized sample ballot & voter guide, register to vote, and more. I favor school choice in all its ramifications. Your Christian Guide to Vote in the 2022 Midterm Elections Sep 22 Election Day: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 STEP 1: Choose the political party and candidates that more closely align with your Biblical values. Garbage legislation like this MUST BE REPEALED! Also, the law states that a minor child does not need the consent from the parents or guardians to have an abortion. . Government can only ensure provision for basic human needs if those resources are first coerced from another, which is theft regardless of intentions. The foundational models for CO2 require an adjustment exceeding 15%, rendering them useless for predicting the variations of less than 1% that will supposedly send the climate careening into catastrophe. These individual rights are protected by the 1st Amendment. I would support families in using their 529 savings to educate their children and their choice of which schools to attend. This means that state law should not include or provide incentives for abortion providers, either individual or within womens health care organizations. Christian Coalition Voter Guides are one of the most powerful tools that pro-family conservatives have ever had to educate others on where candidates stand on key issues. At the very least, victimless crimes (e.g., owning one more cannabis plant than the law allows) should not be codified as crimes. We should have strong incentives t believe charitable organizations are better suited to provide services than the government. Private individuals and business can provide solutions that are efficient and successful. We should strive to lead with compassion and help those who we find need it most. No. Bishop-designate Berg entered Assumption Seminary in San Antonio in 1993 where he received a Master of Divinity degree from Oblate School of Theology in 1999. She actually walked the walk, right into a secure server room back in 2020. I believe all people have the natural (i.e. Preventing crime is a near impossibility. This is a better role for charity, with taxes reduced accordingly, which will foster economic growth and create jobs. But that must include the freedom from religion. Should welfare policy provide a safety-net to improve the immediate well-being of the poor and encourage work? Minor variations in cloud cover dwarf any effect of CO2. As faithful Catholics, it is our duty shape the moral character of our community, state, and country through voting. Marriage is a religious ceremony between a man and a woman. This diversity is an asset and a blessing, and should not be suppressed by draconian immigration laws. Think, speak, work, and act also covers a wide range of possible experiences and activities. P.O. Stay informed on the election and other news. Church Voter Guides | Pastor Steve Holt Voter Registration & Ballot Info Help Produce a Voter Guide for YOUR County For Pastors and Ministry Leaders Watch: El Paso County Candidate Forums Now That You're HerePlease Share Our Website With Others: Use Email, Text, Social Media, Carrier Pigeon, or even a Flash Mob. An efficient pathway to citizenship is paramount. John 18:21 And if that ruffles non-Believers, I dont give a sh*t. :), I believe in good ol fashioned values that honor God and our families. So we should continue that. We achieve religious freedom as Roman Catholics by fully respecting the US Constitution and associated documents (e.g Decl. The difference between animals and human beings, aside from our being Gods children, is that we can think and make conscious decisions. On March 18, 2002, he became Bishop of Fargo, and from 2005 to 2006 he also acted as Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Sioux Falls. Focus on the Family (FOTF, or FotF) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization with an evangelical focus. Bryan Oller/KRCC News. Archbishop Aquila serves on numerous boards and committees, including the Papal Foundation, the Bishops Advisory Council for the Institute for Priestly Formation and the Board of Trustees for the Augustine Institute. My Plan involves such. With the issues facing us today, the polarization of our politics we have now gone far beyond the pettiness of partisanship. In addition, however, parents must be equal partners in defining the curriculum used in the classroom. I support this in case Obergefell is overturned. Remember, in Colorado, you can register to vote and vote, in-person, all the way up until 7 p.m. on Election Day (that's Nov. 2). our direct promotions have all been focused on the Pikes Peak region, so these statistics primarily represent our impact in Colorado Springs / El Paso County, Church Voter Guides primary mission is to activate the local Church to civic engagement in elections and beyond, and we are experiencing wonderful results! The vast majority of our safety net is and must be charity, not welfare. Of course. National Black Robe Regiment I believe in Individual freedom. We cannot and should not put the safety of law-abiding citizens at risk. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Big fan of encouragement of work aspect though. I would need to know more about this hypothetical bill to confidently answer the question. Adults can choose on their own. He is also currently the pastor at St. Joseph parish in Denver. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . Marriage is a covenant between two people and their deity or belief system, its not a function of nor the proper role of government to be involved in this process and should never have been. As a libertarian, I believe that ALL investment in our energy sector should be private investments, thoughtfully incentivized. We hope voters will use this guide to educate themselves on initiatives appearing on the ballot, as well as the powers that various elected officials have to protect and extend civil rights and civil liberties. View the full list of judges standing for retention in 2022 But since they are I would support this. Our Call to Faithfulness: The Voice and Legacy of Don Wildmon $ 10 Dangerous Affirmation: The Threat of "Gay Christianity" by M.D. As long as they are not causing physical harm or directly impacting others. Kids should be protected from pornography. Here are 3 things you should know: #1 The Guide - We have four voter guides for you this year: No one flippantly has an abortion late in their pregnancy unless there is some horrible circumstance: Life threatening to mother, child or both. Ron DeSantis speaks, Feb. 15, 2023, at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Fla. Gov. Latest News Voter Guides 2018 admin - June 16, 2016 0 There, she helped to hand over secret voting machine codes to another crazy Trump supporter and voting conspiracy theorist. Subscribe to The Washington Stand, FRC's outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. Jesus said this, and never mentioned abortions or homosexuality. . DULUTH, GA 30095-9529. I believe in good ol fashioned values that honor God and our families. I am a life long, imperfect Catholic who fully understands the traditional values of the Roman Catholic church. I am a wife, a mom of 3, 100% pro life, and a devout christian guided by my faith. Clearly, it was never the intention of our founders that religion, and specifically Christianity, would be banned from the public square. He then spent one year as a Jesuit lay missionary volunteer at Red Cloud Indian School on the Native American Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The guide helped me see what the candidates really care about. Charity ennobles the human spirit in myriad ways; welfare weakens and destroys mankind in each of those ways. Tuesday, February 15, 2022 The Church Voter Guides provide voters with information about where candidates stand on key issues, not a simple yes or no answer. DISCLAIMER: Biblical Voter is for educational purposes only. They seek to murder our children in the womb or corrupt them with sexual promiscuity. We need to bring values back to our country, and make character the only thing we judge of others. This is not an area that makes sense for government to be in. Meaning should an able-bodied recipient max out the full 5 years, they must work or wait an additional 10 years to be eligible to recieve again. Government must not use the health-care system to infringe on the rights or privacy of people. Biblical Voter offers voter guides and election tools to enable citizens to exercise their right and privilege to vote in accordance with God's word and moral absolutes. The working class and the poor cannot hope to prosper when energy is priced beyond their reach. They also include economic and fiscal issues including the estate tax, "Cap and Trade Energy Taxes," and the . Become a citizen should be top priority and a plan to assimilate and thrive should be in place when coming to America, it is not the role of government to guarantee outcomes. This idea is already in practice across the nation, with very little success, recidivism rates are 80% or higher. My goals are to protect the innocence of our children. Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the churchs failure to disciple. I believe youre asking if the government should restrict the freedom to worship and live according to ones conscience, and no, I dont believe it should. With Gods grace and with the support of the faithful, the Diocese of Colorado Springs will know many more years of serving the mission of the Church in Colorado. My person feeling aside, I do not believe it is the responsibility of a free government to impose any law in which its dominant guidance comes from ones personal religious teachings. He is the son of Connie and Jeanne Berg and the oldest of 10 children. Yes. Yes, the safety net should help people get back on their feet. Patient centered care is absolutely crucial. I am unsure of your definition of basic human needs. I do not believe the government should be involved in marriage at all. The administrative mis-management would never be allowed in a true business environment so yes, parents should not have to spent taxed money to make up the difference. I thought that this was happening now. I found Church Voter Guides when my pastor invited volunteers to set up a table at our church. Absolutely! The Colorado General Assembly referred a handful of measures to Colorado voters and asked them to decide the outcome. Church Voter Guides, based in Colorado Springs, has produced these Voter Guides for the Federal, States, and El Paso County Primary Elections in Colorado, to provide information about each candidate and help inform the electorate. All legal immigrants should be able to work with a pathway to citizenship; however, working means making money which then should provide for basic human needs. I FULLY AGREE that work should be encouraged and would draft legislation requiring the searching and attaining of a full-time job. Ballot Information Booklet (Blue Book) The purpose of the ballot information booklet is to provide voters with the text, title, and a fair and impartial analysis of each initiated or referred constitutional amendment, law, or question on the ballot. Incentives distorts the markets and picks winners and losers. Why should Colorado Law provide incentives to murder children? I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. /* Must be below squarespace-headers */(function(){var e='ontouchstart'in window||navigator.msMaxTouchPoints;var t=document.documentElement;if(!e&&t){t.className=t.className.replace(/touch-styles/,'')}})(). Question is too broad for me to be able to provide an answer. See the state's election calendar for more details and deadlines. colorado-reproductive-health-, No. The free enterprise system is our greatest attribute in this country. Higher energy costs are the direct result of over-bearing regulation and taxation. I will also work with the delegation, our chambers of commerce, and agricultural agencies to urge the state department to increase the number of temporary guest worker visas during the farm and agricultural seasons. By COLORADO POLITICS STAFF. To support this right, our immigration laws need serious reform to guarantee basic human needs are met, productive work at proper compensation is available to anyone willing to do the work, and a clear and simple pathway to citizenship. Make a plan to cast your biblically-informed vote right here. However, pornography sites are notorious for human trafficking, pedophilia, etc. I will commit to restoring the parents bill of rights, make any possession of fentanyl, heroin, etc a felony, and repeal this extreme abortion bill. Law enforcement officers who abuse their power or mistreat ordinary citizens should be held accountable. Free market enterprise is desperately needed to replace the regulated monopoly system Colorado currently uses to effectively pick winners and losers. The Public Utilities Commission must also heavily scrutinized by the legislative oversight committees of jurisdiction. Gods Word never changes. We must put people first. Working with people at all stages of life and allowing the gift of our Catholic faith to provide direction, support and new life is greatly rewarding. I am fighting for affordable housing and more affordable higher education so that working families have a better chance to find prosperity. More and more families that intended to pay for the education of their children are being advised by young people that they do not have plans for college. Please Pray and Vote. Charity cannot be coerced, but that is the only means by which the government can obtain money to perpetuate a poor imitation of the Christian charity it intends to supplant. Vote by November 2 to elect local pro-conservation leaders and advance or defend our conservation values. Same sex marriage, for better or worse, is already the law. Yes in ideal circumstances that would happen. We are truly a grassroots organization, and so depend greatly on word-of-mouth to promote us around Colorado. Transitioning rapidly to clean renewable energy will lead to scarcity, hardship and poverty. We MUST do better. I believe wholeheartedly in harm reduction, housing first, and prioritizing caring support over punitive action. If a physician finds themselves in a practice where best treatments offends their deeply held beliefs perhaps they should find a new profession. Click on candidate names within the table to view additional comments. Pornography harms everyone it touches, and it dehumanizes women and children. Life is both joy and pain and you cannot relieve another of either of them by forcing your beliefs upon them. In most cases our courts have overturned these attempts, but this battle must end. And if you're. Volunteer Julie Stewart-Anderson uses an American Flag in one hand and a Wyoming flag in the other to direct voters at North Christian Church in Cheyenne on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. Should Colorado law provide incentives for abortion providers to move to Colorado to meet abortion demand from out-of-state pregnant women? I will stand for our most vulnerable population, our children, through transparent educational curiculums without agendas. Colorado energy policy should encourage private investment and competition but shouldnt provide governemtn incentives. No, we should not incentivize any medical treatments. I know my Bible and the Law and I know how to navigate one with the other. Welfare should provide a net to catch someone and help them stand up, but should not be a life long income system that promotes stagnation. Help us share the Voter Guide through your ministry. Medical providers should not be required to provide health care services thats against their moral or religious values. Propositions, which are law changes, only need a simple majority to pass. I will work to make pathways off of welfare and to a prosperous life. I believe it is the right of the pregnant person, in consultation with their health provider, to make any decisions about carrying to term or ending their pregnancy. Pro-choice people have to deny all good common sense to reason that a child is not human in the womb. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag('js', new Date());gtag('set', 'developer_id.dZjQwMz', true);gtag('config', 'UA-179501155-1'); Forcing providers to act outside of their conscience will result in fewer medical providers, and those remaining providers being those willing to act without conscience. The listed values are supported by the Colorado bishops. I believe in immigration through the process of work and education, not illegal entry into our country and abuse of our liberties. encourage people to enter the workforce. Best Conservative candidate for Colorado Attorney General. A focused effort on cracking down on trafficking (locating and prosecuting traffickers) and anyone involved in child pornography should be a priority in Colorado. Coloradans dont believe in the government policing our bodies or bedrooms. I worry about turning over control of health care to any government. Our faith maintains a hierarchy of values when voting on candidates and issues. We are also producing Voter Guides for the Colorado Primary Elections, which will be held on June 28, 2022. Georgia - Senate - December 6th Run-off Early Voting Begins November 28 English Bilingual We believe that the greatness of America lies not in the federal government but in the character of our people. A few dates to remember: June 6 - First day that mail-in ballots are sent to voters. Things are getting too crazy NOT to step up. I spent 22 years in the US Army dedicated to protecting those rights from foreign foes. Families need legislatures to stand up and defend their rights as parents. I will support educational choice and parental voice in schools. Radical members of our communities are looking to corrupt our most vulnerable. The state should recognize the ability of any 2 people to form a union. 2022 COLORADO PRIMARY ELECTION GUIDE | State House of Representatives. Immigrants must be here legally, otherwise they are subject to trafficking and exploitation in the underground economies. God gifted us free will, and I choose to endorse that gift. The Legislature: Absolutely Not However, I believe that social issues need to be decided by the society or community(s) in which we live. What to know: Here's a breakdown of four of the measures. I will uphold the constitution. Church Voter Guides creates a level playing field by asking each candidate in a particular race the same questions, giving them up to 120 words per answer, and publishing exactly what they submit. This is why I ask for your faith and support as we endeavor in our pursuit of the greatest Colorado yet Pray for Pueblo, Pray for Colorado and may God continue his many blessings of our great nation! Colorado has the responsibility to protect her citizens first, last, and always. The first way to reduce crime is to allow the growth of actual opportunities to succeed outside of criminal activity by reducing the governments taxation chokehold on the economy to pay for frivolous and unconstitutional laws and spending. We need God fearing legislatures creating and defending legislation that upholds our values. Educational expenses should also be counted as tax credits through 85% of the per-pupil State expenditure. The is not the role of the government. I agree, as long as at least half of their prison term is served. I spent 18 years in education as an English teacher and district administrator. He is a member of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in which he has served as a member of various committees. As far as encouraging work, I cant imagine any facet of American society not doing just that. It is the states role to support that and not take it over. 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