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a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce

April 02, 2023

(a) A correctional agency and facility should be appropriately staffed to promote safety for all staff and prisoners and allow the full operation of all programs and services and a reasonable work schedule for each staff member. (d) Prisoners should be provided timely access to appropriately trained and licensed health care staff in a safe and sanitary setting designed and equipped for diagnosis or treatment. Correctional authorities should be permitted to censor material if it could be censored in publications sent to prisoners through the mail. E. The private provider should assume all liability for the operation of the facility, should be prohibited from asserting immunity defenses, and should provide adequate insurance coverage, including insurance for civil rights claims. (d) When the possible sanction for a disciplinary offense includes the delay of a release date, loss of sentencing credit for good conduct or good conduct time earning capability, or placement in disciplinary segregation, a prisoner should be found to have committed that offense only after an individualized determination, by a preponderance of the evidence. (e) Correctional authorities, including health care staff, should not reveal information about any incident of prisoner sexual abuse to any person, except to other staff or law enforcement personnel who need to know about the incident in order to make treatment, investigation, or other security or management decisions, or to appropriate external oversight officials or agencies. The agency should implement a system to monitor compliance with the contract, and to hold the contracted provider accountable for any deficiencies. (i) Governmental authorities should not exempt correctional agencies from their jurisdictions Administrative Procedure Act, Freedom of Information Act, or Public Records Act. (iii) The institutional review board should ensure that mechanisms exist to closely monitor the progress of the study to detect and address adverse events or unanticipated problems. Correctional authorities should provide access to copying services, for which a reasonable fee should be permitted, and should provide prisoners with access to typewriters or word processing equipment. (a) Correctional authorities should not seek to impose a disciplinary sanction upon a prisoner for misconduct unless the misconduct is a criminal offense or the prisoner was given prior written and effective notice of the violated rule. Correctional authorities should be permitted to require prisoners able to perform cleaning tasks to do so, with necessary materials and equipment provided to them regularly and without charge. (c) Prisoners should work under health and safety conditions substantially the same as those that prevail in similar types of employment in the free community, except to the extent that security requires otherwise. (a) In conducting a search of a prisoners body, correctional authorities should strive to preserve the privacy and dignity of the prisoner. Procedures should exist for identifying individual prisoners who did not participate in incidents that led to the lockdown and whose access to programs and movement within the facility may be safely restored prior to the termination of lockdown status. Is there sufficient evidence to infer that alcohol and current depression are related? (b) Correctional authorities should protect all prisoners from any sexual contact with or sexual exploitation by staff, including volunteers and employees of other governmental or private organizations who work in the correctional facility. (q) The term qualified mental health professional means psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric social workers, licensed professional counselors, psychiatric nurses, or others who by virtue of their education, credentials, and experience are permitted by law to evaluate and provide mental health care to patients. Segregated housing should be for the briefest term and under the least restrictive conditions practicable and consistent with the rationale for placement and with the progress achieved by the prisoner. (a) Force means offensive or defensive physical contact with a prisoner, including blows, pushes, or defensive holds, whether or not involving batons or other instruments or weapons; discharge of chemical agents; discharge of electronic weaponry; and application of restraints such as handcuffs, chains, irons, strait-jackets, or restraint chairs. The prisoner should be given written documentation of this information. Correctional officials should annually review and update the handbooks provided to prisoners to ensure that they comport with current legal standards, facility and agency rules, and practice. Correctional authorities should not stigmatize prisoners who need protection. (c) Correctional officials should establish and publicize the means by which prisoners and others may easily and confidentially report to any staff member or appropriate outside entity a sexual assault or pressure to engage in sexual acts, sexual contact or exploitation involving a prisoner and staff, or the fear of such conduct. the first successful prisoners rights cases of the 1970s involved: In _______, the U.S. supreme court ruled that while the death penalty was constitutional, the way it was used constituted "cruel and unusual" punishment. (a) Correctional authorities should recognize and respect prisoners freedom of religion. Whenever practicable, a qualified health care professional should participate in efforts to avoid using four- or five-point restraints. This Standards can also be purchased in a book format. Ordinarily, only health care staff should administer prescription drugs, except that health care staff should be permitted to authorize prisoners to hold and administer their own asthma inhalers, and to implement other reasonable keep on person drug policies. (d) Correctional authorities should review the classification of a prisoner housed in a prison at least every [12 months], and the classification of a prisoner housed in a jail at least every [90 days]. (c) A correctional facility should maintain order and should protect prisoners from harm from other prisoners and staff. (c) Correctional authorities should treat all visitors respectfully and should accommodate their visits to the extent practicable, especially when they have traveled a significant distance. Correctional authorities should assess and make appropriate accommodations in housing placement, medical services, work assignments, food services, and treatment, exercise, and rehabilitation programs for such a prisoner. (e) Governmental and correctional authorities should strive to meet the legitimate needs of prisoner mothers and their infants, including a prisoners desire to breastfeed her child. (a) Prisoners health care records should: (i) be compiled, maintained, and retained in accordance with accepted health care practice and standards; (ii) not include criminal or disciplinary records unless a qualified health care professional finds such records relevant to the prisoners health care evaluation or treatment; (iii) be maintained in a confidential and secure manner, separately from non-health-care files; (iv) accompany a prisoner to every facility to which the prisoner is transferred; and. Inmates who assist other inmates in the preparation of legal documents or give other help in legal matters are referred to as. (v) At least every [90 days], a qualified mental health professional should perform a comprehensive mental health assessment of each prisoner in segregated housing unless a qualified mental health professional deems such assessment unnecessary in light of observations made pursuant to subdivisions (ii)-(iv). (a) Correctional administrators should develop agency media access policies and make them readily available to the public in written form. (f) Correctional officials should facilitate and promote visiting by providing visitors travel guidance, directions, and information about visiting hours, attire, and other rules. Whenever practicable, pretrial detainees should also be offered opportunities to work. A decision to retain a prisoner in segregated housing following consideration by the classification review committee should be reviewed by a correctional administrator, and approved, rejected, or modified as appropriate. (a) Correctional authorities should protect prisoners from physical injury, corporal punishment, sexual assault, extortion, harassment, and personal abuse, among other harms. (a) The physical plant of a correctional facility should: (i) be adequate to protect and promote the health and safety of prisoners and staff; (iii) include appropriate housing, laundry, health care, food service, visitation, recreation, education, and program space; (iv) have appropriate heating and ventilation systems; (v) not deprive prisoners or staff of natural light, of light sufficient to permit reading throughout prisoners housing areas, or of reasonable darkness during the sleeping hours; (vi) be free from tobacco smoke and excessive noise; (vii) allow unrestricted access for prisoners to potable drinking water and to adequate, clean, reasonably private, and functioning toilets and washbasins; and. Health care personnel should document any injuries sustained. (e) A correctional agencys grievance procedure should be designed to instill the confidence of prisoners and correctional authorities in the effectiveness of the process, and its success in this regard should be periodically evaluated. Correctional staff, health care staff, and the researchers should promptly report all adverse events involving prisoner study subjects to the institutional review boards chair and the prisoners advocate. (a) Governmental and correctional authorities should facilitate programs that allow crime victims to speak to groups of prisoners, and, at the request of a crime victim and with the consent of the prisoner, appropriate meetings or mediation between prisoners and their victims. (d) There should be no adverse consequences, such as loss of sentencing credit for good conduct, discipline, or denial of parole, for a prisoner who is unable to participate in employment, educational opportunities, or programming due to a disability or other special needs that cannot be accommodated. (i) The term jail means a correctional facility holding primarily pretrial detainees and/or prisoners sentenced to a term of one year or less. (a) Governmental authorities should authorize and fund a governmental agency independent of each jurisdictions correctional agency to conduct regular monitoring and inspection of the correctional facilities in that jurisdiction and to issue timely public reports about conditions and practices in those facilities. Depending upon individual assessments of risks, needs, and the reasons for placement in the segregated setting, those forms of stimulation should include: (i) in-cell programming, which should be developed for prisoners who are not permitted to leave their cells; (ii) additional out-of-cell time, taking into account the size of the prisoners cell and the length of time the prisoner has been housed in this setting; (iii) opportunities to exercise in the presence of other prisoners, although, if necessary, separated by security barriers; (iv) daily face-to-face interaction with both uniformed and civilian staff; and. Absent an individualized finding that security would be compromised, such treatment should take place out of cell, in a setting in which security staff cannot overhear the conversation. Smaller facilities should be permitted to provide for prisoners health care needs by transferring them to other facilities or health care providers, but should have equipment that is reasonably necessary in light of its preexisting transfer arrangements. (b) Correctional administrators should require staff to participate in a comprehensive pre-service training program, a regular program of in-service training, and specialized training when appropriate. (a) Correctional authorities should provide prisoners living quarters of adequate size. (d) Correctional administrators and officials should seek accreditation of their facilities and certification of staff from national organizations whose standards reflect best practices in corrections or in correctional sub-specialties. The use of firearms should always be considered the use of deadly force. (g) Governmental authorities should establish home furlough programs, giving due regard to institutional security and community safety, to enable prisoners to maintain and strengthen family and community ties. Correctional authorities should evaluate reports of sexual assault or threats of sexual assault without regard to a prisoners sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity and should not be permitted to retaliate formally or informally against prisoners who make such reports. For biomedical research that poses more than a minimal risk to its participants, prisoner participation should be allowed only if the research offers potential benefits to its participants, and only if it has been determined to be safe for them. the courts have recognized all of the following specific interests as justifying some restrictions on the constitutional rights of prisoners, except: in _______ the supreme court ruled juries, not judges, must make the crucial factual decisions on whether a convicted murderer should receive the death penalty. (c) Restrictions relating to a prisoners programming or other privileges, whether as a disciplinary sanction or otherwise, should be permitted to reduce, but not to eliminate, a prisoners: (i) access to items of personal care and hygiene; (ii) opportunities to take regular showers; (iii) personal visitation privileges, but suspension of such visits should be for no more than [30 days]; (iv) opportunities for physical exercise; (v) opportunities to speak with other persons; (vi) religious observance in accordance with Standard 23-7.3; and. (iii) Weekly, a qualified mental health professional should observe and seek to talk with each prisoner. (c) Subject to the restrictions in Standard 23-8.6, correctional authorities should allow prisoners to produce works of artistic expression and to submit for publication books, articles, creative writing, art, or other contributions to media outside the facility under their own names. (a) Correctional authorities should not place prisoners in segregated housing except for reasons relating to: discipline, security, ongoing investigation of misconduct or crime, protection from harm, medical care, or mental health care. (a) Correctional authorities should conduct all searches of prisoner living quarters and belongings so as to minimize damage to or disorganization of prisoner property and unnecessary invasions of privacy. (d) Other than as allowed by subdivision (e) of this Standard, correctional authorities should not use restraints in a prisoners cell except immediately preceding an out-of-cell movement or for medical or mental health purposes as authorized by a qualified medical or mental health professional. (d) If a correctional staff member discovers a breach of security; a threat to prisoner, staff, or public safety; or some other actual or threatened harm to a prisoner, staff, or the public, the correctional staff member should report that discovery promptly to a supervisor. (a) Initial classification of a prisoner should take place within [48 hours] of the prisoners detention in a jail and within [30 days] of the prisoners confinement in a prison. Clinical decisions should be the sole province of the responsible health care professionals, and should not be countermanded by non-medical staff. Conditions of extreme isolation generally include a combination of sensory deprivation, lack of contact with other persons, enforced idleness, minimal out-of-cell time, and lack of outdoor recreation. (c) Correctional authorities should afford every prisoner an opportunity to obtain a foundation in basic literacy, numeracy, and vocational skills. Prisoners should receive credit against any disciplinary sentence for time served in prehearing confinement if prehearing conditions were substantially similar to conditions in disciplinary segregation. A prisoner should be informed of the consequences for the prisoners parental rights of any arrangements contemplated. which of the following alternatives to litigation has NOT been incorporated into state correctional systems? Food should be prepared, maintained, and served at the appropriate temperatures and under sanitary conditions. (d) Correctional authorities should not require prisoners to engage in religious activities or programs. (j) The term prison means a correctional facility holding primarily prisoners sentenced to a term of at least one year. In Wolff vs. McDonnell (1974) the court created four legal procedures to enhance the protection of an inmate who has been accused of a serious prison violation. (c) Governmental authorities should facilitate access to abortion services for a prisoner who decides to exercise her right to an abortion, as that right is defined by state and federal law, through prompt scheduling of the procedure upon request and through the provision of transportation to a facility providing such services. (f) A prisoner should be allowed to prepare, receive, and send legal documents to courts, counsel, and public officials. Correctional authorities should be permitted to assign prisoners to community service; to jobs in prison industry programs; or to jobs useful for the operation of the facility, including cleaning, food service, maintenance, and agricultural programs. (b) No prisoner under the age of eighteen should be housed in an adult correctional facility. e) The term correctional facility means any place of adult criminal detention, including a prison, jail, or other facility operated by or on behalf of a correctional or law enforcement agency, without regard to whether such a facility is publicly or privately owned or operated. Cut-down tools should be readily available to security personnel, who should be trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cut-down techniques, and emergency notification procedures. (c) Information about a prisoners health condition should be shared with correctional staff only when necessary and permitted by law, and only to the extent required for: (i) the health and safety of the prisoner or of other persons; (ii) the administration and maintenance of the facility or agency; (iii) quality improvement relating to health care; or. To the extent practicable, continually operating stationary video cameras should be used in areas in which uses of force are particularly likely, such as intake areas, segregation, and mental health units. Copies of the rules and handbook in the languages a facilitys prisoners understand should also be available in areas of the facility readily accessible to prisoners, including libraries. Commissions and other revenue from telephone service should not subsidize non-telephone prison programs or other public expenses. (b) Governmental authorities should not enter into a contract with a private entity for the operation of any correctional facility, secure or not, unless it can be demonstrated that the contract will result either in improved performance or in substantial cost savings, considering both routine and emergency costs, with no diminution in performance. No health care provider should be permitted to practice in a correctional facility beyond the scope permissible for that individual provider outside of a correctional facility, given the providers particular qualifications and licensing. Grievances should be rejected as procedurally improper only for a reason stated in the written grievance policy made available to prisoners. (c) Correctional authorities should allow prisoners to purchase or, if they are indigent, to receive without charge materials to support their communications with courts, attorneys, and public officials. (a) Deadly force means force that creates or is intended to create a substantial risk of death or serious bodily harm. (b) Within [30 days] of a prisoners placement in long-term segregated housing based on a finding that the prisoner presents a continuing and serious threat to the security of others, correctional authorities should develop an individualized plan for the prisoner. (c) Instead of isolating prisoners at risk of suicide, correctional authorities should ordinarily place such prisoners in housing areas that are designed to be suicide resistant and that allow staff a full and unobstructed view of the prisoners inside. (b) Consistent with security needs, correctional officials should provide opportunities for prisoners to contribute to the community through volunteer activities. (i) A lack of resources should not excuse treatment or conditions that violate prisoners constitutional or statutory rights. (b) A prisoner with a criminal charge or removal action pending should be housed in a correctional facility sufficiently near the courthouse where the case will be heard that the preparation of the prisoners defense is not unreasonably impaired. (v) to enforce an order after a prisoner has been immobilized or a threat has been neutralized. 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