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oregon administrative law judge directory

März 09, 2023

The SCA oversees all administrative Liquor Control Comm., 16 Or App 63, 517 P2d 289 (1973), Administrative regulation providing that failure to perform responsibilities adequately was a ground for employee's dismissal. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the UnitedStates. The Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) conducts Social Security Disability (SSD) hearings and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) hearings in 2 different offices in Oregon. ORS An administrative law judge (ALJ) is both a judge and trier of facts in administrative law hearings. Burke v. Children's Services Division, 39 Or App 819, 593 P2d 1262 (1979), aff'd 288 Or 533, 607 P2d 141 (1980), "Trending factors" published by the Department of Revenue and used to appraise property for purposes of property taxation are not "rules" within the meaning of this chapter. Office of Administrative Law Judges Ronald Reagan Building, Rm. Email: Henry M. Jackson Federal Building 915 Second Avenue, Room 2609 Seattle, WA 98174-1067 Phone: 206-220-7105 Property Transfer Handbook. This site focuses on the administrative law judges who preside over hearings for the Social Security Administration (SSA). To request Public Records, click on the button below. With 65 professional administrative law judges, we hold over 30,000 hearings a year for approximately 70 state agencies. Your disability hearing will be held at the ODAR office nearest to your home (usually within 75 miles) and you will be expected to attend in person. Chief Administrative Law Judge John . Administrative Judge James, Zachary F055 Go to Section: F055. Tualatin, OR 97062 Image from Shutterstock. Joining the Section Membership Dues:$20 Send your dues to: Account # 844 OSB Accounting PO Box 231935 Administrative hearings utilize many of the same processes and procedures used in traditional courtrooms. 2349 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95833. Administrative law judges (sorted by ALJ last name) Next 1 of 11 Summary Item Description Set Description Download pdf This archived document is maintained by the State Library of Oregon as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. This is a list of Oregon judges that have served within the confines of the United States in the state of Oregon, as well as people from Oregon that have served in federal courts outside of the state.These include judges that served prior to statehood on February 14, 1859, including the judges of the Provisional Government of Oregon.Those listed include judges of the Oregon Supreme Court, the . Click on one of the cities below to see detailed information about the hearing office and the administrative law judges (ALJ) that work there. To read an article from former Chief Administrative Law Judge Thomas Ewing discussing the history of the OAH please click the link below. Click on the Newsletters button to learn more about the sections newsletters and their indices. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the UnitedStates. Ricks College ( AAS) University of Idaho ( BS, JD) Danielle Jo Forrest, formerly known as Danielle Jo Hunsaker (born June 24, 1977), [1] [2] is a United States circuit judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Calculate your SSD benefits based on the amount of income on which you have paid social security taxes. This projectwasfunded by membership dues and fueled by the hard work of section members. With the newly added indices for the newsletters, it is easy to find important information addressed in the newsletters. oregon administrative rules. An official website of the State of Oregon . Council v. Oregon State Bd. Only share sensitive information on official, secure websites. verification program, and the foster care review program andcarries out these ALJ decisions may contain links to web pages that are now obsolete. Find top Astoria, OR Social Security Disability attorneys near you. The IA has a "hot line" that accepts reports of fraud or financial misuse; may participate in internal OJD investigations; and provides recommendations to ensure that new OJD programs are set up to using best practices. Consumer Services Telephone Assistance Programs Executive Office Policy & Administration Human Resources (HR) Business Services Administrative Hearings Utility Program Administrative law judges (sorted by ALJ last name). Original Source: The average case processing time in Oregon is 400 days. IAis responsible for examining and evaluating OJD's Internal functions and activities to. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. if the Appeals Council does decide to review your case, it will either decide your case, or return it to an ALJ for review. Checking the Status of Your SSDI/SSI Claim. Alison Webster is a Senior Administrative Law Judge at State of Oregon based in Salem, Oregon. We are committed to doing that. 2021 Disability Judges All Rights Reserved. How you know ALJs have the power to administer oaths, make rulings on evidentiary objections, and render legal and factual determinations. 23-1021 Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers. Boston, MA 02114. The 2016 supplement thoroughly updates the 2010 text with an explanation of the essential components of Oregon's Administrative Procedures Act, including its comprehensive definitions, rulemaking procedures, contested case procedures, procedures for judicial review or rules, These hearings are held to resolve appealed determinations involving retirement benefits, survivors benefits, disability benefits, and supplemental security income benefits. Fax: 517-241-6987. Supreme Court Building Find top Banks, OR Criminal Defense attorneys near you. The Chief Justice appoints the State Court Administrator who serves as OJD's chief administrative officer. ", Implement the statewide security, emergency preparedness, and business continuity plans, and continue developing and testing circuit court and division plans. The average case processing time in Oregon is 400 days. CLAS maintains a roster of Oregon Certified and Registered Court Interpreters on the OJD websitefor those who wish to verify an interpreters credential or to hire a certified or registered interpreter for out-of-court work. Only share sensitive information on official, secure websites. Tips for a More Successful Disability Hearing. ADDRESSES OF THE OFFICES OF THE REGIONAL CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES. The number of counties in each circuit currently ranges from one to twelve. April 12, 2022, 2:30 pm CDT. Borden Inc. v. Dept. In addition, TheInternal Audit Program (IA) provides independent andobjective assurance consulting. Applying for Disability Benefits from Start to Finish, Social Security Disability Insurance and PTSD, Social Security Disability Insurance and Cerebral Palsy, SSDI and Diabetic Neuropathy/Peripheral Neuropathy, Social Security Disability Insurance and Multiple Sclerosis. We will always provide free access to the current law. responsibilities through theeleven divisions and programs describedabove. ESD is the central administrative and governance division for the Office of the State Court Administrator (OSCA). Education. Donna Moursund Brann, Presiding Administrative Law Judge 2510 Oakmont Way Eugene, OR 97401 Map/Directions: Phone: 971-600-4605 . Immediately before joining OSHRC, Judge Baumerich served as an Administrative Law Judge with the Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Hearings and Review, in Cleveland, Ohio, and Baltimore, Maryland. How you know You have 30 days from the mailing date of the order to request Board Review. Marshal's Office also manages the OJD Emergency Response Trailers. The online Membership Directory is offered as a convenience in finding contact information for Oregon State Bar members. The issue this case presented for the Oregon Supreme Court's review centered on a final order of the Oregon State Board of Nursing (the board) and the meaning of the term "time limitations" in ORS 183.645(1). Learn how, An official website of the State of Oregon, An official website of the State of Oregon , Americans With Disabilities Act Information. Since its inception in 2000, the Administrative Law Section has provided educational materials for our members. How you know Administrative law judge authority. An official website of the State of Oregon Whereas court proceedings are overseen by a judge, administrative hearings are conducted by an administrative law . OAH provides both adjudication and alternative dispute . If you have trouble locating a member, please call us for assistance at (503) 620-0222 x0 . Judicial Directory PDF Each of Florida's 20 judicial circuits is administered by a Chief Judge who is elected by a majority of the judges in the circuit for a term of two years. The Office of General Counsel provides services to all state trial and appellate courts and judges, the State Court Administrator, and OSCA divisions, offices, and programs. All States | Disability Judges The Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) conducts Social Security Disability (SSD) hearings and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) hearings in almost every state. The Administrative Law Section invites you to join us in improving the practice of administrative law in Oregon. Search DAB ALJ decisions by year since 1985, for CMS, SSA, HHS IG, and FDA actions, including civil money penalties, Medicare enrollment/revocation, and exclusions. (how to identify a website) Join thousands of people who receive monthly site updates. Phone: 503.986.5500 Administrative Law Judge (410) 229-4226: back to Phone Directory Library. U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7000. Each year at ODAR, more than 1,600 ALJs render over 700,000 decisions at the hearing level. An Administrative Law Judge must be a member in good standing of the Oregon State Bar, or the bar of the highest court of record in any other state or currently admitted to practice before the federal courts in the District of Columbia. Newsletters highlight new developments in administrative law and provide a forum for members to communicate about administrative law issues. Sun Ray Drive-in Dairy, Inc. v. Ore. of Rev., 286 Or 567, 595 P2d 1372 (1979), Appellate court may review proceeding meeting definition of contested case whether or not proceeding was formal administrative hearing. The Administrative Law Section also works with the Department of Justice, recommending changes that would improve the procedural rules for contested case hearings. ORS 183.220 provides, in part:" (1) The Department of Justice shall have:" (a) General control and supervision of all civil actions and legal proceedings in which the State of Oregon may be a party or may be interested.". Law Judge7995 SW Mohawk St., Entrance B A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the UnitedStates. DAB Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Decisions. The PLCB also summarizes citations and adjudications against licensees within its License Search System. Administrative law judges (ALJs) preside at administrative hearings in order to resolve disputes between government agencies and people affected by the decisions of those agencies. Agencies, Boards & Commissions - 503-947-1923. Administrative Law Judges in Oregon Trustoria includes a professional profile for nearly every Administrative Law Judge in Oregon. Main Telephone Number (916) 263-0550 . State Court Administrator The Chief Justice OALJ Organization. State of Oregon Administrative Law Judge since May 2002 Full Profile Janice Krem Portland, OR Professions & Specialties Attorney At Law Lawyer Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Experience & Education Address: 10260 Sw Greenburg Rd Ste 400, Portland, OR 97223 Phone: (503) 697-8042 (Office) Specialties: 600 North Robert Street. In 1999, the Oregon Legislature created the Office of Administrative Hearings (then the Hearing Officer Panel). 608 W. Allegan Street. Here is a complete directory of nearly all local Administrative Law Judges in Portland, OR. Click on the Books & Programs button to learn more about this publication. Forrest was an Oregon state court judge for the Washington County Circuit Court from 2017 to 2019. almost 200 judges and more than 1600 full and part-time staff. Learn how, An official website of the State of Oregon, An official website of the State of Oregon , Sign-up For Text Message Hearing Notifications, Apply To Become a Pro Tem and/or Reference Judge, Southern Oregon Facilitation Initiative (SOFI), Behavioral Health/Justice System Leadership, Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability, Prior Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19), ProTem Judge Appointments Information and Application Instructions. Oregon is now the 22nd state in the nation with an independent central panel of administrative law judges. John Kenny. Compare detailed profiles, including free consultation options, locations, contact information, awards and education. Depository Program. for non-profit, educational, and government users. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Conduct hearings to recommend or make decisions on claims concerning government programs or other government-related matters. If your reconsideration appeal is also denied, you can request a hearing with an administrative law judge. A lock icon ( ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. chapter 101 - oregon health authority, public employees' benefit board; chapter 104 - oregon military department, office of emergency management; chapter 105 - department of administrative services, chief human resources office; chapter 111 - oregon health authority, oregon educators benefit board The Administrative Law Section continues to publish our newsletters on a quarterly basis. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes. View the directory below for specific staff contact information or call the PUC's main phone lineforarecordeddirectoryat 503-373-7394. This site focuses on the administrative law judges who preside over hearings for the Social Security Administration (SSA). The coming year will provide more opportunities for section members to become involved in the sections activities. Administrative Law Judge Referee Judge Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Juris Doctor Experience & Education Company: Direct Mail, MAR & UIM Arbitrations, Judgments, Payment Agreements Address: 22525 Se 64Th Place Suite 237, Issaquah, WA 98027 Phone: (206) 623-5433 (Office), (425) 460-8499 (Fax) Company: If you are denied benefits, you can ask for a reconsideration appeal, which means the SSA will take another look at your case. CLAS also offers training and consulting on best practices and on working with interpreters to Oregon circuit courts and judicial system partners. Your browser is out-of-date! Experience: Executive Assistant to Tax Court Judge at Oregon Tax Court, Oregon Judicial Department 2003-2007. Judge Mortenson has been an Administrative Law Judge since 2014. Quality interpreting and administrative efficiency are ensured through coordination between CLAS and the circuit courts. The State Court Administrator assists the Chief Justice in supervising the state courts, by setting out the statewide personnel and administrative rules and policies that courts must follow as being part of a unified state court system. ESD staff support Judicial Conduct and Uniform Trial Court Rules committees and manage the statewide judicial pro tempore program and senior judge services. (how to identify a website) From 1994 until 1996, she served as an Administrative Law Judge with the Social Security Administration in New York City and prior thereto was a litigation partner in law firms . Back to top How to Submit a Request for an Appeal You can use the forms below to request an ALJ hearing: If you are appealing a Qualified Independent Contractor (QIC) or Independent Review Entity (IRE) decision or dismissal: OMHA-100 - PDF; After your hearing, the judge will make a decision based on all the information in your case and the SSA will send you a letter with a copy of the judge's decision. Office ofPublic Defense Learn HRSD provides the Oregon Judicial Branch with a full-service personnel program supporting the entire statewide Oregon Judicial Department (OJD) workforce of judges and staff incircuit, appellate, Tax Court, and OSCA to ensure that OJD meets its statutory obligations as an employer; ensures consistent administration and compliance with the Chief Justice's statewide personnel system, personnel policies, rules and records; delivers employee education and professional development; and oversees an efficient and accurate payroll and benefit system. To request an Unemployment Insurance Hearing please contact the Employment Department: Contact Us Form select Request a hearing / file an appeal, then under Issue Description", provide the administrative decision number or issueyou are appealing, the mailing date of the administrative decision you're appealing, and, a brief description of why you are appealing. Each circuit is administered by a chief judge who is elected by vote of the circuit court judges of that circuit. Determine liability, sanctions, or penalties, or recommend the acceptance or rejection of claims or settlements. Assoc . Unified Bars and Federal Litigation Circuit Judge Domestic Violence Drug Court. 10th Floor. An official website of the State of Oregon , Sign-up For Text Message Hearing Notifications, Apply To Become a Pro Tem and/or Reference Judge, Southern Oregon Facilitation Initiative (SOFI), Behavioral Health/Justice System Leadership, Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability, Reports, Statistics, & Performance Measures, Oregon Judicial Department Civil Justice Improvements Task Force, OJD Response to USDOJ February 2014 Language Access Planning Tool for Courts, OJD Explanation of Response to USDOJ February 2014 Language Access Planning Tool for Courts, OJD's Mission Statement, Statement of Values and Vision Goals as it relates to providing language access. This archived document is maintained by the State Library of Oregon as part of the Oregon Documents Depository Program. Tualatin, OR 97062 26, 2021). St. Paul, MN 55101. A lock icon ( ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. OSCA promotes efficient, statewide improvement and supports local courts in responding to community and statewide needs. The Commission does not have jurisdiction over arbitrators, mediators, federal court judges, municipal court judges, or administrative law judges. . of Ed., 307 Or 30, 761 P2d 1322 (1988), Preponderance of evidence standard applies where initial license application is denied based on willful fraud. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Oregon State Courts Judges Judges Complex Litigation Judges Other Courts Presiding Judges Trial Court Administrators Trial Court Locations We Can Help Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prior Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19) ProTem Judge Appointments Information and Application Instructions Help us improve! Judge Kenny has 24 years of experience as a practicing attorney. Services include: legal advice, research, and analysis on issues of court administration and the state court system; litigation and tort claim management and representation coordination; negotiation, review, development of legal contract terms for state court system contracts; circuit court fee civil schedule and the related Chief Justice Orders (CJOs); OJD legislative bill review, analysis, and implementation; andjudge and employee education on legal topics. Honorable Susan L. Biro. ALJs are appointed pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (APA). Map/Directions, Sid Moore, Our desk book,Oregon Administrative Law is a comprehensive administrative law text (OSB CLE 2010). By statute, all administrative law judges are required to be "impartial in the performance of [their] duties and shall remain fair in all hearings." We are committed to doing that. The OAH uses Cisco Webex as its virtual hearing platform. If you have received an Opinion and Order by an administrative law judge, you have the right to request review of the decision by the members of the Workers' Compensation Board. You also have the option of bringing a representative (a disability attorney) with you to your hearing. For National Hearing Center cases, please see HALLEX I-1-2-44 and I-1-2-81 for details on what regional office to contact. An official website of the State of Oregon. Learn how. The Appeals Council looks at all requests for review, but it may deny a request if it believes the hearing decision was correct. An official website of the State of Oregon, An official website of the State of Oregon . denied, 405 US 930 (1972), State Speed Control Board subject to Administrative Procedures Act, (1974) Vol 36, p 1024; proxy voting at board meeting, (1974) Vol 36, p 1064; student conduct proceedings as "contested cases," (1976) Vol 37, p 1461; rulemaking authority of Statewide Health Coordinating Council and of Certificate of Need Appeals Board, (1977) Vol 38, p 1229; Oregon Medical Insurance Pool is fundamentally private-sector body, under virtually total private control, created by state to fulfill public purpose and is not state agency or public body subject to Administrative Procedures Act (APA), (1989) Vol 46, p 155, 51 OLR 245 (1971); 53 OLR 364, 365 (1974); 10 WLJ 373, 420 (1974); 13 WLJ 499, 517, 525, 537 (1977); 57 OLR 334 (1978); 22 WLR 355 (1986); 36 WLR 219 (2000). If your case is denied by the Appeals Council, you may file a lawsuit in a federal district court. The Trustoria Directory provides people with all the resources needed to find the right service provider for any need. . EEOC Headquarters. Virtual hearings allow hearing participants to attend hearings remotely. 2021 Disability Judges All Rights Reserved. Independence in Adjudication. Oregon Judicial Department a statewide, unified court system with Your browser is out-of-date! Our role is to provide an independent and impartial forum for citizens and businesses to dispute state agency action against them. 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE. He has worked primarily in the public sector as Legislative Counsel in the NYS Assembly, as an Assistant and Deputy County Attorney for family court matters, and as an attorney . Forms / Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) (651) 361-7900 About Us Forms & Filing Lawyers & Litigants Self Help Public & Media Municipal Boundary Adjustments Forms & Filing Home Forms & Filing Forms Forms Access OAH forms for Administrative Law and Workers' Compensation matters. How you know For its law improvement activities, the section has pursued three important goals: Accordingly, the section works diligently each legislative session to provide the legislature and the Oregon State Bar with the sections expertise on important issues affecting the practice of administrative law. (2) The chief administrative law judge shall employ administrative law judges. An official website of the State of Oregon Matters and disputes involving administrative law are handled through the administrative law system. It is open to the public without charge and provides services to lawyers and pro se patrons. Looking for ALJ case statistics? Patton v. State Bd. ACRS processes all casedocuments for the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, including petitions, appeals, motions, briefs, notices, and correspondence; and manages appellate transcript filing, calendars oral arguments, administrative orders, appellate judgments, and appellate archives. Please note that this article was written in 2005 and does not necessarily reflect current practices and procedures of the Office of Administrative Hearings. This information for ODAR offices located in Oregon was last updated on 12/01/2022. They also coordinate data, fiscal, and legal services for OJD's legislative and intergovernmental relations activities; and oversee or support OJD administrative, civil, criminal law, and ADA policies and procedures. It is for informational purposes and may not be suitable for legal purposes. Administrative support staff provide office reception and assistance duties; prepare official OJD and OSCA documents and communications; and manage OJD policy databases and information distribution systems. PHYSICAL ADDRESS. My background as an administrative law judge Attorney At Law Law Specialist Administrative Law Judge Lawyer Community Service Manager, Administrative Law Judge Associate Attorney Lawyer, Administrative Law Judge Law Specialist Of Counsel Jurist Legal Counsel Lawyer General Counsel Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Analysts Lecturer Adjunct Instructor Associate Professor Chief Executive Officer Construction Analyst Corporate Executive Operations Manager Postsecondary Teacher, Administrative Law Judge Law Specialist Lawyer Supporting Member Volunteer Security Team Member Non-Profit Medical Record Transcriber Medical Transcriptionist Clinical Data Management Professional Health Information Specialist Healthcare Support Student Worker Community Service Manager, Administrative Law Judge Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive, Hearing Examiner Legal Counsel Referee Justice of The Peace Judge Administrative Law Judge Jurist Of Counsel Administrative Law Attorney Administrative Court Justice Magistrate Author Counselor Recognition Advisor Licensed Real Estate Broker Property Manager Real Estate Manager Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive, Administrative Law Judge Owner Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Independent Contractor Contractor Independent Business Owners Operations Manager Community Service Manager Team Member Education Professional Instructor, Administrative Law Judge Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Community Service Manager, Administrative Law Judge Law Specialist Lawyer Community Service Manager, Administrative Law Judge Chairperson Chief Executive, Administrative Law Judge Law Specialist Lawyer, Administrative Law Judge Government Administration Professional Community Service Manager, Administrative Law Judge Trial Court Judge Judge Flight Instructor Instructor Psychologist Chief Executive Psychology Specialist, Administrative Law Judge Chief Judge Judge Security Government Administration Professional Captain Community Service Manager, Of Counsel Law Specialist Administrative Law Judge Jurist Legal Counsel Lawyer Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Representative, Administrative Law Judge Legal Counsel Security Director Operations Manager Chief Executive, Administrative Law Judge Associate Attorney Lawyer Government Administration Professional Community Service Manager, Arbitrator Mediator Administrative Law Judge Referee Judge Independent Contractor Contractor Independent Business Owners, Administrative Law Judge Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Community Service Manager Government Administration Professional, Administrative Law Judge Of Counsel Jurist Legal Counsel Manager Chief Administrative Officer Operations Manager Chief Executive Corporate Executive, Administrative Law Judge Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Editor, Administrative Law Judge Paralegal Chief Executive Bookkeeper Accounting Bookkeeper Operations Manager Finance and Accounting Specialist Financial Manager Financial Officer Chief Administrative Officer Director Chairperson Financial Director Accounts Payable Specialist Security Business Administrator Analysts Bachelor of Science Computer Software Professional Software Developers Customer Service, Financial Director Team Member Accounts Payable Specialist Accounts Payable Retail Salesperson Retail Professional Department Store Salesperson Equipment Tools Purchasing Agent Supporting Member Owner Operations Manager Chief Executive Financial Manager Financial Officer Vice President Senior Manager Accounts Receivable, Mediator Independent Contractor Examiner Contractor Inspector Video Editing Professional Video Editor Researcher Survey Researcher Independent Business Owners, Legal Counsel Attorney General Administrative Law Judge District Attorney Judicial Clerk Lawyer Judicial Law Clerk Government Administration Professional Community Service Manager, Associate Attorney Paralegal Litigation Support Specialist Lawyer Associate Professor Lecturer Postsecondary Teacher Security Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Associate of Arts, Arbitrator Referee Judge Presenter Investigator Compliance Officer Client Service Officer Delivery Sales Worker Deliverer Bachelor of Science Customer Service, Administrative Law Judge Lawyer Paralegal Director Operations Manager Model Hospital Care Professional Physician Health Professional Health Practitioner Research Specialist Research Scientist Advisor Analysts, Information on professionals, their work history and resumes, Volunteer of the Year - St. Andrew Legal Clinic, Georgia - Active Member in Good Standing, Enduring Contributions to Administrative Justice System - Oregon Association of Administrative Law Judges, Oregon State Bar, Administrative Law Section - Legislation & Rules Chair, Associate at Schneider Kerr Law Offices, Night Clinic Volunteer at St. Andrew's Legal Clinic, Author, Writer, Consultant at Barry Adamson, Mediator/Proprietor at Northwest Conflict Solutions. 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