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how much does a drug mule make

März 09, 2023

Today, overdoses are one of the leading causes of injury and death, even beyond car accidents and death by firearm. The purchase cost of a mule generally ranges between $1000 to $8000. With crackdowns by border patrol and government agencies and efforts being made to lock down borders (such as the proposed border wall between Mexico and the U.S.), those involved in the drug trade continue to explore other, more dangerous methods of smuggling. The Rio Grande Valley is a popular crossing point for immigrants given the expansive land that makes it difficult for border agents to patrol. Criminals recruit money mules to help launder proceeds derived from online scams and frauds or . Youve seen it so often in the movies: 80 swallowed, We live in a world where facts and fiction get blurred. While Arizona has seen a 65 percent decline in border apprehension and deaths which the White House has attributed to political policies and proposals such as the border wall and changes in immigration law 2016 was still a tough year in border-related deaths per our analysis. Financial analysis of The Mule (2018) including budget, domestic and international box office gross, DVD and Blu-ray sales reports, total earnings and profitability. Mules cannot breed with other mules. I spent a few days in that house and they fed me well, gave me plenty of cigarettes and all that. This really does happen. Leo Sharp typically transported over 100 pounds of cocaine per load. Kennedy airport in New York, 145 drug mules were intercepted. I walk around aimlessly to see if I was being followed and sure enough I notice a civilian car following me. One positive about being Clint Eastwood, Oscar-winning director: Make a movie about men in the twilight of . This has led to an increase in the utilization of people as drug mules, which includes the dangerous act of swallowing packages filled with drugs (body packers), along with using traditional travel means (boats, airplanes, etc.) Story Highlights. Nine years ago, on 6 August 2013, everything changed for Michaella McCollum and Melissa Reid: the two British women (both 20 years old at . Under 2ounce is a Class B crime - 180 days in country jail. Then I met this West African guy at a bar and we became friends. Among the drug mules caught at the California ports of entry, we find that the mean reported compensation amount is $1,604 and the median is $1,313. And, of course, every now and then people do get away with it, otherwise no one would try anymore. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Government officials say the majority of drug mules are Mexican, but experts say there are plenty of U.S. citizens involved, too. These guys will stop at nothing. The cartels dont always opt for sophisticated stealth, though. Drug muling, Popular Science explains, is just putting a twist on something your body does really well, anyway: "Your entire body is designed to help take things from your mouth and pass them out your anus, with some time in between. A drug mule is someone who smuggles drugs on their person or in their luggage across borders. Leo Sharp was the Sinaloa Cartel's most effective mule. Among the drug mules caught at the California ports of entry, we find that the mean reported compensation amount is $1,604 and the median is $1,313. Invest in the future today. I buy a case of beer and go to my room and wait for my boss. Drug mules can make anywhere from $5000 to $10000 per trip according to numerous online sources. What are the dangers of being a drug mule? Rating: 2 out of 5 . It was nice of them, and I dont think its what wouldve happened in a British or American prison. Agent 1: Ugh, we're not DEA. Cases were identified through Westlaw to be related to drug mules or drug trafficking charges. In The Mule, Eastwood's Stone is also a war veteran-turned-horticulturist who turned to drug-running after his business went south, but rather than having fought during World War II, the character is supposed to be a Korean War vet.Interestingly, though, Stone makes several remarks about Nazis, particularly to Serricchio's character. What are some of the risks of being a drug mule? When I got out at the airport that first time at Riga in Estonia, I was met by my handler. I walk upstairs to my room and I look around. I don't know why, but my first instinct was to call my girl bestfriend. Most of the time, probation lasts one year, but it can also be as many as three or more. If you or someone you know is struggling with drug use, youre not alone. , including migrants attempting to cross who. You can buy a healthy mule for $1000 to $3000. ), along with using traditional travel means (boats, airplanes, etc.) What was he like? You'll be lucky if someone finds your body. This forced immigrants into more remote locations of the desert, putting them in a position to succumb to heat and other elements, thus increasing border-related deaths a great deal in subsequent years. The pair were caught with 1.5m of cocaine after becoming drug mules for a cartel. Enjoy the High Rise Chilla - the cocktail of the summer - at a new Access 4 benefits of choosing specialised and focused skills training courses over An average drug mule can swallow between 80 125 of these pellets. . A. Harry* is not the kind of person who springs to mind when you picture a drug mule. The prisons are beyond horrible. 5 to 50 pounds - 2 to 10 years jail time. In this report, well share data showing common points of drug entry, arrests, and how the illicit drug trade has impacted the U.S. They ended up towing the car. While the Rio Grande Valley in Texas has the second largest number of border-related deaths, these deaths may not necessarily be related to drugs. I'll get to you eventually. The authors, editors, producers, and contributors shall have no liability, obligation, or responsibility to any person or entity for any loss, damage, or adverse consequences alleged to have happened directly or indirectly as a consequence of material on this website. Drug mules are usually in their twenties or thirties, but people up to the age of 72 have been caught doing this. It is not a substitute for professional care. The fear of terrorism brought extensive hiring of border patrol agents, and additional walls were built at key crossing points into the U.S. The majority of drug mules are male but the number of women doing this is on the increase. I'd give her money to help her out and because of me she was able to put a down payment on a car. telling her she could be paid as much as . What is the least a drug mule can make in a year? Prices change depending upon the area and quality. He was worth a fortune to El Chapo 's Mexican drug cartel; he sent more than $2 . How many different safe houses did Leo Sharp use as a mule. In The Mule, Clint Eastwood plays Earl Stone, a World War II veteran who becomes a drug courier for the Sinaloa cartel while in his 80s.Remarkably, The Mule is based on the true story of Leo Sharp . With many publications on Mule to her name, Caroline has distinguished herself as a fountain of knowledge from which many draw from. Mums first reaction was just that she was glad I was alive, she had no idea where Id got to. To be honest, at that point, I was starting to find the whole thing tremendously exciting. Huge psychological damage. Both my parents ended up being much more sympathetic than I thought theyd be. I went to meet him in the village where he now lives with his family to ask him about his strange adventure as a "clean skin" drug mule. 3. (Susan Erasmus, Health24, updated November 2011), (Sources: bbc.co.uk; wikipedia.org; spaces.icgpartners.com), Play daily crosswords, sudoku, puzzles, and more. Numerous factors determines how much a drug mule can make. Drug mules are typically employed by drug trafficking organizations. Keeping it easy while I come to terms with my experiences over the last year. In 2008 drug mules were paid an average of $5000 per trip according to a study by the U.S. State Department. X-rays, urine tests and sniffer dogs are used to detect the presence of drugs. How much money can a drug mule make in a year? Not sure which is worse. All rights reserved. Death is usually very quick, as the quantity of drugs ingested is so high. He wants to go to a restaurant and wait for them, but I insist on driving forward without them. I probably shouldve been scared, but I wasnt, because I felt so removed from what I was doing, it was so alien, it just never felt real. Occasionally Id have a cell mate, but they were fine, just kept themselves to themselves. Based on the true story of Leo Sharp, a 90-year-old man who worked as a drug mule for a Mexican . I explained my situation and he asked if I wanted to stay with him. The pellet is the package. In any case, it can be a dangerous trip made more so with the use of body packing to avoid detection. The job of a drug mule is to transport drugs from one place to another. I have no idea exactly how exactly. His childhood was spent building dens in the woods. Drug lords, who commission the mules, can sometimes make 100 times more than that when selling the drugs brought in by the mules. This was the 2nd time I introduced my buyers to my bosses. More than 2,000 pounds - 5 to 99 years jail time. The DEA thought he would have the coke in his car and moved in, once they realized he didn't have the coke they scrambled back to the hotel to try and salvage their operation. Much of the money moved through these third-parties is stolen through Internet-enabled frauds, thefts, and scams. But I turned those down because it was too risky. As a mule I was caught, yes. To find the adjusted life expectancy of drug users, we looked at four specific drugs: cocaine, heroin, meth, and methadone pills. Entrapment. What are some of the risks of being a drug mule? It was run by Gambian guys. So how did you eventually get caught? I was promised 1,000 ($1,112) per kilo, that was 2,000 ($2,225). You are expendable, and they couldn't care less if you lived or died. So basically they were paying me to transport it farther up north. In 2015, federal auditors seized nearly 35,000 lbs of marijuana from USPS parcels. It happened at Warsaw airport. Analyzing #StPatricksDay Instagram Posts Across America. Another drug mule for the Sinaloa cartel was a 57-year-old man from Oklahoma named Walter Ogden. They both turn and look at me and I just kept my poker face and approach the front desk clerk. Leo Sharp was hauling 104 bricks of . Leo Sharp used over 25 different fake IDs as a mule. These would contain a total of 800g 1,25kg. Wikimedia Commons Leo Sharp poses for a mugshot following his arrest for drug trafficking charges in 2011. Mules are bred from donkeys and horses, making them strong pack animals that can carry heavy loads. Couple drinks in I felt this unbearable pain in my stomach, nothing I've ever felt. . Answer (1 of 2): It is called "body packaging" (body packing). You might be wondering how I'm not in prison, well it's kind of a long story; Deny everything After the 6 months I worked my way up the food chain. A money mule is someone who transfers or moves illegally acquired money on behalf of someone else. Im quite lazy, so Ill always be more attracted to easy, risky money than to hard-earned risk-free money. Though most people do not understand this. Answer (1 of 2): THERE ARE A FEW WAYS MULES ARE DETECTED * DRUG DETECTION DOGS. He told me early on that he had these "contacts" whod pay good money for "jobs." The DEA agent was wearing a kevlar vest with DEA in gold on the back of it. So basically you might want to reconsider going on a quick trip to Indonesia for three days to deliver a hold-all to your friend's brother's cousin outside the Metropole Hotel. There is no set salary for drug mules. It was a lot of fun. He arrives to the hotel around 0300. 7 July 2021. At first, I was only staying there because it was better than sleeping outside, but then the more I thought about it the more I wanted to do one of his jobs, earn some money and get home. Kevin Nelson, of Bellingham, Wash., holds a sign that reads "Drug War Ends Here," outside Top Shelf Cannabis, Tuesday, July 8, 2014, in Bellingham, Wash. on the first day of legal pot sales in the . You will have no money, so money your family sends you will be extorted from you for basics such as a blanket, food or soap. The whole thing taught me that actions have consequences. Dom. My very first sale, I sold 50k of product, simply by introducing the two parties. Feeding costs are slashed when an owner has a pasture for a mule to graze on. ", Photo: BENOIT DOPPAGNE/AFP via Getty Images. I was given pocket money on top of the fees for the jobs. The going rate for a kilogram of cocaine in the United States is $25000. You can cancel anytime and if you cancel within 14 days you won't be billed. Thereafter you will be billed R75 per month. How much did Leo Sharp typically charge per load of cocaine transported? I insert my keycard only to find it doesn't work. There is an increase in the number of women doing drug mules. The Mule did fairly well at the box office, earning $175 million worldwide against a budget of $50 mil. Now this is where the stupid luck comes in. How many different cars did Leo Sharp use as a mule? Drug mules are typically caught by law enforcement at airports or other border crossings. How much drugs do drug mules typically transport? 50 to 2000 pounds - 2 to 20 years jail time. I'm not done yet so don't worry. Around 1100 my boss tells me he's going to go meet his clients. How many times did you end up smuggling? The Mule is based on the true story of Leo Sharp, an 87-year-old drug mule and WWII veteran who was arrested by the DEA with five duffel bags of cocaine in 2011. . "I probably shouldve been scared, but I wasnt. So for those who assume the op might mean a box, they might. Fines. . While the Rio Grande Valley in Texas has the second largest number of border-related deaths, these deaths may not necessarily be related to drugs. I am not nave enough not to be aware to what extreme measures desperation can drive us. . How and why did I get into this business? If you believe you have a medical emergency, you should immediately call 911. Leo Sharp used over 30 different safe houses as a mule. The series is created by BBC and produced by Blast Entertainment. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. In some cases, drugs were stashed in multiple locations throughout the vehicle. The cost of hay is around $20 per bale. Drug mules who are caught can face lengthy prison sentences. The balloons are made with multilayered condoms and are often force fed to the victim. Even if you have done three successful runs, once you need more cash, you'll consider a fourth. If you or someone you know is struggling with drug use, youre not alone. How big was the operation you were a part of? While the data reviewed isnt specific to just drug trafficking-related deaths, it does paint a picture of the lengths traffickers will go to in order to move drugs across borders. I guess if anything I was excited because if it went well then I was going go get 3k for 2 days. , and continued drug trafficking into the U.S. has led to a growing number of overdoses among American citizens even children. People could feel resentful for what you have put them through. The minimum amount a drug mule can make is a couple hundred dollars. During my time I was caught a total of 3 times. He tells me to stay put with the car and as soon as he calls me to head over there with the car. 30 minutes later we finish and I walk back to my room. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has found sophisticated tunnel networks that stretch between Mexico and Southern states like California. Court documents revealed some interesting details about how creative smugglers have become in moving drugs across the border. Although I really hurt my friends and family, and that upsets me. There were other jobs going, Id get updates on the burner phone, taking heroin, cocaine, MDMA. But, no, I think I needed everything to go wrong. At this point it's about 2200 and I'm tired. A drug mule can make anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars per month. How many different fake IDs did Leo Sharp use as a mule? busiest land port of entry in the Western Hemisphere. With many publications on Mule to her name, Caroline has distinguished herself as a fountain of knowledge from which many draw from. The fear of terrorism, brought extensive hiring of border patrol agents, and additional walls were built at key crossing points into the U.S. . This could indicate smugglers and cartels are attempting to move smaller amounts in the hopes of going undetected. AMA. Despite a continued effort among many nations to crack down on drug trafficking, the misuse of, continues at an alarming rate. After about two weeks the prison allowed me to contact my mum. And the other mules you met? In foreign prisons many things are run on bribes. It all seemed way too easy. But drug traffickers have used actual mules to move their products for years, especially across rugged terrain. was hospitalized after one capsule of cocaine (of more than 100) ruptured in her stomach. One of my clients joins me and we start talking about business. Visit, https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6450a3.htm, https://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/page/world/southwest-border-drug-seizures/1543/, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/colombias-youngest-ever-drug-mule-11-is-captured-smuggling-104-cocaine-capsules-in-her-stomach-9870257.html, https://www.fbi.gov/news/testimony/drug-trafficking-violence-in-mexico-implications-for-the-united-states, http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Drug-Tunnel-Discovered-Near-San-Ysidro-Port-of-Entry-Mexican-Authorities-412764863.html, https://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/104872, http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2014-04-05/news/fl-drug-smuggling-routes-20140404_1_central-florida-south-florida-cocaine-shipments, https://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/pubs40/40381/40381p.pdf, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3224221/, http://www.businessinsider.com/mexico-smuggling-tunnels-2017-5, http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34934574, http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/border-patrol-cartels-use-kids-to-divert-agents/article/2582404, http://www.cbsnews.com/news/drug-traffickers-use-clone-vehicles-to-smuggle-drugs/, http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-ff-immigrant-border-deaths-20151021-story.html, http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/immigration/2017/04/21/drop-border-apprehensions-mean-fewer-migrant-deaths-summer/100717008/, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/oct/04/us-mexico-border-patrol-trump-beautiful-wall, coastal states as secondary channels for trafficking drugs, https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/assets/documents/2019-Mar/bp-southwest-border-sector-deaths-fy1998-fy2018.pdf, https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2018-07/2015%20NDTA%20Report.pdf, The Cost of Addiction: The Real Price You Pay for Drugs and Alcohol. They offered more money. Thats why I wanted to go out smuggling again. Eventually, one of my friends sounded the alarm to my family that I was missing and they got the police involved. When smuggling, that's exactly what you want." . But I was very good at distancing myself from what I was doing. By Jennifer Savin. Popularly known as 'drug mules', the victims are made to swallow balloons containing illicit drugs and are then transported across borders. This data is unsettling given the dangers of illicit drug use, especially the harmful nature of heroin and meth. Based on public records, a large volume of seizures is related to drugs being trafficked not only through major airports, but also through U.S. mail and other carriers. The Rio Grande Valley is, given the expansive land that makes it difficult for border agents to patrol. How many different aliases did Leo Sharp use as a mule? Instead, sign up for text support to receive: We are here 24/7 for any questions you may have. Possession of MMJ. Fate 1st time by DEA, 2nd time by Border patrol and 3rd time by State Police. Edit 2: I want to address something a lot of you have been asking. Then it was put in one of those X-ray proof bags. What is the most a drug mule can make in a year? The cartels dont always opt for sophisticated stealth, though. Going head to head with the FEDs is not something I want to do again, it was safer this way. According to the document, the global market in drug trafficking has an estimated annual global value of between $426 billion and $652 billion (USD), making it the second most lucrative illicit market measured after that of counterfeit and pirated goods, which is estimated to generate as much as $1.13 trillion annually. In 2016, the majority (84.9%) of traffickers were male with an average age of 36. This was just an added precaution. How many miles did Leo Sharp drive as a mule? Take them to the police? You will be treated like the scum of the earth, you will be dirty for years, you will be hungry, you will have nothing to do, you will have no privacy, no medical care and will be subject to whatever the other prisoners want to do to you. Due to financial problems, an 80-something-year-old man, Earl Stone, takes a job as a drug mule, driving shipments between Texas and Illinois for a Mexican cartel. How much does a drug mule make in 10 years? Then they dropped me at the airport. How many different states did Leo Sharp transport cocaine through as a mule? The costs are influenced by some factors such as the age of the animal, the number of competitions won, the number of appearances . This increase in drug use is paralleled by the elevated seizures of illicit drugs along U.S. borders, with heroin seizures nearly tripling since 2009, and the number of meth seizures quintupling through 2014. Prosecutors scoff at the notion that Sharp was forced into being a drug mule. How much does a drug mule make? My buyer wanted me to stay at the same hotel as him, I think it was a "let's have each other's back" type play. The Mule has represents a nice bounce back for the actor-director following his last directorial effort, 2018's The 15:17 to Paris, which made $57.1 million worldwide and could be considered a bit . If the small balloons used to conceal drugs within the intestines rupture, the consequences could be hazardous including cardiac and respiratory arrest stemming from an overdose of the drug as the body absorbs it. One of the ways Congress and state governments use to discourage drug trafficking is by issuing hefty fines. To this day, we don't know whay happened to my boss. So how long were you in prison for? This job was delicate. I was sleeping outside, stealing food from the market like Oliver Twist. Also, if you're running drugs, you are in contact with a scary underworld of people for whom murder and extortion or hurting your family are simply part of an everyday job. She is from the Conscincia Animal Initiative Advisory, Consultancy and Solutions on Animal Behavior and Welfare, Botucatu, So Paulo, Brazil. Agent 2: What kind of training do you have? With many publications on Mule to her name, Caroline has distinguished herself as a fountain of knowledge from which many draw from. I remember feeling happy and relieved. Not so fast, my buyers are only buying 2 bricks. PODCAST | Bingeing Without Borders (Episode 6): South Africa, Podcast series: click here to find them all, PODCAST | Bingeing Without Borders (Episode 5): Nigeria, PODCAST | The Story: Climate change, tavern deaths and a serial arsonist - a look back at 2022, PODCAST | Bingeing Without Borders (Episode 4): India. Leo Sharp used over 30 different cars as a mule. Drugs wrapped in condoms can also be stored in the rectum. The risks of being a drug mule include being caught by law enforcement being robbed and being killed. Q: What happened the first time you got caught by the DEA and how did you walk away? It is estimated that Leo Sharp made over $100 million dollars as a mule. According to the U.S. Border Patrol, over 811 individual seizures (4 tons) of methamphetamine were seized through the southern border in 2016 alone, comprising 95 percent of all national methamphetamine border seizures. In fact, if having to kill you is part of the operation, then it is. I'll be honest, I was living at home, working a minimum wage job, paying too much money a month for a decent car (2014 25k car), I was struggling financially overall. The purchase cost of a mule depends on different factors. The data were gathered from over 150 court cases related to drug mules or drug trafficking charges. How much did The Mule make per run? Of all cases, 51 had information detailing how drugs were transported. One key point of consideration is the spike in deaths seen after 2001 relating to the terror attacks on 9/11. How many different phone numbers did Leo Sharp use as a mule? This data is unsettling given the dangers of illicit drug use, especially the harmful nature of heroin and meth. This is all to keep the dogs off track. Hey, Reddit! The drugs are vacuum packed into these bags wrapped with cling film and pressed right down. Of these cases, 64 were identified as involving criminal drug trafficking charges. She became famous as a drug mule with a memorable hairstyle - but what has Michaella McCollum learned from being jailed for attempted cocaine smuggling in 2013? Getting addicts the help they need can put a dent into the system that causes so much suffering or at least remove that individual from the deadly chain. I was lucky enought my clients would only speak to me to set up buys. A two-part BBC documentary series High: The Confessions of an Ibiza Drug Mule was released in July 2021 retold the story of her memoirs - how a teen from Northern Ireland came to be involved in . When I went to pick up my bag from reclaim it wasnt there. Between border seizures and the legalization of marijuana in some areas of the U.S., the cartels are turning toward heroin and meth to keep their trade alive. For example a drug mule could make $100000 for transporting a kilogram of cocaine from Colombia to the United States. He tells me the 2 back up cars are 4 hours away from us. Nigerian women make a large contribution to the remaining figure. wearing inappropriate clothing for the weather in the country to which they are flying, posing as a tourist, but not having any idea about tourist attractions, often travelling for short periods to different countries, not having any idea where you're staying that night, carrying suspiciously large amounts of cash, not eating or drinking anything on the flight. These third-parties is stolen through Internet-enabled frauds, thefts, and scams mule on... I spent a few days in that house and they got the police involved Getty Images try... Browser for the jobs. worth a fortune to El Chapo & # x27 ; s most mule... Money mules to help her out and because of me she was glad was... Farther up north charge per load of cocaine per load fountain of knowledge from many! 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