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macbeth key quotes and analysis gcse quizlet

April 02, 2023

Weve pulled together all of the top Macbeth quotes below from primary and secondary characters as well as a good selection from the eponymous hero and his wife shown in order of the quote appearing in the play, listing the character speaking along with act and scene. What thou art promised. PERSONIFIED Ambition/hope sleep? - foreshadowing the wickedness of Macbeth to come. 'All hail, Macbeth! In this post you will find everything you need to know about the characters, as well as some key quotations to remember. Instead, she has to play on Macbeths masculine insecurities to get her way. - Act 5 Macbeth, - monologue after hearing of Lady Macbeth's death. "Let fall thy blade on vulnerable crests; I bear a charmed life, which must not yield to one of woman born." Scorpions are creatures that are both poisonous and have sharp claws, so they can attack with both ends deadly. me. - monologue Post them in the comments or contact me here -Social MediaTwitter: DrAidan1564 - Act 4 Witches. Highlights dual nature that Macbeth has/hides of pity), Crown (noun) forebodes to their task/aim/goal, SUPERNATURAL (Believes that 'Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be. Everything Macbeth did was, ultimately, for nothing. She doesnt ask to be more of a man, she asks to be unsexed. The truth is that men had their own codes of conduct and if she was more of a man she wouldnt have been able to kill Duncan either it would have been a betrayal which was forbidden for men. This is important in regards to the relationship between Macbeth and Duncan, as Macbeth appeared as a loyal soldier, but he was actually planning to murder the king he had sworn to protect. - act 2 scene 1 Macbeth, 'Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?' 9. Wants to break away from the Elizabethan/Jacobean societal expectation of nurturing a child, Come, thick night, / And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of Hell, / That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, PERSONIFICATION Knife cannot see what it is doing, emphasises evil of actions and her supernatural beliefs, Deceitful and Promotes this to Macbeth (by ambition), Look the thinnocent flower, / But be the serpent undert, SYMBOLISM / IMAGERY Creates visual imagery of flower (and the positive connotations), and serpent (with the evil/negative connotations), JUXTAPOSITION Contrasting ideas of juxtaposed people (dual nature) METAPHOR compare his feelings, Suggests juxtaposed ideas of who they are, and that Macbeth need to be that (but also hide it) Suggest for Macbeth to be deceitful (command) Highlights dual nature that Macbeth has/hides Serpent (noun) created emphasis of evil (etc. By A5 S5, Macbeth is in deep despair: life has lost all meaning. ', 'I have almost forgot the taste of fears.' Implies inability to commit murder as a female DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS gone against Macbeth says this after he sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in the chair reserved for Macbeth, almost immediately after the murders tell him that they have killed Banquo (safe in a ditch he bides, with twenty trenched gashes on his head). - Shows Macbeth's naivety and that his ambition has overtook his sense. Three main ones are: ambition and power. Quotations linked to the theme of deception. business transactions , and that it desensitise Thank you so much. Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly! Here, Lady Macbeth argues that Macbeth can clear his conscience when he washes his hands. formally had it, she does now too, worthy Cawdor! - Stained with guilt like Macbeth was earlier in the play - ironic cause she told him a little water could wash away the blood. explored she is very much so, Come, you spirits / That tend on How To Make The Most Out Of Practice Assessments. - yet there is also a defensive and self- justifying quality to his words, if everything is meaningless then Macbeth's awful crimes are somehow made less awful, because like everything else they 'signify nothing. James VI, the King of England at the time Shakespeares Macbeth was first performed, was hugely suspicious of witchcraft. gcse english literature on tumblr. - imperative verb 'out' connotes her as powerful and commanding. 'A heavy summon lies like lead upon me.' - act 1 scene 1 witches. Greater than both, by the all hair hereafter". "Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it." - Lady Macbeth, 'Macbeth', Act I, Scene V. 4. She feels that she will forever stink of blood, and no matter what she does that smell will never go away. - act 1 scene 7 Lady Macbeth. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The abuse of power is also a reoccurring theme in Macbeth. The witches are the first characters we meet in Act One, who prophesize that Macbeth will be king one day. This line is also a reference to the Adam and Eve story, which is a story with a number of key connections to Macbeth. APEPARANCE VS REALITY Present 5. He's settled on not doing anything to make himself king to allow it to happen on it's own. . flower), well known to the audience, The witches philosophy on life, showing that nothing is ever what it seems. "Fair is foul and foul is fair" She parallels his inaction with femininity and cowardice claiming that it is unmanly of him to not kill Duncan and seize power for himself. Lady Macbeths transgressive behaviour and defying gender norms would not necessarily have been shocking to Jacobean audiences as Shakespeare had written MANY play featuring strong women (see: Juliet defying her fathers wishes and marrying in secret!). Methought I heard a voice cry Sleep no more; Macbeth does murder sleep, Themes: guilt and madness; evil/darkness vs grace/light, 12. This brilliant set of 23 key quotes from William Shakespeare's Macbeth is organised into a range of key themes to help GCSE English Literature students with their revision and exam preparation. 'A little water clears us of this deed.' macbeth 20 key quotes for exam revision flashcards quizlet. Wanton in fulness, seek to hide themselves. Macbeth does murder sleep! After killing Duncan, Macbeth fears he will never sleep again from the guilt. This verb reflects just how important ambition is for Lady Macbeth, who seems to feel that without it Macbeth might be in danger the only reason we would fear for someone. Slept (verb) emphasises his lack of ambition into ALLITERATION of T Emphasises and highlights how she wants to be so encompassed by this new cruelty, Calls on spirits to take away her blood (feelings of pity), SUPERNATURAL (Believes that spirits can take away the good), Seeks not to be women / repels expectations, Come to my womans breasts, / and take my milk for gall, you murdring ministers,, SEMANTIC FIELD / IMAGERY of Women that she wants to lose to achieve murdering ability ALLITERATION of M Sound Creates snarling sound appropriate to the meaning (striking emotional ideas). highlights how she wants to be so So weve analysed and listed some key Macbeth themes and accompanying quotes to ensure you are ready for exam day. Also, as they are ground dwelling killers, like snakes, they call to mind the way that Satan appeared in the Bible, which immediately references the witches and their evil desires. meaning (striking emotional ideas). The serpent, however, is a clear reference to Satan, who appeared as a serpent in Genesis. Lady Macbeth feels that a real man would be able to kill the king and usurp the crown without questioning it, due to their desire for power. We'll bring you back here when you are done. ', 'All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!'. - he is caught between love for his wife and drifting away from her. Macbeth murdered not only his king (anointed by God divine right of kings and the chain of being): Duncan was also his guest, he had been generous to Macbeth and he was asleep when he was murdered, showing a lack of courage on Macbeths part. Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain'. 2368268). / I would, while it was smiling in my face, / Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, / And dashed the brains out, JUXTOPOSITION Tender, love, babe, smiling contrast with violence of plucked, dashed, boneless dark for reader. - act 1 scene 5 Lady Macbeth, 'I do fear thy nature is too full of the milk of human kindness.' These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Get the best grades possible with our experienced English Literature tutors. 'When you durst do it, then you were a man.' Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. - Act 5 scene 5 Macbeth, - shows Macbeth is not afraid of death anymore - almost expects it. While his position undert reminds us of Hell, where Satan lives. Flowers are also natural which suggests she is reminding him to keep looking like the natural order will be retained. In A3 S2 Macbeth says his mind is full of scorpions. Here, he uses a metaphor to say how painful even thinking has become he is displaying signs of madness. Macbeth takes this advice to heart as he continues through the play doing foul acts in order to achi All hail, Macbeth! He says it is full of sound and fury a clear reference to the violence that is inherent in so much of Shakespeare and Macbeths worlds of fighting, witch burning, reformations, and royal wars. [] Hell is murky, Themes: Guilt & madness, evil/darkness vs grace/light, gender, appearance vs reality, Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood clean from my hand (Macbeth), My hands are of your colour, but I shame to wear a heart so white (Lady Macbeth) shows that she changes over the course of the play, Secondary English teacher in Herts. Temptation and treachery (Equivocation), 'You lack the season of all natures sleep.' Brandished steel refers to Macbeths sword, which he used to fight the opposing army. He can dress off/on this ambition (ALT deceitful) Are practice tests worth the hassle? In this manner, she is able to provoke Macbeth into killing Duncan by undermining his masculinity. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Baboons in Shakespeares time were seen to be evil and lustful. And fill me from the crown to the toe She wants to get rid of her femmininity, at the time females were thought of as weak etc. - Three witches - Jacobean interested in supernatural. 'There's daggers in men's smiles.' One quote that is seen many times throughout the play is, Fair is foul, and foul is fair (1.1.12). 'No man of woman born shalt harm Macbeth.' The abuse of power is also a reoccurring theme in Macbeth. Quotations linked to subverting expectations of gender at the time. novel 1847 by charlotte bront english eal. This acts as a catalyst for the whole plot and drives Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to kill King Duncan and eventually go mad in their own ways. co uk jane eyre revision. That wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false. he got dressed?) macbeth key quotes and analysis gcse quizlet. It is not like she just worries for him, she "fears" for him. full o th milk of human kindness, / Registered in England and Wales No. Translation: There is no justification for killing Duncan (he is my king, my guest and has been generous to me). The first half of the image highlights just how perfect he should look: the adjective innocent is associated with purity and perfection; while flowers are symbols of happiness and joy. During his soliloquy in A1 S7, Macbeth makes it very clear that he doesnt want to kill Duncan for a range of reasons. - term of endearment. This quote can best be applied to Macbeth and his wife, but it is the witches that give the full infamous quote. But all's too weak; For brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name). The Theme Of Appearance Vs Reality In Macbeth "Fair is foul, and foul is fair. him to follow her plan (intimidating Required fields are marked *. Create a free website or blog at is violent and sadistic concepts) Beliefs about women (imagery of As ever, Shakespeare brings his Mabeth characters to life with memorable dialogue and a number of intense monologues and soliloquies. - Ironic as first person Macbeth is suspicious of and orders killed. Macbeth by William Shakespeare Buy Study Guide Macbeth Quotes and Analysis "Double, double toil and trouble / Fire burn, and cauldron bubble" Witches, 1.1 In this famous quotation from the play, the three witches are gathered around their cauldron as they predict Macbeth's future. - Blood signifies his guilt. This quote is said by Macbeth towards the end of the play when he discovers that his wife has killed herself. 'Thou canst not say I did it. The second and third witches greet Macbeth Macbeth Lenses We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience from our website. Here, Macbeth is definitely a classic hero for Jacobean men. Lady Macbeth is trying to wash (imaginary) blood off her hands a symbol of her guilt/madness. - Macbeth doesn't want LM to know about his plan to kill Banquo - increased paranoia but also could show some love for LM as he doesn't want her to get caught up in it. I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition which oerleaps itself. commemorate Gunpowder Plot had expectation of nurturing a child Instead this portrait of revised womanhood would have been terrifying for audiences, playing in to deep set fears of female power. -, 'Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown and put a barren sceptre in my gripe.' Come you spirits [] unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe topful of direst cruelty, Themes: appearance vs reality, nature vs supernatural, evil/darkness vs grace/light, gender roles. (that he once had it but now gone) The only reason he can think of for doing this thing, and he knows it wont work. View all posts by gcseenglishwithmisshuttlestone, Do you have any idea what might come up in the Macbeth exams for 2019. - All the water in the world won't be capable of washing away his sin. Offended and hurt that he lied/changed his mind. Shakespeare also investigated these themes in a number . He feels that even if he washed his hands in the ocean they would not be clean, as because of the amount of blood on his hands he is more likely to make the ocean turn red. my face, / Have plucked my nipple - apposes/juxtaposes typical Jacobean women who were expected to be supportive of their husbands. Out, out, brief candle. - Act 2 scene 1 Banquo, 'Is this a dagger which I see before me?' She claims he is too afraid to take 'what thou art promised', and would be happier for someone else to do his dirty work. Dec. 2016, Subjects: Macbeth,English,literature,GCSE. - act 2 scene 2. 'I have no voice, my voice is in my sword.' Lady Macbeth uses manipulation and subtle digs against Macbeth throughout the play (ie, by questioning his manhood repeatedly) to take control. - Sleep symbolises peace and innocence and Macbeth has destroyed that for himself by murdering Duncan. And yet, he names his son heir apparent to the throne, which would be seen as an abuse of power at the time, as Scotland was an elective monarchy when the play was performed. All rights reserved. Lady Macbeth: Upon hearing that King Duncan is to stay the night in her castle, Lady Macbeth builds herself up to kill him. by her planning to kill (evil ect.) 1. It clearly identifies the contrast between light and dark, which represents good and evil. It is not like she just worries for him, she fears for him. 'He unseamed him from the nave to the chaps.' By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe topful. By a self-fulfilling prophecy, we mean that when you are told something (or an action) will take place, and you, as an individual then will conspire to make it happen, perhaps subconsciously. In truth, it is nature itself that Lady Macbeth fears: she fears the way things are as she doesnt have everything she wants. violence of plucked , dashed , ", "All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! Come, thick night, / And pall thee in the Use this guide alongside our Macbeth Themes GCSE revision guide to ensure you're ready to ace your exams. you forgot look like the innocent flower but be the serpent undert. - power shift as Macbeth begins to take control. She is basically trying to insult Macbeth, by telling him that he is no longer a man as he is doubting whether he should kill Duncan. Steeped is the key verb in this quote, as Macbeth feels that the blood has steeped into his body and into his soul, so will remain there forever. - His paranoia over the act of regicide seeming pointless is overwhelming him. ", Act 1 Scene 3 The witches prophecies for Macbeth, Macbeth is already thane of Glamis, he is not yet the other two proclamations, "Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none", Act 1 Scene 3 The witches prophecies for Banquo, Foreshadowing that Banquo will be a better, happier person in life/death than Macbeth and that his sons will be kings, Macbeth is uncomfortable to begin with as thane of cawdor, foreshadows that Macbeth will not fit properly into the title of king, "He bade me, from him, call thee thane of Cawdor", The first of the prophecies has come true, "Two truths are told as happy prologues to the swelling act of the imprial theme", Ross and Angus don't know what he means, he is beginning to anticipate becoming king, "If good, why do I yield to that suggestion". ALLITERATION of M Sound Creates Registered charity No. GCSE English Literature Macbeth learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. The fact the Shakespeare repeatedly insinuates that women are the catalyst for the chaos in the play leads some to believe that it is Shakespeares most misogynistic work. 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Soliloquy Analysis, It Is The East And Juliet Is The Sun Soliloquy Anaysis, Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Soliloquy Analysis, Now Might I Do It Pat Soliloquy Analysis, O God Of Battles! when he formerly promised her. All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor (at this point the audience knows that Macbeth has been given this title by King Duncan but Macbeth does not yet know this). Macbeth - Lady Macbeth Quotes and Analysis - GCSE English Literature - Macbeth - Lady Macbeth Key - Studocu Key topics and concepts which encompass the descriptive techniques and devices used to describe Lady Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 5 of Macbeth gcse english literature Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home - act 2 scene 2, Macbeth. It is also fed to children, so she could be making Macbeth seem almost childlike. In these lines, however, Macbeth is aware that the floating knife he sees is not really there. Macbeth is well respected, trusted and thought of fondly by the King, Foreshadowing that Macbeth will be influenced by the witches / has been influenced already, "All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! Each of the Macbeth Quotes is explained with great details and significance. - He knows he will have to do terrible things to become king (such as committing regicide). out, I say! personal injury and clinical negligence (2020/21), Research Methods for Business and Marketing (LMK2004), Logical Operations CyberSec First Responder (CFR-210), Canadian Constitutional Law in Comparative Perspective advanced (M3078), Unit 6 - The History of the National Health Service, Introduction to English Language (EN1023), Physiology Year 1 Exam, questions and answers essay, Macroeconomics Class - Complete Set Of Lecture Notes, Lecture notes, lectures 1-16 - amino acids - beta-oxidation pathway - dna synthesis - enzyme kinetics and regulation - enzyme regulation - enzymes - glucose homeostasis - glycolysis recap - haemoglobin - synthesis and transport in the blood - membrane lipids - metabolism - nitrogen metabolism - protein structure - genome - dna to mrna, Transport Economics - Lecture notes All Lectures, Fundamentals OF Financial Accounting - BA3 EXAM Revision KIT, Summary Small Business And Entrepreneurship Complete - Course Lead: Tom Coogan, Sample/practice exam 2017, questions and answers, MATH3510-Actuarial Mathematics 1-Lecture Notes release, Animal Physiology Lecture Notes (Blgy2293), 354658960 Kahulugan at Kalikasan Ng Akademikong Pagsulat, Unit 6 - The History of the NHS (Journal Article), Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 3 Demand and Supply, 04a Practice papers set 2 - Paper 1H - Solutions, Investigating Iron Tablets, A PAG for OCR Chemistry Students, BTEC Assignment Unit 1 Exploring Business, Acoples-storz - info de acoples storz usados en la industria agropecuaria, The College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London. - macduff shows his patriotism and devotion to his country by lamenting the fate he is afraid it will be left to suffer. Could foreshadow that Macduff will come to Scotland at the head of an army & Macbeth's fate. knife see not the wound it makes , PERSONIFICATION Knife cannot see (feminine) to human kindness, IMAGERY / SYMBOLISM of Societal Thinks he was lying/faking, (ie. Here we pull together a selection of Lady Macbeth quotes that range from her early mocking of Macbeth for his apparent lack of strength to do her bidding, through to her regret and seeming empathy at the violent, murderous events that unfold: " The raven himself is hoarse That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements" [authoravatars limit=5 avatar_size=85 link_to_authorpage=true show_name=true order=recent_post_activity sort_direction=descending hiddenusers=Bulushis], All Rights Reserved | Unifresher 2023 |. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. - Act 3 scene 2 Macbeth. THEME of Ambition and Power share similar beliefs, fits the norms Studying Macbeth? We havent yet had a question that enables you to speak freely about Malcolm and Macduff so this is always a possibility. Serpent (noun) created emphasis of evil (etc. - Guilt + remorse is overwhelming him. Quotations linked to the theme of good versus evil These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Foreshadowing that Duncan will die and that Lady Macbeth intends to do it that night while he stays in her home. Here is the list of all important Macbeth Quotes, which will be beneficial for you to have an in-depth understanding of the play and characters. Because a whole class of wonderful minds are better than just one! He was sending a message to his enemies. Macbeth says this after he sees the ghost of Banquo sitting in the chair reserved for Macbeth, almost immediately after the murders tell him that they have killed Banquo (. - he is now overtaken completely by his hamartia ambition, 'All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.' The theme of women being manipulative characters throughout the play that must rely on their words to inspire action is evident. An army & Macbeth 's fate through the play that must rely on their words to inspire is... Into killing Duncan, Macbeth, - monologue post them in the world n't! Is always a possibility throughout the play ( ie, by the hair... After hearing of Lady Macbeth intends to do it macbeth key quotes and analysis gcse quizlet night while he stays in her home a reoccurring in... Havent yet had a question that enables you to speak freely about Malcolm and so! Is said by Macbeth towards the end of the milk of human kindness. not... 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