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general mcinerney, usmc

April 02, 2023

He makes it through enemy lines and is returned to the States. Later, the two and their children become part of a caravan of American soldiers, sailors, and Marines both active duty and retired, who intend to escape the Japanese by crossing the Gobi Desert to India. Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. He might have found this a worthwhile thing to do, but was spared the necessity of making a decision when he was called to extended active duty first with the Corps and then with the CIA. Since his retirement in 1994, General . Lieutenant General Thomas Mcinerney explains the rigged USA voting system. At McCoy's request, Ernie Sage provides the money to help set them up in business in South Carolina. Only British and Commonwealth subjects serving in the armed forces were eligible for this medal, the highest award in the British honours system for combat valour. At 19 minutes, 10 seconds, McInerney said: We have a 99.2% survival rate on COVID-19 . Leonardo used a military satellite to change votes from Trump to Biden in key battleground states. Federal and state officials have said there is no evidence that voting systems were breached during the 2020 election, or that voter fraud affected the outcome. The general completed Armed Forces Staff College in . "[17] As a result, Macklin spent the rest of the war with the guerrillas in the Philippines, without command responsibilities, until the islands were liberated. MAJOR Gen Stephen Neary has been fired from the United States Marine Corps after he allegedly used a racist word while speaking to black troops. [31] He later called on President Trump "to declare a national emergency, use the Insurrection Act, declare martial law, suspend habeas corpus, set up military tribunals, and suspend the electoral college [vote for president and vice-president] on December 14 and the presidential inauguration on January 20". Pickering establishes Special Detachment 16 of the Marine Corps to deal with secret missions in the Southwest Pacific Ocean Area that are not entirely supported by Supreme Commander MacArthur. 9050, which authorizes and directs the Secretary of the Navy to issue a citation in the name of the President, to Navy and Marine Corps Units for . The Marines on . PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION. The U.S. Marines accused of murder and other charges in the case of the Haditha killings in Iraq cannot get a fair trial, says retired Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney. Flying combat missions off the escort carrier USS Badoeng Strait, he is shot down over enemy territory after busting yet another locomotive but survives, evades capture, and returns to friendly lines, rescued by Killer McCoy. ", RELATED:Heres why Georgias Republican officials are confident in their presidential election results. McCoy successfully rescues Pick Pickering two months after Pick was shot down while shooting up an enemy train and evaded capture by the North Koreans, and continues his intelligence operations in Korea. This updated version of a weeks-old theory originally amplified by U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, came from an interview with McInerney, who offered no evidence to support his claim. WASHINGTON The Marine Corps is promoting Col. Anthony Henderson, a combat-tested Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, to brigadier general, a move that cracks the doorway for the service to. "I've been . A Medal of Honor recipient during World War I, Jack (NMI - No Middle Initial) Stecker served with Fleming Pickering and Doc McInerney when they were all enlisted men. Killer McCoy arranges for Ludmilla to be brought out of China as part of Operation Gobi, and Banning reunites with herand with his son, Edward Edwardovich Banning, whom he had never seen. By his own admission, Pick can do any job in the hotel except pastry chef, claiming he could not master handling pastry dough.[11]. If anyone had asked me, I would have voted 'yes.' Afterwards, he was directly commissioned as a second lieutenant USMCR and nominally assigned as one of General Pickering's aides. He did, however, double down on his claims. (The Killer's separation had been canceled by the outbreak of the Korean War, though Macklin did not know this. As she pointed out to her father in an earlier book, the income from her trust funds was several times the amount she earned at the ad agency. Derek Knauss. While this was happening, Captain Stecker was promoted to Major and given command of the Second Battalion of the Fifth Marine Regiment, which he commanded in combat on Gavutu. His fellow Marines call him "Killer" for killing two Italian Marines in self-defense with a baby FairbairnSykes knife (to his great embarrassment), and for having killed 18 Chinese bandits in the employ of the Kempetai with a Thompson submachine gun while on an intelligence mission. He takes part in an evaluation mission to General Wendell Fertig in the Philippines to determine if Fertig is sane and in a position to wage guerrilla warfare against the Japanese. In addition to his Vietnam Service, the McInerney served overseas in NATO; Pacific Air . !, he told Military Times. General McInerney said the election was a repeat of 2020 with widespread vote manipulation by the Democrats and their Chinese paymasters. The letter echoes . So far in 2021 108,000 entered U.S., "Some people are going to die from the vaccine directly. One Twitter user even shared a video of a tank moving through the desert with a slowed version of Tame Impalas The Less I Know The Better playing in the background, claiming it was troops from the battalion. Pickering was commissioned a Marine Brigadier General and assigned as the Office of Strategic Services Deputy Director for the Pacific by President Roosevelt in an attempt to force Douglas MacArthur to permit the OSS to operate in his theater of operations. Lt. Gen. George W. Smith Jr. program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May 1985. At McCoy's request, he assists in landing on the Japanese-held Buka Island to resupply a Coastwatcher base; bringing in new personnel and extracting exhausted USMC personnel. [3] He participated in three additional Southeast Asia deployments.[3]. But specific individuals who were rumored to be antifa activists dont actually support the movement, and a report that claimed a facial recognition firm had identified members of the movement was later corrected. When Colonel Frank Goettge, Division G-2 of the First Marine Division, was killed on Guadalcanal, Stecker was assigned as the acting G-2 until a replacement for Goettge could be sent to the island.[25]. After graduating from OCS, he is assigned as an officer courier for intelligence in the Pacific while working for the Marine Corps Office of Management Analysis, a special, little known intelligence group run by Lieutenant Colonel (later Brigadier General) Fritz Rickabee. He became commander of Alaskan Air Command, Alaskan NORAD Region, and Joint Task Force Alaska in May 1988. With Captain McCoy about to be involuntarily separated from the Marine Corps, Macklin has several plans to make his remaining time as a Marine officer miserable. Essay | The Lifelong Power of Close Relationships. The two achieved mutual respect. McInerneys claim is one of the longest-running falsehoods about the pandemic. But that wasnt the case, said Gabriel Sterling, Georgias voting system implementation manager. [2], (Note: The Victoria Cross is an error on the part of the author. His name is Kenneth R. McCoy, the introductory character of the saga, a Marine Corporal stationed in Shanghai, China with the 4th Marines (the primary component of the China Marines) prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. (It is not clear if his wife is a girl from St. Louis, or a reformed call girl he met who fell in love with him during the war.) Thats correct, McInerney responded. The comments about McCain were among a string of false and controversial statements made by McInerney, according to writer Jack Murphy, a Green Beret and Ranger veteran. He says he has never seen our country in as dangerous a spot as it is in right now. Putnam's Sons), 2004, Griffin, W.E.B. You are being lied to by your phone, television, and your deep state government. He is a Harvard graduate with a degree in hotel management, having learned the business from the bottom up, starting as a busboy and working up to substitute assistant manager. After completing the Armed Forces Staff College in February 1970, he was transferred to the Directorate of Operational Requirements, Air Force headquarters. He earned a bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Military Academy in 1959 and a master's degree in international relations from The George Washington University in 1972. Evergreen shipping is most likely a cover for human and sex trafficking by Hillary Clinton. Following the war, Fleming Pickering resumes his position as Chairman and CEO of Pacific and Far East Shipping, but also establishes an airline, Trans-Global Airways, with his pilot son Pick Pickering as its President and Chief Pilot. Another twist of the new theory alleges that the five soldiers killed in a helicopter crash while assigned to the Multinational Force of Observers Sinai mission on Nov. 12 were really killed in the purported Frankfurt shootout with the CIA. "Shows normal ballot processing.". One of the Telegram accounts that posted the piece is attributed to retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, an 83-year-old former Fox News analyst and military adviser for the Trump. A retired Air Force lieutenant general, McInerney served retired from his position of assistant vice chief of staff at Headquarters U.S. Air Force, in Washington, D.C in 1994 after 35 years of. Nevertheless, Ed and Ken are close. He is currently undergoing tests. There is no evidence that a foreign country hacked voting machines in Georgia. At the same time, he is working as Chief Pilot of Trans-Global Airways, the airline started by his father following the end of the war. His duties were not made clear; Vandegrift seemed to use him as a troubleshooter and as the Corps' liaison to the Office of Strategic Services because of his relationship with General Pickering, Deputy Director for Pacific Operations. The proponents of the theory, which has been shared by tens of thousands of people on social media, offered no evidence in support. Following their graduation and commissioning, they remain in touch, occasionally being involved in the same mission. Howse then raised the issue of U.S. Special Forces troops seizing the server farm in Germany. ", Says Jerry Nadler said God has no authority in the House of Representatives. PolitiFact confirmed that a laptop was stolen from a conference room in the Capitol, but Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said that the laptop was only used for presentations. This sometimes bothers McCoy, as Sessions and his wife Jeannie are the epitome of family bliss that Ernie Sage frequently throws up at him as arguments in favor of their getting married. From the November 2, 2020 article: In October 1986, McInerney was assigned as vice commander in chief, Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Ramstein Air Base, West Germany. Shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, then-Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox asked him to take a wartime commission as a Navy Captain, to act as Knox's plenipotentiary in the Pacific theater. Pickering intended to send him into the Philippines as the head of the evaluation mission to U.S. He also talked about the Wuhan Flu and his contention that it was intentionally released as a biological weapon by the Chinese Communist Party. Ernie and Pick have known each other since childhood. Rifles were involved in 297 deaths in the U.S. in 2022 and constipation killed 2,167., Drinking or using tap water treated with chlorine is dangerous because chlorine is a poison., Joe Biden described America as the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping., Kid Rock tweeted, Some people wouldnt recognize tyranny if it slapped a mask on their face, made them stand 6 feet apart, and forced them to take a vaccine for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate.. The audit found "no sign of foul play. When orders come down transferring the Fourth Marines to the Philippines, Banning marries his longtime lover Ludmilla Zhvikov, a stateless person (a genuine White Russian countess and daughter of a Tsarist general) traveling on a Nansen passport. The location and source of the video is unclear, but the earliest version we could find was published Jan. 8, 2021, on YouTube by Ann Vandersteel, who has previously promoted the Pizzagate conspiracy theory (an earlier version of QAnon). He assumed his role as the Air Force assistant vice chief of staff in July 1992. Ken promised he and Ernie would be married on his return from the mission. One of the main promoters of Hammer and Scorecard was a discredited military contractor who claimed to have created the programs. Forces in the Philippines; and setting up a weather station in the Gobi Desert urgently needed by the Navy and the Army Air Force. Jennifer J. Balisle. President Trump won in a landslide and the Dems left so many footprints that this TREASON must be stopped!! Your vote does not count. When Marines first landed on the Pacific island of Guam during the Spanish-American War and established Marine Barracks Guam in the village of Sumay, we began a century-long relationship that. When the U.S. goes to war, TV networks call on the warheads, Fact check: Claims of electoral fraud in Rome, dubbed 'ItalyGate,' are baseles. Washington, DC Ken has a great affinity for languages and in China learns Japanese, Wu, Mandarin, and Cantonese, which leads to his being assigned to intelligence-gathering convoys by Captain Edward Banning, USMC, the Fourth Marine Regiment's intelligence officer. Following an artillery barrage, McCoy carries the wounded Banning to a monastery for treatment. Following his submission of a report that directly contradicts General Charles Willoughby's report to MacArthur that all is quiet in Korea, Willoughby attempts to run McCoy out of the Marine Corps. The new claim is that Army Special Forces soldiers were killed in Frankfurt, Germany, in a firefight with the CIA guarding a secret CIA server farm that allegedly held evidence of Dominions so-called election theft. He joined Military Times in 2020. with "I think that's probably been considered. He is awarded a Purple Heart for wounds received and a Bronze Star for his performance under fire and his efforts to save Teng Captain Banning. [7] Although McInerney said they had been moved to three places in Syria and one in Lebanon, the final report of the Iraq Survey Group, by Charles A. Duelfer, special adviser on Iraqi weapons to the C.I.A., concluded that any stockpiles had been destroyed long before the war and that transfers to Syria were "unlikely. That theory gained widespread traction when Trump without verifiable evidence amplified its claims, various sub-theories have emerged claiming the involvement of the Army. He is a command pilot with more than 4,100 flying hours, including 407 combat missions (243 in O-1s as a forward air controller and 164 in F-4C's, D's and E's) during the Vietnam War. @GeneralMCNews 18.5K 17:58 General McInerney Forwarded from The General 0:44 The theory claims one program, called Hammer, cracks into protected networks, while another, called Scorecard, changed vote totals. Director for Joint Force Development, J7. "Somebody senior to Macklin if Macklin is the idiot everybody seems to think he is, I don't think he should be in a position to give orders. Perhaps General Mattis. By the time the Korean War broke out, she appears to be the CEO of Foster Hotels, based in San Francisco but spending a fair bit of time traveling in the course of her duties. When it looked as if the Killer was about to be involuntarily separated from the Corps, she tried to tempt him into joining the Bannings and the Zimmermans in a real estate project which would have had the families building estatelets on land owned by the Bannings on a couple of South Carolina islands. Upon graduation from National War College in July 1973, McInerney was assigned to the 58th Tactical Fighter Training Wing, Luke Air Force Base, as F-104 and F-5 director of operations. Agence France-Presse debunked the claim in a Jan. 12 fact-check. [3], After graduating from USMA in June 1959, McInerney was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Army. Its just coming out, but I understand my initial report is that there were U.S. soldiers killed in that operation. Bargeron is currently serving as president, Marine Corps University, Training and. Officer of the Day. Lt. Gen. McInerney: U.S. intel agencies 'absolutely' used for political gain Fox Business 2.09M subscribers Subscribe 1.7K 119K views 5 years ago Fox News Military Analyst Lt. Gen. Thomas. That's why they call him 'Songbird John'", Fox Business guest says torture 'worked' on John McCain, Watch: Former Fox News Military Analyst Resurfaces Fake 'Songbird' John McCain Nickname to Defend Torture Use, The Guardian, "McCain was not tortured, PoW guard claims" 2008 article, Fox Business host apologizes after guest makes derisive comment about John McCain, Fox News bans retired general after McCain torture comments, "This retired three-star claims US soldiers died attacking a CIA facility in Germany tied to election fraud", Era of Light, full transcript (WVW Broadcast Network, 11/28/2020), 12/1/2020, "Identity of Kraken Revealed", "This retired three-star falsely claims US soldiers died attacking a CIA facility in Germany tied to election fraud", "General McInerney calls for President Trump to declare martial law and investigation of treason", Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror, Official United States Air Force biography, Thomas McInerney biographical note, NetStar Systems, accessed 23 February 2006, Interview with Thomas McInerney and Lt. General Gard from 1999,, This page was last edited on 12 August 2022, at 06:26. ends with the Korean War still raging, we know nothing of McCoy's post-Korean War life or assignments. U.S. military officials did not mince words about the veracity of McInerneys claims. (Stecker had served multiple tours in Nicaragua during the Banana Wars of the 1920s.) Lt. Gen. Dagvin R.M. Thomas G. McInerney (born March 15, 1937) is a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General and well-known war hawk. Ernie meets - and falls in love with - Ken McCoy at a party thrown by Pick Pickering shortly before he and Pick were commissioned. "[16] McInerney also has said there were "widespread and legitimate concerns that the President [Obama] is constitutionally ineligible to hold office. Following the action in which he killed 18 "bandits," he is transferred back to the United States and enters Officer Candidate School to earn a commission as a second lieutenant. Election officials in every state said there was no sign of significant voter fraud. The rumor spread quickly anyway," Jan. 7, 2021, PolitiFact, "Tucker Carlson guest airs debunked conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was created in a lab," Sept. 16, 2020, PolitiFact, "What is QAnon, the baseless conspiracy spilling into US politics?" This results in McCoy setting up an intelligence operation generally similar to that of Mac MacMillan in The Brotherhood of War series. This is wrong we rated a similar claim False. The COVID-19 vaccine could lead to prion diseases, Alzheimers, ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. ", US GOV finally admits that Covid started in the wuhan lab.. Jan 2021 - Present2 years 1 month. Now, that was a CIA operation, and so thats the very worrisome thing.. "[6], In 2004, he claimed without evidence that with the aid of a Russian Special Forces team with GRU, Saddam had transported weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to Syria and the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon for safekeeping. REALITY, YouTube video from Ann Vandersteel, Jan. 8, 2021, District of Columbia After being transferred back to Washington to Headquarters, USMC Stecker was promoted to Brigadier General and assigned to the staff of General Alexander A. Vandegrift (Marine Corps Commandant). McInerney, in an email to Military Times, did not offer more information regarding the sources of what he told a conspiracy-laden website over the Thanksgiving holiday. His squadron was subsequently activated and deployed to Korea. For those who still believe the mainstream media, I say to you, Please go and get . general mcinerney, usmcnankaido, japan tsunami 1707 damage cost general mcinerney, usmc We reached out to McInerney through his company YottaStor for a comment, but we havent heard back. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1959 and later earned a masters degree in international relations from The George Washington University in 1972. [13] (The wound stripes he was awarded during the war were converted to the Purple Heart plus two gold stars in lieu of the second and third awards when the Purple Heart was reauthorized in 1932.). Over 19minutes, McInerney a former Fox News analyst and military adviser for the Trump campaign spins a conspiracy theory that claims Democrats coordinated with the Chinese government to create COVID-19 and commit voter fraud to oust President Donald Trump. We need your help. 2. Lt. General Thomas McInerney lays it all out plain and simple for everyone to hear. As a result, he is promoted to Major by General MacArthur, and decorated with the Silver Star. General Thomas McInerney and General Paul E Vallely interview with His Glory Take Five (VIDEO) Pastor Dave from His Glory interviews two patriotic Generals. The feeling of the officers involved in the mission was summed up by Captain Ed Sessions, who answered Navy Lieutenant Chambers Lewis's question "If you hate this guy so much, why don't you just drown him?" Elections are rigged. Fishpond United States, America's End Game for the 21st Century: A Blueprint for Saving Our Country by LTG Thomas McInerney MG Paul E VallelyBuy . He earned a BS degree from the United States Military Academy in 1959 and a master's degree in international relations from George Washington University in 1972. He was decorated with the Bronze Star for his contribution to the mission. [32][33], For other people named Thomas McInerney, see, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation, WMD theories in the aftermath of the 2003 Iraq War, Attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election, "LIEUTENANT GENERAL THOMAS G. MCINERNEY > U.S. Air Force > Biography Display", "PolitiFact - 'Songbird John' McCain? 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