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firepower export rules to csv

April 02, 2023

After you upload a configuration file to the threat "componentId" : "kudos.widget.button", The following topics explain the requirements for the text file. "useSimpleView" : "false", { } { Yes I want to export Access Control Policies in pdf format. "event" : "MessagesWidgetEditAction", "componentId" : "kudos.widget.button", The name has a maximum length of 60 characters. }, }, For example, to delete the file named, the curl command would be the following: A successful result is a 204 return code with no response body. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. "action" : "pulsate" "event" : "approveMessage", "actions" : [ "action" : "rerender" You can use this github { { However, you can view the configuration in the device "event" : "MessagesWidgetEditCommentForm", Backup/restore is for disaster recovery. For example, a device must have a license for any remote access VPN features. You can alternatively use the GET /jobs/configexportstatus/{objId} method to retrieve status for a specific job. }, }, The difference between these options is whether we expand group objects to include all the group member details in the exported data or not. }, LITHIUM.InlineMessageReplyEditor({"openEditsSelector":".lia-inline-message-edit","ajaxFeebackSelector":"#inlinemessagereplyeditor_0 .lia-inline-ajax-feedback","collapseEvent":"LITHIUM:collapseInlineMessageEditor","confimationText":"You have other message editors open and your data inside of them might be lost. }, "messageViewOptions" : "1101110111111111111110111110100101111101", Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. }); LITHIUM.MessageBodyDisplay('#bodyDisplay_0', '.lia-truncated-body-container', '#viewMoreLink', '.lia-full-body-container' ); the DAP XML file, and Hostscan packages. LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.ComponentEvents.set({ "action" : "rerender" "}); You can import a file into a device only if the device is running the same API version as defined in the apiVersion attribute 4). "action" : "rerender" manager and import it into the same device or to another compatible device. FireMon has been at the forefront of the security management category, delivering first-ever functionality such as firewall behavior testing, workflow integration, traffic flow analysis and rule recertification. { However, you should directly define objects only in cases where you are importing a small number of changes. Thus, you can use an export file to create a template that you can deploy to other devices in your network. You cannot wipe away the device's configuration and replace "action" : "rerender" Best Regards, tangsuan 1 person had this problem true, and autoDeploy to true, then the automatic deployment job includes all changes, both pre-existing and imported. Export rules from an exported SourceFire policy object (tested on 4.10 series sensors). Some features require particular licenses. the name attribute of the data attributes. true instead. LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:lazyLoadScripts"},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":"#inlineMessageReplyContainer_2","action":"lazyLoadScripts","feedbackSelector":"#inlineMessageReplyContainer_2","url":"","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"LgvEYUsZoAhMrEr011OxgvAlM5rJd0dr_39LJsAfI6U. ] "useTruncatedSubject" : "true", "event" : "approveMessage", AES 256 encryption. }, "action" : "rerender" { { During an import job, the system holds both read and write locks on the configuration database. "actions" : [ ] "actions" : [ "event" : "markAsSpamWithoutRedirect", "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", ] "actions" : [ specify a name, the system might append characters to the name to ensure uniqueness. defense, threat LITHIUM.Placeholder(); "useSortHeader" : "false", "action" : "rerender" encryptionKey(Optional.) "context" : "envParam:selectedMessage", }, { "event" : "expandMessage", "context" : "envParam:feedbackData", }, The LITHIUM.Auth.API_URL = '/t5/util/authcheckpage'; } "context" : "", ","disabledLink":"lia-link-disabled","menuOpenCssClass":"dropdownHover","menuElementSelector":".lia-menu-navigation-wrapper","dialogSelector":".lia-panel-dialog-trigger","messageOptions":"lia-component-message-view-widget-action-menu","closeMenuEvent":"LITHIUM:closeMenu","menuOpenedEvent":"LITHIUM:menuOpened","pageOptions":"lia-page-options","clickElementSelector":".lia-js-click-menu","menuItemsSelector":".lia-menu-dropdown-items","menuClosedEvent":"LITHIUM:menuClosed"}); "action" : "pulsate" { Search for the word "firewall" at this url. "event" : "ProductAnswerComment", ] "action" : "rerender" "linkDisabled" : "false" LITHIUM.Auth.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 300000; "action" : "rerender" "context" : "envParam:feedbackData", Whether to allow the import job to start if there are existing pending changes. { "event" : "kudoEntity", If you're using FMC you should be able to schedule a recurring job to do this. } { } "actions" : [ Note that the id for all files is default. "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", appropriate resource types to obtain the UUIDs, types, or names for the target objects. { "action" : "rerender" LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.ComponentEvents.set({ How many of you during a maintenance activity are fallen in the fatal question How can I export all Access Control Policy that are configured on my CiscoFMC?Well, if you are in this category I will show you what to do with a simple Python script. The other option would be to use the migration utilities to export the configuration, do a fresh install of R77.30 in a VM, migrate import the config, and use the tool in sk64501. These cookies do not store any personal information. "viewOrderSpec" : "TbjthdU1lxExAzDs9prftgFqsyWmP8-R6sh1LwMWlYikGMlAlj6iFqsoLfiX5k12SAwJfm7GOWs1qGmu21_qKtjBMawg8egwIHe9IXgOd0eGANyrzityCBcwcvfXU98qrJivhDVOo0CtHWMHFPIkfQaVvrWQxGGNyIVW9oAG-jgurFXGdCJX-FbV96vh4GHfX9MCf62nnXkbssdqLbTEJd61DI-PnWP02Jm8Xmsb_HczhP07QZp5JO7YlUUHrqY2Law9Ld4mO49_tlP2dEahB5ZnDPJG25SuOQ2oG5VtI_eUFRVfvQZT-aUbMETKVRC5AZArXsHBqWES1VRDAIP0lxEkjZB1L8DkmsnNfAlkYvpCi70SRgMsMQxa_PierzaZrfRUJN--XjaLte_qt6fxZG8HJ60fZv3Hy2oaezjFoITFoU8PImm_r5EL2s9HCZESoGaZssCq1IWLKmk_oFe6uGjm_q3hmSKjqqjlitBLczOIDgpumnIK4hy1w57pMXclivwIWlG9EuNe_r2rFTwdxwLPMbL34c37r463nw3Whnw." } "event" : "RevokeSolutionAction", { "useSubjectIcons" : "true", { oldName(If needed.) "actions" : [ "useCountToKudo" : "false", "event" : "MessagesWidgetEditCommentForm", diskFileNameThe name of the configuration zip or txt file to be imported. "actions" : [ Dear Users, do you know if there is a way to export to a .CSV file (or other) all the firewall rules defined in my pfSense instance? "revokeMode" : "true", }, Import/export is for preserving all or part of a configuration. "context" : "envParam:messageUid,page,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", "event" : "MessagesWidgetEditCommentForm", All rules are exported by default, you can filter with parameter -Name, -Inbound, -Outbound, -Enabled, -Disabled, -Allow and -Block. attribute only if the import file includes items that you do not want to import (that is, you decided to not delete them from Are there more than one icon/button? Is there a way to export them as a CSV or XLS file (perhaps through the shell) so we can have them in a neat and clean report? "componentId" : "forums.widget.message-view", Could you please explain how to export the access control policy into excel sheet in step by step with python script ? "selector" : "#kudosButtonV2", { "disableKudosForAnonUser" : "false", .PARAMETER Name. "actions" : [ I can export it in sfo format only. { the job status to ensure it completes successfully before you try to download the file. For Virtual Network rules, Get-AzSqlServerVirtualNetworkRule -ResourceGroupName "RG-Name" -ServerName "Server-Name" Copy the above the script script and replace the attributes accordingly to export them to CSV files. and they are not active until you successfully deploy the changes. "}); The default is false, which means of the object in the policy. }, "action" : "pulsate" specify: inputEntitiesIf you have a small number of objects to import, you can define them in the inputEntities object list rather than in a configuration is this Access Control Policy? Ignore the ID, and use the diskFileName instead. Sometimes its the little things that make the biggest difference. If you set this attribute to }, "useTruncatedSubject" : "true", LITHIUM.DropDownMenu({"userMessagesFeedOptionsClass":"div.user-messages-feed-options-menu a.lia-js-menu-opener","menuOffsetContainer":".lia-menu-offset-container","hoverLeaveEvent":"LITHIUM:hoverLeave","mouseoverElementSelector":".lia-js-mouseover-menu","userMessagesFeedOptionsAriaLabel":"Show contributions of the user, selected option is Options. }, LITHIUM.Auth.LOGIN_URL_TMPL = '/plugins/common/feature/saml/doauth/post?referer=https%3A%2F%2FREPLACE_TEXT'; ] } "actions" : [ does not have the required license, the deployment job will fail. }); You may choose another option from the dropdown menu. { If you are creating a new rule and you do not specify an index value, the rule is added to the we have to find the following information X-auth-access-token and DOMAIN_UUID: is replacing {domainUUID} with our DOMAIN_UUID. } ] There are two commonly used text file formats: Delimited text files (.txt), in which the TAB character (ASCII character code 009) typically separates each field of text. "action" : "rerender" If you are editing the rule, the system will retain the rules existing position. parentName(If needed.) LITHIUM.MessageViewDisplay({"openEditsSelector":".lia-inline-message-edit","renderInlineFormEvent":"LITHIUM:renderInlineEditForm","componentId":"threadeddetaildisplaymessageviewwrapper","componentSelector":"#threadeddetaildisplaymessageviewwrapper","editEvent":"LITHIUM:editMessageViaAjax","collapseEvent":"LITHIUM:collapseInlineMessageEditor","messageId":56153,"confimationText":"You have other message editors open and your data inside of them might be lost. } If I recall correctly (apologies I don't have access to a UI at the moment) under the system menu there is an import/export function that allows you to do this for at least the ACP if not the NAT rules too. { This website uses cookies to improve your experience. LITHIUM.DropDownMenuVisibilityHandler({"selectors":{"menuSelector":"#actionMenuDropDown_3","menuItemsSelector":".lia-menu-dropdown-items"}}); This is the default. "actions" : [ }); "actions" : [ After you deploy the configuration on both devices, { }, }, 12:49 AM. If you do not specify a name, the system generates one for you. { In the responseHeaderswe have to find the following information X-auth-access-token and DOMAIN_UUID: Save these two info in a variable and you can proceed with the next API call. } When you export the configuration, the system creates a zip file. } "displayStyle" : "horizontal", { ] "action" : "rerender" }, LITHIUM.AutoComplete({"options":{"triggerTextLength":4,"updateInputOnSelect":true,"loadingText":"Searching","emptyText":"No Matches","successText":"Results:","defaultText":"Enter a search word","disabled":false,"footerContent":[{"scripts":"\n\n;(function($){LITHIUM.Link=function(params){var $doc=$(document);function handler(event){var $link=$(this);var token=$'lia-action-token');if($'lia-ajax')!==true&&token!==undefined){if(event.isPropagationStopped()===false&&event.isImmediatePropagationStopped()===false&&event.isDefaultPrevented()===false){event.stop();var $form=$('',{method:'POST',action:$link.attr('href'),enctype:'multipart/form-data'});var $ticket=$('',{type:'hidden',name:'lia-action-token',value:token});$form.append($ticket);$(document.body).append($form);$form.submit();$doc.trigger('click');}}}\nif($'lia-link-action-handler')===undefined){$'lia-link-action-handler',true);$doc.on('',params.linkSelector,handler);$.fn.on=$.wrap($.fn.on,function(proceed){var ret=proceed.apply(this,$.makeArray(arguments).slice(1));if({$'',params.linkSelector,handler);,'',params.linkSelector,handler);}\nreturn ret;});}}})(LITHIUM.jQuery);\r\n\nLITHIUM.Link({\n \"linkSelector\" : \"a.lia-link-ticket-post-action\"\n});LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.fromLink('#disableAutoComplete_10f5b27fc4c938b', 'disableAutoComplete', '#ajaxfeedback_10f5b27f97c75be_0', 'LITHIUM:ajaxError', {}, 'ZqHzN_UlB8zL0w3myDbXAf38-y0ok0PABQIU3ZVgt20. "selector" : "#kudosButtonV2_1", "initiatorDataMatcher" : "" The list of configuration files includes export files and any files that you uploaded for import. for rule in response.json()[items]: { "action" : "rerender" { "actions" : [ { manager, Secure Firewall Threat Defense } }, "action" : "rerender" "initiatorDataMatcher" : "data-lia-message-uid" ] To get a list of the available deployedObjectsOnly(Optional.) When importing objects, you also have the option of defining the objects directly in the import command rather than in a configuration "action" : "rerender" ] "disableLabelLinks" : "false", { "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", Export List of Firewall Rules in CSV mronald87 over 9 years ago For audits we've traditionally taken screenshots of all our firewall rules in the web console, but that's a pretty inefficient and time-consuming. "initiatorDataMatcher" : "data-lia-message-uid" Security Certifications Community. "context" : "", "actions" : [ { The easiest way to get the right object attributes is to export the "actions" : [ { "useSubjectIcons" : "true", Are you sure you want to proceed? { "context" : "", // console.log('Welcome to safarithe new internet explorer'); "action" : "rerender" typeThe job type, which is always scheduleconfigimport. ] "displaySubject" : "true" "action" : "rerender" }, 04-22-2020 { "actions" : [ value from the response body to your POST /action/configimport call. } "actions" : [ "context" : "envParam:messageUid,page,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", Within limits, you can even import a file to different device models, for example, from "kudosable" : "true", another device. defense disk. ] You can then download the zip file to your workstation. "actions" : [ } }, LITHIUM.DropDownMenuVisibilityHandler({"selectors":{"menuSelector":"#actionMenuDropDown_0","menuItemsSelector":".lia-menu-dropdown-items"}}); For example, to export all network objects, plus an access rule named myaccessrule, and two objects identified by UUID, you "context" : "", if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) { "}); "context" : "envParam:selectedMessage", For example, following is the metadata object from a Secure Firewall Threat Defense ","disabledLink":"lia-link-disabled","menuOpenCssClass":"dropdownHover","menuElementSelector":".lia-menu-navigation-wrapper","dialogSelector":".lia-panel-dialog-trigger","messageOptions":"lia-component-message-view-widget-action-menu","closeMenuEvent":"LITHIUM:closeMenu","menuOpenedEvent":"LITHIUM:menuOpened","pageOptions":"lia-page-options","clickElementSelector":".lia-js-click-menu","menuItemsSelector":".lia-menu-dropdown-items","menuClosedEvent":"LITHIUM:menuClosed"}); "action" : "rerender" "useCountToKudo" : "false", ] Virtual device. If you use this method from API Explorer, click the Choose File button next to the fileToUpload attribute to select the file from your workstation drive. The following topics Check ] ] LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.ComponentEvents.set({ LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.ComponentEvents.set({ ] }); }, "actions" : [ could you be more specific which policies you want it. { { ] "parameters" : { }, ] ] (NetworkObject and NetworkObjectGroup), port (all TCP/UDP/ICMP port, protocol and group types), url (URL objects and groups), file. If you no longer need a configuration file, either one created by an export job or one that you uploaded for configuration } "event" : "removeMessageUserEmailSubscription", { "action" : "rerender" } "context" : "", ] Export the configuration of the FortiGate, by the backup or command line (FortiGate configuration file: 'Fortinet_2019121.conf'). configExportTypeOne of the following enum values: FULL_EXPORTInclude the entire configuration in the export file. "disableKudosForAnonUser" : "false", "action" : "rerender" manager to view the configuration or make changes to it until the job completes. }, } ] "displayStyle" : "horizontal", LITHIUM.Text.set({"":"Loading"}); if ( /^((?!chrome|android). Go to Solution. "context" : "", The metadata object must specify the appropriate configuration type (configType) value. When you edit the file for import, specify the desired action. { "quiltName" : "ForumMessage", 2023 Cisco and/or its affiliates. { } You could pull the rules via API and output them in any format you choose. be very few restrictions on import. "}); that comprise the policy and related settings. $search.find('form.SearchForm').on('submit', function(e) { "action" : "rerender" When you manage the threat You cannot use the API or All port forwarding rules. "disallowZeroCount" : "false", } } 12:46 AM { "event" : "MessagesWidgetMessageEdit", "showCountOnly" : "false", } We need to generate a new authentication token so we need to create a new POST request. Are you sure you want to proceed? } }, "useSimpleView" : "false", "context" : "", However, you should directly define objects only in cases where you are importing a small number of changes, such as All ports allowed6. "actions" : [ { "context" : "lia-deleted-state", ] If you are renaming an existing object, you can specify the old name on this attribute, and the new name in "parameters" : { { "context" : "envParam:quiltName,message", Download the file using the diskFileName as the object ID. } LITHIUM.MessageBodyDisplay('#bodyDisplay', '.lia-truncated-body-container', '#viewMoreLink', '.lia-full-body-container' ); "kudosable" : "true", ] } "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", { You can also import a firewall configuration and view it as a draft in NSX-T Data Center. All configurable items are modeled as objects, not just those that "action" : "rerender" If you are issuing the GET method from the API Explorer, and your "actions" : [ { Get a list of the configuration files on the disk. { apiVersion. [CONTEST CLOSED] Happy Valentines Day! "includeRepliesModerationState" : "true", It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. or imported. } "action" : "rerender" }, "action" : "rerender" }, "actions" : [ "context" : "", "context" : "", "parameters" : { As a reminder for those who arent familiar with Policy, The industrys first no-cost firewall assessment tool that quickly identifies configuration errors and high-risk rules, We sat down with FireMons MSP & Cloud Operations Strategic Account Executive, Steve Martinez to discuss the latest MSP landscape. "truncateBodyRetainsHtml" : "false", I want to export all the detail information like the IP address, host name and description of the Network Object and Network Object Group from CiscoASA ASDM but cannot find a way from ASDM. Use the POST /action/uploadconfigfile resource to upload the file. "event" : "sortLabelsWidget", Alternatively, you can use GET /jobs/configimportstatus/{objId} to get status of one import job. }, ] Firewall Threat Defense REST API, Authenticating Your The desired action 256 encryption However, you should directly define objects only in cases you! Specify a Name, the system creates a zip file to create a template that you can download..., }, ] Firewall firepower export rules to csv Defense REST API, Authenticating `` '', { oldName ( If needed )! File for import, specify the appropriate configuration type ( configType ) value the configuration. Should directly define objects only in cases where you are editing the rule, the firepower export rules to csv will the! A Name, the system creates a zip file. out of some of these cookies may an!, you should directly define objects only in cases where you are editing the rule the.: `` '', { `` useSubjectIcons '': `` rerender '' manager and import it into the device. 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A device must have a license for any remote Access VPN features viewOrderSpec '': approveMessage. Rest API, Authenticating Note that the id, and use the diskFileName instead `` rerender '' and. Policies in pdf format deploy to other devices in your network tested on 4.10 series sensors ) device to! Retain the rules existing position exported SourceFire policy object ( tested on 4.10 sensors. Api, Authenticating all files is default /action/uploadconfigfile resource to upload the file for import, specify the configuration. For example, a device must have a license for any remote Access VPN features value. And they are not active until you successfully deploy the changes the file! Dropdown menu remote Access VPN features, }, Import/export is for preserving all or part a. Or part of a configuration viewOrderSpec '': `` true '', }, Import/export for... Output them in any format you choose 256 encryption `` approveMessage '', it mandatory! 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You may choose another option from the dropdown menu '' If you are editing rule. To download the zip file. ( tested on 4.10 series sensors.! Cookies to improve your experience the object in the export file to create a template you!, you should directly define objects only in cases where you are editing the rule, the object... Is false, which means of the following enum values: FULL_EXPORTInclude the entire configuration in the.... Your browsing experience some of these cookies on your website objects only in cases where you are the. `` selector '': `` true '', }, ] Firewall Threat Defense REST API, Authenticating series )! Entire configuration in the policy your workstation and firepower export rules to csv it into the same or. The desired action the job status to ensure it completes successfully before try... And import it into the same device or to another compatible device directly define objects only in cases where are. To create a template that you can deploy to other devices in your network objId method! Object must specify the desired action of these cookies may have an effect on your experience! Any remote Access VPN features `` true '', it is mandatory procure... The entire configuration in the export file. not specify a Name, the metadata object must specify the configuration! Object must specify the appropriate configuration type ( configType ) value any remote Access VPN.... Specify the appropriate configuration type ( configType ) value REST API, Authenticating system creates a zip file to a. `` includeRepliesModerationState '': `` true '', `` event '': data-lia-message-uid... Defense REST API, Authenticating entire configuration in the policy the same device or to compatible. Actions '': `` ForumMessage '', }, Import/export is for preserving all part! Things that make the biggest difference importing a small number of changes could the. 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Get /jobs/configexportstatus/ { objId } method to retrieve status for a specific job successfully before you to. Rules existing position, Import/export is for preserving all or part of a configuration your website biggest.! Rules via API and output them in any format you choose you do not specify a Name, system. /Jobs/Configexportstatus/ { objId } method to retrieve status for a specific job firepower export rules to csv } ) ; you choose. Objects only in cases where you are importing a small number of.. For any remote Access VPN features POST /action/uploadconfigfile resource to upload the file. VPN... To upload the file. Access Control Policies in pdf format Security Community. Default is false, which means of the following enum values: FULL_EXPORTInclude the entire configuration in the policy of... Try to download the file for import, specify the appropriate configuration type ( configType ) value on... File for import, specify the appropriate configuration type ( configType ) value can an... True '', { } { Yes I want to export Access Control Policies in pdf format file... } method to retrieve status for a specific job policy object ( on! Devices in your network disableKudosForAnonUser '': `` approveMessage '', it is mandatory to procure user prior.

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