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deagel population israel 2025

April 02, 2023

As is the case for the mega-cities concept, the Deagel documents demonstrate that the United States will have lost 90% of its people by the year 2025. 6.) The offshoring of jobs will surely end with many American companies relocating abroad thus becoming foreign companies !!!! They do business with the Russian Defense Procurement Agency, but they are largely an American contractor with ties into the U.S. Navy, the NSA and the CIA, through Stratfor. But what are the chances I figured the same number that is forecasted. Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead. Which is very strange. However a new trend is taking place overshadowing this one. He now runs point on many Agenda 21 plans for the White House including the America 2050 website and the Build One America Sovietization of Americas local governments. Web4.10.2020 Forecast 2025 8/ 9 176 Sao Tome and Pr incipe 0.2 $0.8 $ 177 Tonga 0.1 $0.7 $ 178 Kir ibati 0.1 $0.4 $ 179 Micronesia 0.1 $0.3 $ In 2014 we Western intelligence had no clue. Despite the overwhelming removal of its significance, WikiLeaks documents revealed that it was legitimately used as a reference material in a Stratfor report on the technological capabilities of the North Peoples Republic of Korea. There was no report that the Russian had such a capability of launching a high precision, multiple, combined arms attack at targets 2,000+ kilometers away. Following Americas devastating defeat, what is left of American society will be garrisoned and divided into 11 mega cities in a style befitting of the Hunger Games movie trilogy. This clearly points to the fact that the CIA, through Deagel, is projecting that the United States is going to be militarily conquered within the next 10 years. Earth is only a small part of the universe and has only been around for about 6000 years, but man is determined to destroy what he cannot control regardless of the cost to others. Martial law is usually preceded by a false flag. Adopted as official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald Ford,NSSM 200outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in those countries including India through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and famine. etc. : Required fields are marked *. such as not validating a healthcare medical industry that was coopted and corrupted by one of the biggest satanists in modern history, namely John Rockefeller; It was assumed but we got the full confirmation beyond any doubt. America has a date with depopulation and that date is 2025 at the latest. Population numbers were reduced in April 2014 for the US (at which point Deagel pointed to below 200 million in 2025 already), and in 2015 for By the 2010s a forecast for 2025 predicted a reduction from 307 to 264 million in the US. They have worsened more and more each year since the start of the pre-crisis in 2007. 133 million sq. The projections are noteworthy. I just so happened to make a brief screen recording of the forecast on 4/19/21, one day before it was deleted: find it interesting that this deletion was made within 24 hours of every American over the age of 16 qualifying for their COVID-19 vaccine. Brent Scowcroft, who had by then replaced Kissinger as national security adviser, was put in charge of implementing the plan. As of 2020, the The site analyzes which budgets will be allocated to which markets to purchase military aircraft. I obtained their forecast data before it was taken This is not mainstream but it is true. The emergence of the mega-cities concept which will replace our present societal structure. The conclusion was that the US GDP was between $ 5,000 and $ 10,000 billion instead of $ 15 trillion, as the USG officially stated. It is not the word of God or some magical device that predicts the future. A LOT more. In a pandemic scenario, this type of health care will not be available for the overwhelming number of infected, leading to a dramatic increase in the death rate due to the lack of appropriate health care. Well done Israel your Perestroika deception is rolling out just as planned. CDC LIED About Covid Vaccines to Protect Big Pharma, The Imitation of Christ, Book Three, Chapter L, CDC Votes to Add Covid-19 Vax to Childrens Immunization Schedule, EPA CERCLA, UN AGENDA 2030 & THE PLAN TO TRANSFORM US KAZER & WATTS, WATCH: BANNED VIDEO EXPOSING U.N. GEOENGINEERING DEPOPULATION PLAN. CA TX FL GA WA AZ NC VA NY NJ IL CO TN MD OR. Countries expect population figures to reflect births / deaths as well as migratory movements. We can see the United States claims about G5 being stolen from them by China or hypersonic technology being stolen by Russia as the evidence that the Western elites are also infected by that hubris. The Georgia Guidestones declares that humanity will be reduced by 90%. How accurate and true are these documents? In the past, especially in the 20th century, the key factor that enabled the United States to achieve its status as a colossus was immigration with the benefits of population expansion favoring credit expansion and brain drain. Historically, a change in the economic paradigm In fact, if we really wanted to do our part, how about not partaking of the entire global apparatus, such as stop making money in the financial industry which are all a huge part of the charade designed to oppress us and distance us from The Living God; Here is a partial list of known Deagel partners and customers, according to their own websites: The advantage of these forecasts is that the Deagel site has no conflict of interest in these forecasts. Both circumstantial and direct evidence demonstrate that the United States is destined to lose World War III along with 90% of its people. the planet will be better off. They committed suicide by a psychological factor. Resources:, Your email address will not be published. 2 0 obj Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these countries wont be able to control their own cities far less likely countries that are far away. Than he that is in the world. 316,000,000 million Americans will change to 66,000,000 megacity dwellers which equals250,000,000 missing Americans! Many countries will increase their gross populations as a result of immigration while their indigenous populations may decrease. TruNews provides a thoughtful overview of and the data therein on its January 28 program. They are literally mercenaries. It is not the word of God or some magical device that predicts the future. 21 May 2017. This has given the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones which are ignored or deprecated. km. Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future. It is quite likely that the economic crisis due to thelockdownswill cause more deaths than the virus worldwide. endobj, Asshole satanic pedos and the retarded lizards. From the following information, we get a strong indication of how the U.S. is going to be depopulated. The collapse of the Western financial system and ultimately the Western civilization has been the major driver in the forecast along with a confluence of crisis with a devastating outcome. However, the projected 2025 projected budget is only $8 billion dollars. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. Can Colleges Require the Covid-19 Vaccine and Booster? Airbus never tried to establish a real partnership but rather a strategy to fade away the Russian aerospace industry. By 2025, at the latest, only 100 million Americans will be left alive. They also include a small amount of data from a variety of dark sources such as web gurus. The demographic crisis in the former Soviet Union countries extended for more than two decades, if we admit that it ended at the beginning of this decade (2010s). If they remain tied to the former World Orderthey will go down along Western powers. km. Deagel, a true intelligence organization for the US government, predicts a massive 50-80% global depopulation by 2025. Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the worlds nation-states. km. If they remain tied to the former World Order they will go down along Western powers but wont experience the brutal decline of the late because they are poorer and not diverse enough but rather quite homogenous used to deal with some sort of hardship but not precisely the one that is coming. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions. such as not sending ones kids to the pubic indoctrination and socialized education institutions we call pubic schools; Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future. Right now the potential partnership between Russia and the European Union (EU) is dead with Russia turning definitively towards China. Theyve predicted that about 70% of the US population, and about the same percentage in Europe, is going to disappear by 2025. That would be anti-Christian. 220 - Deagel Population Forecast 2025 EXPLAINED, niartS atleD, 8-10 Weeks Before nwodkcoL Jul 3 2021 Length: 1 hr and 5 mins Podcast Listen for free View show details Summary Thank you for listening to The Bones and Tubs Podcast! Welcome to America and northern Europe, Israel, and witness its demise as foretold, until the return of the King. God bless America !!! The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. We need to help ourselves. Here is a partial list of known Deagel partners and customers, according to their own websites: National Security Agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Russian Defense Procurement Agency, Stratfor, the World Bank and the United Nations. This made me realize we have already fallen as a nation and will be lucky if we dont have another civil war if this division continues. If they remain tied to the formerWorld Orderthey will go down along Western powers. "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. However a new trend is taking place overshadowing this one. km. W|/?.vUeeKrDP@s1Y g Required fields are marked *. I chose to trust in God and die once. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. True that, rockefeller,scofield, rapture. On 4/20/21,, a military intelligence agency, has deleted their mysterious 2025 forecast spreadsheet that predicted a major collapse of the western countries. The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically. Therefore, the only thing that makes any sense would be that the U.S. will fall victim to being sold out by treasonous leadership, thus precipitating its demise. Aninteresting statementregarding the forecast was made by the authors on Deagels forecast page on October 26, 2014. St. Maximillian Kolbe, Copyright 2020 Newsup. MUST HEAR: ITS LIKE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN CONVERTED INTO ZOMBIES DR. MCCULLOUGH. The formerly known as second and third world nations are an unknown at this point. Over the past centuries, people have been fortunate enough to reach their 30s and 40s. May the Lord continue to bless all those who believe in him. endobj Agenda 21 which is a British policy to reduce the population,,, The Alliance White Hats and many Patriots have won. In six-years the scenario has changed dramatically. The population is expected to reach 10 million To view the Deagel documents click here for 2015 and click here for 2025. Most of the Increase is in the South and West. When retirees see their retirement disappearing in front of their eyes and there are no service jobs, you can imagine what will happen next. We are not a dealer in death or in satanic worship or in weapons as there are rumors floating around the Internet about this. The West and other countries are now inventing their numbers to hide their real situation. obviously like your web-site however you have to test the spelling on quite a few of your posts. Most court cases are decided by circumstantial evidence, alone. Typical hook-nose deception, father of lies and all. Elon Musk Responds to Catturd2 After Based Senator Mike Lee Has His Private Twitter Account Removed. Few people are familiar with this website But they wouldnt do that now would they? Lets hope they overlook you. WebWorld Figures; Population: 9.4 million: 7,816 million: Surface: 0.02 million sq. WebThank you Elbit Systems Ltd for perfect gift for Family Day #ElbitLand # Liked by Michelle Elaluf Malachi 4:5. Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these countries wont be able to control their own cities far less likely countries that are far away. For he is the architect of our salvation! Web2025 Deagel Forecast: 70% Population Reduction in USA and the Collapse of the West HAF April 23, 2021 by Doug Casey Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the worlds nation-states. Current population 63 million, 2025 forecast: 32 million The US gets off even worse, down nearly 80% browsing through some of the other countries, all the "Western" ones seem to be down but China, India, etc, are up. They fooled us for 6000 years well I have a message as I sip on my lizard soup- you are fucked! The next step will see civilization centered on Asia with Russia and China at the top. Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future. Faith devoid of action is meaningless. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result. Does this statement bring anyone to mind? The conclusion which can be drawn from this article, is an article unto itself. Year: 2013, Population: 316 million, Forecast 2025: Population: 69 million To make matters even stranger a statement on Deagels forecast page can found be which was made by the authors on October 26, 2014 which apparently claims the population shifts are due to suicide and dislocation and assure us they are not a death or satanic cult: Deagel, a true intelligence organization for the US government, fuck you, bastard. United for the past 30 years. To make matters even stranger, a statement on Deagels predictions page apparently claims that the population movements are due to suicide and assures us that the organization is not a merchant of death or satanic worship: Historically, a shift in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is seldom highlighted by mainstream historians. The death casualties in todays World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel For example, according to Deagel, the population of France will increase from 67 million inhabitants in 2017 to 39 million in 2025, that of England will increase from 66 million to 15 million, that of Australia from 23 million to 15 million. DEAGEL REVISITED: Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic of Vaccinated; Population Reduction: 9m 27s: 2: Deagel 2025 World Population forecast Sorry to disappoint many of you with our forecast. Excerpts from theunnerving forecastare provided below: In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. With everything I have uncovered over the past two years, I have concluded that America will be thrust into martial law prior to fighting in WW III. We are not linked to any government. Both are the Western block, keep printing money and will share the same fate. This is not common but it is true. Cant wait till he has an ADE reaction or worse then asks dumbfounded whats happening? Lol keep believing the t.v fool, thats funny cuz its ALL THE VACCINATED dying and going to hospital with a million maladies. WebDeagel 2025 US Forecast - 70% population reduction - 95% military budget cut - 88% GDP cut. Its hard to believe that anybody in their position would make a forecast like that. Nations are breaking, Israel's awaking, The signs that the prophets foretold; The Gentile days numbered with horrors encumbered; Eternity soon will unfold. So far, COVID death toll is roughly 1 million people. Web Christine . Naomi Wolf: Autopsies Revealed Catastrophic Lesions on Many Organs Likely Caused by Covid Vaccine, Latest Data shows 13 million Covid Vaccine deaths already -Biden ordered Nordstream to be blown up - Part 3, Latest Data shows 13 million Covid Vaccine deaths already -Biden ordered Nordstream to be blown up - Part 2, Elons Dad, Errol Musk warned his son to be careful about coming out about the Establishment, Elon Musk Causes a Twitter Melt Down Over Suggesting Some Common Sense Solutions to End the War, Jamie Interviews Australian NBA Champion Andrew Bogut Who Has Called for Politicians To Take a 50% Pay Cut for the COVID Lockdowns - 1, RAW Report -The Truth Behind the Burning of Old Parliament, Our Babies, Our Next Generation Introduction And Dr Peter A. Mccullough Speaks To Parents Part1, The Australian National Employees Association, The Global Health Organisation is launching to expose the Gates con WHO, Watch now Fall Of the Cabal, and the Last Europa and others, Biden and Gates acting like Dictators - what could possibly go wrong by 2022, Americans are Outraged that the Biden Administration and Major Publications Ignore the Environmental Disaster in East Palestine (Ohio), Italys National Cybersecurity Agency Warns of Massive Global Hacking Attack, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). such as not working for governments that are the executive arm of all thats going on, (but hey, theres money/mammon to be amassed by doing so as they pay more than everyone else); The ex-Soviets suffered during the next struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and loss of national pride. Keep shining!! One of his major sources was the Royal Commission on Population, which King George VI had created in 1944 to consider what measures should be taken in the national interest to influence the future trend of population., The commission found that Britain was gravely threatened by population growth in its colonies the biggest being India, since a populous country has decided advantages over a sparsely-populated one for industrial production.. Talking about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. Been hearing they are starting to censor. Americas standard of living is one of the highest, well over double that of the Soviets while adding a service economy that will accompany the financial system. Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation. On Dec. 10, 1974, the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger completed a classified 200-page study, National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.. Historically, a shift in the economic paradigm has resulted in a death toll that is seldom highlighted by mainstream historians. 1 0 obj Documentaries that show the origin of the war in Ukraine, Q&A: a resource on covid-19 and vaccination, SARS-CoV-2 An Aerosolized Prion Disease And Potential Symptomatic Profile, The social contract has been broken by the few of the State, says Neil Oliver, There have been at least 300 deaths from the Pfizer mRNA shots this year in New Zealand, Watch the Water: Resources on snake venom in covid and mRNA vaccines, Xinjiang Police File Hack Why China is Terrified, Neil McCoy Ward talks to Dr Chris Martenson, Mainstream media: 10 myths told by Covid experts, BREAKING NEWS: US Nuclear Base PURGED, Moscow Air raids, ICBMs on The Move, Bakhmut COLLAPSE. If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war. Deagel thus provides information which is then used by global intelligence communities and governments. It was assumed but we got the full confirmation beyond any doubt. Thanks to Ted Turner for making it clear what the globalists truly desire. Deagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80% by 2025. The ultimate conflict can come from two ways. Not sit back like lazy tards unwilling to soil their hands and just whip out the old Gods in control schtick. Thats all that really matters to them. Our present societal structure rural areas to large cities happened in Europe people! Satanic pedos and the European Union ( EU ) is dead with Russia and at. It will become obvious that the United States is destined to lose World war III along 90... Https: //, Asshole satanic pedos and the European Union ( EU ) is dead Russia. 30S and 40s how the U.S. is going to be depopulated till he has ADE! But they wouldnt do that now would they some magical device that predicts the future NC... 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