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cleopatra and king solomon

April 02, 2023

[334][333][335][note 55] No venomous snake was found with her body, but she did have tiny puncture wounds on her arm that could have been caused by a needle. Cleopatra's features have been altered to resemble Antony's. It was done to show a united front. [2], The inscriptions on the coins are written in Greek, but also in the nominative case of Roman coins rather than the genitive case of Greek coins, in addition to having the letters placed in a circular fashion along the edges of the coin instead of across it horizontally or vertically as was customary for Greek ones. [210][211] In Egypt, Antony continued to enjoy the lavish royal lifestyle he had witnessed aboard Cleopatra's ship docked at Tarsos. [99][100][101], Despite Cleopatra's rejection of him, Ptolemy XIII still retained powerful allies, notably the eunuch Potheinos, his childhood tutor, regent, and administrator of his properties. [94], In 50 BC Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus, proconsul of Syria, sent his two eldest sons to Egypt, most likely to negotiate with the Gabiniani and recruit them as soldiers in the desperate defense of Syria against the Parthians. Ptolemy founded a dynasty, but by the time Cleopatra ascended the throne, the Ptolemies' strength was falling and the Roman Empire . [127][128] Cleopatra initially sent emissaries to Caesar, but upon allegedly hearing that Caesar was inclined to having affairs with royal women, she came to Alexandria to see him personally. [141][144][145] The resulting siege of the palace, with Caesar and Cleopatra trapped together inside, lasted into the following year of 47 BC. [72][74], Gabinius was put on trial in Rome for abusing his authority, for which he was acquitted, but his second trial for accepting bribes led to his exile, from which he was recalled seven years later in 48 BC by Caesar. [105] After returning to Italy from the wars in Gaul and crossing the Rubicon in January of 49 BC, Caesar had forced Pompey and his supporters to flee to Greece. [245], In 36 BC, Cleopatra accompanied Antony to the Euphrates in his journey toward invading the Parthian Empire. David ordained that his son Solomon become the next king. 9. [278][281][282], Antony and Cleopatra traveled together to Ephesus in 32 BC, where she provided him with 200 of the 800 naval ships he was able to acquire. [94][96][98] She had probably married him,[77] but there is no record of this. The king put them in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon. [279] Before Antony and Octavian's joint imperium expired on 31 December 33 BC, Antony declared Caesarion as the true heir of Caesar in an attempt to undermine Octavian. [2] Surviving works include statues, busts, reliefs, and minted coins,[2][375] as well as ancient carved cameos,[401] such as one depicting Cleopatra and Antony in Hellenistic style, now in the Altes Museum, Berlin. [355][356][357] Apparent financial troubles led Cleopatra to debase her coinage, which included silver and bronze currencies but no gold coins like those of some of her distant Ptolemaic predecessors. [58][59][62][note 19] Ptolemy XII spent nearly a year there on the outskirts of Rome, ostensibly accompanied by his daughter Cleopatra, then about 11. [195][199], By the end of 42 BC, Octavian had gained control over much of the western half of the Roman Republic and Antony the eastern half, with Lepidus largely marginalized. [24][25][26] When Ptolemy IX Lathyros died in late 81 BC, he was succeeded by his daughter Berenice III. [385] The Augustan-period authors Virgil, Horace, Propertius, and Ovid perpetuated the negative views of Cleopatra approved by the ruling Roman regime,[385][388] although Virgil established the idea of Cleopatra as a figure of romance and epic melodrama. While her father is in hiding after attempts on his life, twelve-year-old Cleopatra records in her diary how she fears for her own safety and hopes to survive to become Queen of Egypt some day. [412] Coins dated to the period of her marriage to Antony, which also bear his image, portray the queen as having a very similar aquiline nose and prominent chin as that of her husband. [409][410] She also dressed as Aphrodite when meeting Antony at Tarsos. [55][56][57], In 58 BC the Romans annexed Cyprus and on accusations of piracy drove Ptolemy of Cyprus, Ptolemy XII's brother, to commit suicide instead of enduring exile to Paphos. But Caesar himself seems to have believe it. [123][126][125][note 32], Ptolemy XIII arrived at Alexandria at the head of his army, in clear defiance of Caesar's demand that he disband and leave his army before his arrival. A fragment of a Ptolemaic relief believed to show Queen Cleopatra. valued at 3,490,200 dollars? [376] Despite not being a biography of Cleopatra, the Life of Antonius written by Plutarch in the 1st century AD provides the most thorough surviving account of Cleopatra's life. [484][19][485] Atius of Amida attributed a recipe for perfumed soap to Cleopatra, while Paul of Aegina preserved alleged instructions of hers for dyeing and curling hair. He married Cleopatra (?). [484], Cleopatra belonged to the Macedonian Greek dynasty of the Ptolemies,[8][487][488][note 76] their European origins tracing back to northern Greece. [3][421] After her visit to Rome in 4644 BC it became fashionable for Roman women to adopt it as one of their hairstyles, but it was abandoned for a more modest, austere look during the conservative rule of Augustus. Her reign is also one of the most interesting in ancient Egypt because of her astonishing rise to power and the great things she achieved for her people. 4. [344][345][note 7] In January of 27 BC Octavian was renamed Augustus ("the revered") and amassed constitutional powers that established him as the first Roman emperor, inaugurating the Principate era of the Roman Empire. More important than her love life was her educational pursuits. [5][90][91][note 26] Cleopatra faced several pressing issues and emergencies shortly after taking the throne. First, we will discover the youth of Cleopatra. 10 Facts on the Queen Who Would Be King. And that is probably because she claimed Caesarion was Julius Caesar's child. [235], Antony summoned Cleopatra to Antioch to discuss pressing issues, such as Herod's kingdom and financial support for his Parthian campaign. [107][109] Losing the fight against her brother, Cleopatra was then forced to flee Alexandria and withdraw to the region of Thebes. - Marian Vermeulen . [461] Early prints depicting Cleopatra include designs by the Renaissance artists Raphael and Michelangelo, as well as 15th-century woodcuts in illustrated editions of Boccaccio's works. [467] Fictional novels such as H. Rider Haggard's Cleopatra (1889) and Thophile Gautier's One of Cleopatra's Nights (1838) depicted the queen as a sensual and mystic Easterner, while the Egyptologist Georg Ebers's Cleopatra (1894) was more grounded in historical accuracy. Cleopatra VII is not only a famous person in history, she is also the icon of a rich and powerful culture. As God had granted Solomon the gift of wisdom ( 1 Kings 3:5-12 ), "nothing was too hard for the king to explain to her" ( 1 Kings 10:3 ). 2. God also gave Solomon peace on all fronts during most of his reign (1 Kings 4:20-25). [258][259] When this was declined, Antony marched his army into Armenia, defeated their forces and captured the king and Armenian royal family. [496][497][499][note 80] It is generally believed that the Ptolemies did not intermarry with native Egyptians. BROKEN RAIL Beautiful Chaos CD USA Cleopatra 2020 10 Track. Cleopatra (known as Cleopatra VII) was one of the most prominent Queens in antiquity, known for her . Their daughter, Cleopatra Selene, became an important ruler in her own right. Cleopatra Selene, which meant the moon, was . [370][371] Ptolemy of Mauretania was the last known monarch of the Ptolemaic dynasty, although Queen Zenobia, of the short-lived Palmyrene Empire during the Crisis of the Third Century, would claim descent from Cleopatra. [433][note 71] Her ivory-white skin, round face, long aquiline nose, and large round eyes were features common in both Roman and Ptolemaic depictions of deities. Sadly the leaders of the world today are Not chosen for their Compassion for this Planet, Humanity, or Spiritual Awareness. [146][126][147][note 37], Sometime between January and March of 47 BC, Caesar's reinforcements arrived, including those led by Mithridates of Pergamon and Antipater the Idumaean. [233] However, Cleopatra's position in Egypt was secure. [457][392] The Renaissance humanist Bernardino Cacciante[it], in his 1504 Libretto apologetico delle donne, was the first Italian to defend the reputation of Cleopatra and criticize the perceived moralizing and misogyny in Boccaccio's works. [451], A granite Egyptian bust of Cleopatra from the Royal Ontario Museum, mid-1st century BC, A marble statue of Cleopatra with her cartouche inscribed on the upper right arm and wearing a diadem with a triple uraeus, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art[452], Possible sculpted head of Cleopatra VII wearing an Egyptian-style vulture headdress, discovered in Rome, either Roman or Hellenistic Egyptian art, Parian marble, 1st century BC, from the Capitoline Museums[428][429], In modern times Cleopatra has become an icon of popular culture,[375] a reputation shaped by theatrical representations dating back to the Renaissance as well as paintings and films. [283][284] Cleopatra refused Antony's requests that she return to Egypt, judging that by blocking Octavian in Greece she could more easily defend Egypt. [224][211] Although the agreement struck at Brundisium solidified Antony's control of the Roman Republic's territories east of the Ionian Sea, it also stipulated that he concede Italia, Hispania, and Gaul, and marry Octavian's sister Octavia the Younger, a potential rival for Cleopatra. [455] The 14th-century English poet Geoffrey Chaucer, in The Legend of Good Women, contextualized Cleopatra for the Christian world of the Middle Ages. [278][263] A subscript in a different handwriting at the bottom of the papyrus reads "make it happen"[278][263] or "so be it"[264] (Ancient Greek: , romanized:ginsthi);[note 53] this is likely the autograph of the queen, as it was Ptolemaic practice to countersign documents to avoid forgery. [447][448] Augustus had his name inscribed there following the death of Cleopatra. [234] With two legions granted by Octavian and a thousand soldiers lent by Octavia, Antony traveled to Antioch, where he made preparations for war against the Parthians. [394] For instance, the historian Ronald Syme asserted that she was of little importance to Caesar and that the propaganda of Octavian magnified her importance to an excessive degree. [23], Roman interventionism in Egypt predated the reign of Cleopatra. [496][497] Her mother Laodice III was a daughter born to King Mithridates II of Pontus, a Persian of the Mithridatic dynasty, and his wife Laodice who had a mixed Greek-Persian heritage. Caesarion embodied his mother's alliance with Rome, but assassination and war would bring about his death at age 17, ending . [365][238] Cleopatra Selene II imported many important scholars, artists, and advisers from her mother's royal court in Alexandria to serve her in Caesarea, now permeated in Hellenistic Greek culture. After losing the 48 BC Battle of Pharsalus in Greece against his rival Julius Caesar (a Roman dictator and consul) in Caesar's Civil War, the Roman statesman Pompey fled to Egypt. [380] Plutarch's work included both the Augustan view of Cleopatrawhich became canonical for his periodas well as sources outside of this tradition, such as eyewitness reports. Cleopatra to Christ (The King Jesus Trilogy Book 1) - Kindle edition by Ellis, Ralph. [115][117][118][note 29] Given his close relationship with the Ptolemies, Pompey ultimately decided that Egypt would be his place of refuge, where he could replenish his forces. For a thorough explanation about the foundation of Alexandria by Alexander the Great and its largely, For the list of languages spoken by Cleopatra as mentioned by the ancient historian, For further information and validation see, Due to discrepancies in academic works, in which some consider, For further information and validation, see, For political background information on the Roman annexation of Cyprus, a move pushed for in the, For further information on Roman financier Rabirius, as well as the Gabiniani left in Egypt by Gabinius, see, For further information about Publius Ventidius Bassus and his victory over. [99][100][101] A long-held royal Egyptian practice, it was loathed by contemporary Greeks. [2] Diana Kleiner argues that Cleopatra, in one of her coins minted with the dual image of her husband Antony, made herself more masculine-looking than other portraits and more like an acceptable Roman client queen than a Hellenistic ruler. Some of Solomon's most famous achievements were his building projects, particularly the temple in Jerusalem. marriage 4 times, had 9 children, 3 from Cleopatra born-January 14, 83BC died-August 1, 30BC love social life, parties, beautiful women, drinking bouts and fraternalized with the Army a loyal friend Did you KNOW ? King Solomon was the son of David and the third king of Israel. Born: Early 69 BCE. [158][148], Caesar is alleged to have joined Cleopatra for a cruise of the Nile and sightseeing of Egyptian monuments,[126][159][160] although this may be a romantic tale reflecting later well-to-do Roman proclivities and not a real historical event. [138][135][139][note 34], Judging that this agreement favored Cleopatra over Ptolemy XIII and that the latter's army of 20,000, including the Gabiniani, could most likely defeat Caesar's army of 4,000 unsupported troops, Potheinos decided to have Achillas lead their forces to Alexandria to attack both Caesar and Cleopatra. [295][296][297] Burstein writes that partisan Roman writers would later accuse Cleopatra of cowardly deserting Antony, but their original intention of keeping their sails on board may have been to break the blockade and salvage as much of their fleet as possible. After Mark Antony controlled the eastern half of the Roman Empire, he summoned Cleopatra to see her. [174][169][175][note 43] As with their father Ptolemy XII, Caesar awarded both Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIV the legal status of "friend and ally of the Roman people" (Latin: socius et amicus populi Romani), in effect client rulers loyal to Rome. [102][104] Cleopatra seems to have attempted a short-lived alliance with her brother Ptolemy XIV, but by the autumn of 50 BC Ptolemy XIII had the upper hand in their conflict and began signing documents with his name before that of his sister, followed by the establishment of his first regnal date in 49 BC. [134][135][136] Caesar then brought Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII before the assembly of Alexandria, where Caesar revealed the written will of Ptolemy XIIpreviously possessed by Pompeynaming Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII as his joint heirs. Minted in Antioch, Syria, 36 BC. 16 King Solomon made two hundred large shields of hammered gold; six hundred shekels[ f] of gold went into each shield. [127][129][128] Historian Cassius Dio records that she did so without informing her brother, dressed in an attractive manner, and charmed Caesar with her wit. [58][59][57][note 18] Ptolemy XII remained publicly silent on the death of his brother, a decision which, along with ceding traditional Ptolemaic territory to the Romans, damaged his credibility among subjects already enraged by his economic policies. [332][335][331], Cleopatra decided in her last moments to send Caesarion away to Upper Egypt, perhaps with plans to flee to Kushite Nubia, Ethiopia, or India. Rome, the latest superpower, was rapidly extending a foothold across the known world under three formidable generals: Julius Caesar, Gnaeus . [68][71] As a young cavalry officer, Mark Antony was under Gabinius's command. From their strange cultures where women have. [179], Cleopatra's presence in Rome most likely had an effect on the events at the Lupercalia festival a month before Caesar's assassination. [346], Following the tradition of Macedonian rulers, Cleopatra ruled Egypt and other territories such as Cyprus as an absolute monarch, serving as the sole lawgiver of her kingdom. After the assassination of Caesar and (on her orders) Ptolemy XIV in 44 BC, she named Caesarion co-ruler as Ptolemy XV. . [298] She was afraid that news about the outcome of the battle of Actium would lead to a rebellion. [211], Mark Antony's Parthian campaign in the east was disrupted by the events of the Perusine War (4140 BC), initiated by his ambitious wife Fulvia against Octavian in the hopes of making her husband the undisputed leader of Rome. As their empire was falling to the Roman Emperor Octavian, the couple resolved to kill themselves. [243][229] To the west Cleopatra was handed Cyrene along the Libyan coast, as well as Itanos and Olous in Roman Crete. [249][236], Antony's Parthian campaign in 36 BC turned into a complete debacle for a number of reasons, in particular the betrayal of Artavasdes II of Armenia, who defected to the Parthian side. No direct matches for your keyword(s) were found in King James Bible text, however, please consider one of the following actions: 1. [462], In the performing arts, the death of Elizabeth I of England in 1603, and the German publication in 1606 of alleged letters of Cleopatra, inspired Samuel Daniel to alter and republish his 1594 play Cleopatra in 1607. From Cleopatra to Pocahontas, foreign queens are viewed as both objects of beauty and sources of secret wisdom with a heavy dose of orientalism. [406][431] The commission of the painting most likely coincides with the erection of the Temple of Venus Genetrix in the Forum of Caesar in September 46 BC, where Caesar had a gilded statue erected depicting Cleopatra. [293] Antony and Cleopatra lost several skirmishes against Octavian around Actium during the summer of 31 BC, while defections to Octavian's camp continued, including Antony's long-time companion Dellius[293] and the allied kings Amyntas of Galatia and Deiotaros of Paphlagonia. Brand new. He distinguished himself by preventing Ptolemy XII from massacring the inhabitants of Pelousion, and for rescuing the body of Archelaos, the husband of Berenice IV, after he was killed in battle, ensuring him a proper royal burial. [409][note 64] Cleopatra was also the first foreign queen to have her image appear on Roman currency. [464] Cleopatra was also featured in operas, such as George Frideric Handel's 1724 Giulio Cesare in Egitto, which portrayed the love affair of Caesar and Cleopatra;[465] Domenico Cimarosa wrote Cleopatra on a similar subject in 1789. [366] She also named her son Ptolemy of Mauretania, in honor of their Ptolemaic dynastic heritage. [1][383][384] Plutarch, in his Life of Antonius, claimed that the public statues of Antony were torn down by Augustus, but those of Cleopatra were preserved following her death thanks to her friend Archibius paying the emperor 2,000 talents to dissuade him from destroying hers. The Queen of Sheba's visit to the court of King Solomon is described in a short and arguably uneventful biblical tale. 2019 26 Nov. King Solomon: the wisest man to ever live, builder of the temple, beautiful poet and national leader--he was a man who seemed to have it all. [415] It is likely, due to political expediency, that Antony's visage was made to conform not only to hers but also to those of her Macedonian Greek ancestors who founded the Ptolemaic dynasty, to familiarize himself to her subjects as a legitimate member of the royal house. [283][269] Octavian highlighted parts of the will, such as Caesarion being named heir to Caesar, that the Donations of Alexandria were legal, that Antony should be buried alongside Cleopatra in Egypt instead of Rome, and that Alexandria would be made the new capital of the Roman Republic. [195][197] While Serapion, Cleopatra's governor of Cyprus, defected to Cassius and provided him with ships, Cleopatra took her own fleet to Greece to personally assist Octavian and Antony, but her ships were heavily damaged in a Mediterranean storm and she arrived too late to aid in the fighting. She was the last of the Ptolemy dynasty to rule Egypt. [445] Dated to the mid-1st century BC, it is perhaps the earliest depiction of Cleopatra as both a goddess and ruling pharaoh of Egypt. [289][284] Antony wanted to cross the Adriatic Sea and blockade Octavian at either Tarentum or Brundisium,[290] but Cleopatra, concerned primarily with defending Egypt, overrode the decision to attack Italy directly. [283][284] Publius Canidius Crassus made the counterargument that Cleopatra was funding the war effort and was a competent monarch. [377][378][379] Plutarch lived a century after Cleopatra but relied on primary sources, such as Philotas of Amphissa, who had access to the Ptolemaic royal palace, Cleopatra's personal physician named Olympos, and Quintus Dellius, a close confidant of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. 60-day returns. [239][217][note 48], In this arrangement Cleopatra gained significant former Ptolemaic territories in the Levant, including nearly all of Phoenicia (Lebanon) minus Tyre and Sidon, which remained in Roman hands. He most likely looked Middle Eastern, and as a matter of fact many ancient traditions hold that he and his father (David), were red haired. Will post to United States. [247] Octavian, fostering the narrative that Antony was neglecting his virtuous Roman wife Octavia, granted both her and Livia, his own wife, extraordinary privileges of sacrosanctity. [83][84][80][note 23] Despite these problems, Ptolemy XII created a will designating Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII as his joint heirs, oversaw major construction projects such as the Temple of Edfu and a temple at Dendera, and stabilized the economy. In many works of fiction she is described as a voluptuous beauty who loses herself in love and treats her kingdom as her personal property, but the truth is the exact opposite. [38][39][40][note 15] Cleopatra Tryphaena disappears from official records a few months after the birth of Cleopatra in 69 BC. [294] Antony had ordered that their ships should have sails on board for a better chance to pursue or flee from the enemy, which Cleopatra, ever concerned about defending Egypt, used to swiftly move through the area of major combat in a strategic withdrawal to the Peloponnese. 1 Kings 3:1 states that Solomon brought Pharaoh's daughter "into the city of David, until he had completed building his own house, and the house of the Lord, and the wall of Jerusalem round about." Once the building was completed, she was moved out of the city, as were his other wives. [397][16][398][note 63], Cleopatra was depicted in various ancient works of art, in the Egyptian as well as Hellenistic-Greek and Roman styles. Try again. Death: 652 B.C. [48][49] In it she wears a royal diadem, red or reddish-brown hair pulled back into a bun,[note 74] pearl-studded hairpins,[441] and earrings with ball-shaped pendants, the white skin of her face and neck set against a stark black background. According to Jewish works such as the Seder Olam Rabbah . See details. [469] Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra was considered canonical by the Victorian era. The relationships between Cleopatra VII, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony were love affairs, and power struggles, that would change the course of Egyptian and Roman history, forever. Rome would often confer citizenship upon allied kings. [502][note 85] Ernle Bradford writes that Cleopatra challenged Rome not as an Egyptian woman "but as a civilized Greek. Arsinoe IV was forcefully paraded in Caesar's triumph in Rome before being exiled to the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. [501][note 83] Duane W. Roller speculates that Cleopatra could have been the daughter of a theoretical half-Macedonian-Greek, half-Egyptian woman from Memphis in northern Egypt belonging to a family of priests dedicated to Ptah (a hypothesis not generally accepted in scholarship),[note 84] but contends that whatever Cleopatra's ancestry, she valued her Greek Ptolemaic heritage the most. [314][315] However, on 1 August 30 BC, Antony's naval fleet surrendered to Octavian, followed by Antony's cavalry. Legends tell that ing Solomon's flying carpet had the ability to carry as many as 40,000 men whilst in flight. [363][238] The fates of Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphus are unknown after this point. Pompey had been a political ally of Ptolemy XII, but Ptolemy XIII, at the urging of his court eunuchs, had Pompey ambushed and killed before Caesar arrived and occupied Alexandria. Cleopatra's designs on the Holy Land included Ashkelon, Jericho, Ein Gedi and Masada . [161] The historian Suetonius provided considerable details about the voyage, including use of Thalamegos, the pleasure barge constructed by Ptolemy IV, which during his reign measured 90 metres (300ft) in length and 24 metres (80ft) in height and was complete with dining rooms, state rooms, holy shrines, and promenades along its two decks, resembling a floating villa. [123][124][125][note 31] Caesar expressed grief and outrage over the killing of Pompey and called on both Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra to disband their forces and reconcile with each other. Born in 848 BCE, Solomon dies at age 52 in 796 BCE, ruling as king for 40 years -- the best years in all of Israel's history -- 40 years of peace and prosperity. First, we will discover the youth of Cleopatra: Julius Caesar #! See her Ptolemy XV [ 409 ] [ 71 ] as a young officer. That Cleopatra was funding the war effort and was a competent monarch son of david and the third of... 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