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imagery in psalm 40

März 09, 2023

It would be of little advantage to us who should think on us, if he did not. The first is between the theocratic king as an individual and the community of the theocratic people. Of David. For on the execution of that design depended the salvation of a lost race. The offerings and sacrifices in the temple and in the tabernacle, were but a shadow of the one true Sacrifice: Jesus Christ our Lord. January 2022 Prayer Request Spirit. So that I am not able to look up: This is not the exact idea of the Hebrew word. Specifically, David showedhow God blesses those who serve him faithfully. It means they probably would not seek repentance, because they knew at this point, what a terrible thing they had done. I have preached righteousness: This word for good news in Hebrew (compare the root in Isa. The Church follows the example set, when she says O God, make speed to save us.. December 2020 Verses 6-8: The author of Hebrews dramatically applies these verses to the Greater David (10:5-7). In verse 3, David expresses his hope that because of his testimony of waiting on the Lord, others will also come to trust in Him. Psalm 40 is primarily a psalm of thanksgiving, although it does include petition toward the end as well. They have peace in their own souls now, and shall enjoy eternal happiness with him hereafter. Many of them, moreover, are secret, and escape our notice. This pictures obedience and dedication. You do not have to be an ordained minister to preach the gospel. The new persons God created (II Cor. Imagery includes using personification, similes, metaphors, and language that appeals to the senses. I suppose that this is designed to represent his afflicted and humble condition as a man of poverty and sorrow. We must not build upon shifting sand, but on the solid Rock who is our Lord. 15:22), Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Applied to Jesus, that obedience was unto the cross (see Isa. When we build upon Him, we shall not be moved. Synecdoche. Or when it seemed as if his prayers would not be answered. , . Rather, it is evident from the second half of the psalm (40:11-17) that he is in another pit, crying out to the Lord to deliver him from this one. We have previously noticed in these psalms of David that we must draw near to God for God to draw near to us. All rights reserved. As the language of the Messiah, it was in every way an appropriate prayer that the purposes of those who would defeat his design in coming into the world might be foiled. Our first point of interest in the quotation is that the writer of Hebrews states the quotation as Christ speaking these words, not David. And in the recollection that God had kept him in those sorrows, and had brought him up from such a depth of woe to such a height of glory. Q. Arizona mud is especially sticky and slippery. By utilizing effective descriptive language and figures of speech, writers appeal to a readers senses of sight, taste, smell, touch, and sound, as well as internal emotion and feelings. Then, David hammers this theme throughout this psalm. 40:2 "rock" See note at Psalm 18:1-3. . Of their shame. Of their shameful act or purpose; their act as deserving of disgrace. Furthermore, the last 5 verses of Psalm 40 are nearly identical to Psalm 70. This can be used to give context to the events of your story, to immerse your reader in an unfamiliar setting, to communicate mood and tone for a particular scene, or to create an emotional response in your reader. Clearly this was one of the reasons why David was a man after Gods own heart. The movie was full of biblical imagery. As used here, it refers to their purposes, and the wish or prayer is that they might be wholly unsuccessful. In verse 3 he says, He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord. In verse 4, David testifies to the blessing that is on the man who makes the Lord his trust. Fellowship He acknowledges his many sins, which have overtaken him like a fog, so that he cant see his way clear (40:12). Crucial associations surface throughout this psalm. The idea is, that his prayer was not answered at once, but that it was answered after he had made repeated prayers. Church (1-5) Christ's work of redemption. That is, in this case, the desolation prayed for would be a proper recompence for their purpose, or for what they said. He waters the earth, providing crops for our food. 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Let us never take for granted the salvation we have in the Lord. He offered Himself and fulfilled all offerings and sacrifices. They dwarf our own sun, making it look like a speck of dust by comparison! Your comment will be posted after it is approved. Asas final days were plagued with painful gout. The psalmist so fully expresses his commitment to the Lord that the words become prophetic of the same commitment of the Messiah (Heb. Each of us must call to the Lord for help us out of our mess. The nations sought to storm the city but Yahweh scattered them in His wrath. The idea is that they were innumerable, the hairs of the head, or the sands on the seashore; being employed in the Scriptures to denote what cannot be numbered (see Psalm 69:4; compare Gen. 22:17; 32:12; Joshua 11:4; 2 Sam. Jesus in this, had revealed the secret of the offerings and sacrifices and has made us able to hear and understand. This private commitment of the psalmist was also revealed publicly (verses 9-10). We will be able to sing the new song of victory when God lifts us up. We underestimate the impact that God can make in our lives. If It Is During The Millennium How Will There Not Be Pain And Tears When The Devil Is Released To Deceive The Nations? We have the tendency to think God cannot make these radical changes in our lives. He is the hub, that all must revolve around. Psalm 40:4-6 is a celebration of Gods character. The Book of Psalms is part of the third section of 18:15; nor 17:18; nor Exodus 21:6; but rather Gen. 3:15). What a wonderful Savior is Jesus our Lord. That he should die at the time which had been proclaimed by the prophets, and in such a mode as to make an atonement for sin. imagery in psalm 40 Figures of Speech in Psalms | Sermon Preparation Tips In Is.40:11 he pictures the Shepherd's protection by pointing out his care for the most helpless of the flock. (Verse 3 above), leaves no doubt what this song is about. You can tell from the two ahas, that they felt that through their wit they have destroyed Him. How is imagery used in writing? But David is telling us it happened to him and it can happen to us. In verse 5, he extols God for His many wonders and His thoughts towards us. Go to the Previous Section | Go to Next Section, Other Books of the Bible (This takes you to our new 66 books of the bible menu). Then, the recompence, reward, wages, as being the end, the result, or issue of a certain course of conduct. We will look at where these metaphors come from, how they have shaped biblical poetry, and what they reveal about God himself. Our faith in God will move mountains. What kind of a song is verse 3 speaking of? Love If the Lord does not deliver us, there is no hope. Psalm 40 continues to describe the despair David feels as the result of his own sins. Verse 5 concludes, they would be too many to declare.. Verse 5 says, The things you planned for us no one can recount to you (NIV). Rejoice and be glad in thee: As their covenant God, the Father of their mercies, the God of all comfort and salvation. I wonder how they felt when it became dark in the middle of the day, and the earth begain to shake? If you have not yet cried out to God to save you from judgment and eternal punishment for your sins, then you are in a deep pit with no human way out. Who pardons their sins, clothes them with the robes of righteousness and garments of salvation, and accepts their persons in Christ. Aha, aha: The exclamation of malicious pleasure at anothers misfortune (compare Psalms 35:21; 35:25). Why does God make His choice servants wait, especially when they could accomplish so much if they were free? And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all (Hebrews 10:8-10). He preserves us from many catastrophes that we dont even know about. Psalm 40 New International Version Psalm 40[ a] For the director of music. It implies the certainty that they would thus be ashamed and confounded. He had said before, they have ears to hear and cannot hear. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! Psalm 40:11 Withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O LORD: let thy lovingkindness and thy truth continually preserve me.. Let them be driven backward, and put to shame, that wish me evil: Turned backward, as they are who are unsuccessful, or are defeated (compare John 18:6). Hands and heart represent the whole of ones life. As always, he had enemies who wanted him dead so they could rule. Is it any wonder that the Lord declares David to be a man after his own heart? If we have set our heart to desire to be like God, it is a devastating thing to continue to fail. In our day, we would call this a last will and testament. Therefore, when the passage says, I have come to do your will he is not speaking in terms of coming to do what God says, though Christ certainly did what God said. Keeping this in mind can certainly help us get through the times when we are in the slimy pit. 40:1), I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. Waiting on the Lord is a common theme in Scripture. The imagery indicates that the Lord rescued David from his enemies and provided security for him. From 1977-1992 he was the pastor of Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. Our psalm gives us at least seven clues: The Hebrew of verse 1 is an intensified form of the verb, literally, Waiting, I waited. The New English Bible translates it, I waited, waited for the Lord. Its not a passive, ho-hum kind of waiting, like you do at the doctors office when you thumb through a bunch of magazines to pass the time. The worst part of all was the fact that the Father turned away from Him when He had the sin of the world on His body. He especially takes note when you are trying to get others into the kingdom of God. He saved them time and again from powerful foes that threatened to destroy them. Thus, David said earlier in this psalm, Sacrifices and offerings you did not desireburnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require.. Holy Week If Christ liveth in me, the _____ of _____ is in my heart. He sent His Son to offer Himself obediently on the cross on our behalf (as Ps. Look at all these nice, available non-Christians who could meet your needs! Keep obeying Gods Word as you wait. When we failed through sin, He became our ___________. I would spend the rest of my life naming them. It is continued supplication and hope when there seemed to be no answer to prayer, and no prospect that it would be answered. Or the salvation of him, his deliverance from the grave, resurrection from the dead, and exaltation. Let us never be like the Jews we read about in the days of Jesus who assumed that they had done something special that God took notice of them over others. Psalm 40:7 Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book [it is] written of me,. And become the Israel of God, are alike indebted to him for the wonderful strains in which he has shown forth and magnified these qualities of the Almighty. If youre going to persevere with Christ, you must know in advance that you will face times when you are in the pit, and you must know what to do when youre there. However, I believe the quotation from the writer of Hebrews has opened our eyes to what David needs. Verses 3-4: Trust in the Lord the Lord his trust: The verb and the noun forms of this important Hebrew root connote a faith of confident commitment, here in the right object, God alone (compare the teaching of Jer. He preserved them in the wilderness. In the first half (40:1-10), David tells how God got him out of one pit and he sings Gods praise for doing so. Mine ears hast thou opened: Literally ears or two ears You have dug for me. Why is pragmatism (if it works, it must be okay) dangerous? They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails within me. David needs forgiveness for all his sins. Perhaps of greater interest is this section of scripture is quoted by the writer of Hebrews in Hebrews 10:5-10 and applied to Jesus. Notice, the statement (mine ears hast thou opened). 1. There, the author quotes the LXX, which translates the second line of verse 6, a body You have prepared for Me. This was apparently an interpretive paraphrase, where they used a part (the ear) and expanded it to the whole body (F. F. Bruce, Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews [Eerdmans], p. 232). If youre seeking the Lord and not just deliverance from your pit, you wont forget about God after He delivers you. We can find ourselves caught in the muddiness of sin. As always, David was weighed down with the knowledge of his own sinfulness. Next: Psalm 41, Have Mercy on Me, West Palm Beach church of Christ4236 Haverhill RoadWest Palm Beach, FL 33417, Sunday Services9:30 am / 10:30 am & 6:30 pm. Read the story of King Saul (1 Samuel 15). Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! But he doesnt exactly say what the first pit was, except to describe it as a pit of destruction and the miry clay (40:2). Imagery is a literary device that evokes the five senses to create a mental image. Man leaves me to poverty and sorrow, but he will not. But Paul describes your future this way (2 Thess. Or rather in the book of the law, the five books of Moses, since these were the only books or volumes that were composed at the writing of this psalm. Discipleship 2 He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the Community The NIV Application Commentary offers fantastic background to the meaning of instruments in Psalms. But when youre in a pit, there is a sense of urgency. And it has respect not to (Deut. 10:5-10). Christ took away the first will (covenant) and established a second will (covenant). Beyond this, from the vantage point of New Testament revelation, an association with the Greater David is contained in seed form (in verses 6-8; compare Heb. He had told them fully of Himself and the Father. Further, David understood that he was deserving of the just punishment for his sins. The help we need is not simply one another, because we are in our own slimy pits of sin. As you know, the author of Hebrews applies these verses to Jesus (Heb. Psalm 40 is a song about the pits. When it says that he came to do Gods will, it is speaking about Gods covenant or testament. With a telescope, astronomers know that many of those stars are anything but little. How much more would the Lord rejoice for finding the one sheep that has strayed? What did some say when the earth began to shake and the light turned dark in the middle of the day at the crucifixion? The proud and liars are just about in the same boat. Scripture is layered with images of sheep. The LORD be magnified for ever more. Psalm 40:1-3 have been used by many songwriters over the years as the basis for their own praise because of its imagery of sinking helplessly into a pit of mud.1. This is one of the great blessings we miss in this text. Peace When sacrifice and offering God would not have any longer continued, and when a body was prepared him, then he said. Since He has delivered us, we are to be like telescopes. 3:2; 4:15; 1 Kings 14:4; compare Psalm 6:7). Historical precedent and prayers for a present plight move the psalm along from beginning to end. Dont turn to the world for answers. In verse 4, as weve seen, he mentions how blessed is the man who has made the Lord his trust. Lets dive in. This is especially true in the case of those who do not see their own need for salvation from Gods judgment. 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