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awaiting ae recommendation

März 09, 2023

Thermodynamically possible to hide a Dyson sphere? "Awaiting AE recommendation" before first notification of acceptance or rejection. One pretty significant problem with peer review is that it may be prone to bias from the reviewers Not only are women greatly underrepresented in the peer review process but reviewers are much more likely to have a preference to work done by those that are the same gender as themselves. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The Editorial Production Assistant will carry out quality checks on your article at which point you may need to provide further information before your article is sent for Peer Review. A paper with an overdue AE recommendation is to be deassigned (within one week of MDD, normally in a couple of workdays) unless there is a prior understanding between the AE and editor (or Geophysics staff) for a slight delay. That is probable. Is deemed unsatisfactory by the editor and the EiC then the following actions. Now it is almost a month since the status changed to 'Awaiting EIC Decision. 2002 @jakebeal While you and I may be able to identify the relevant stage in the "canonical" workflow, I don't see how someone who doesn't know what "Awaiting AE recommendation" means can. Awaiting Reviewer Selection //-->

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